Megathread: Ogres as Playable Allied race

Similar to the Flagon of Mead…makes you into a Vrykul. It’s a size that’d work wonderfully for a playable version. It still towers over all other alliance races (Including Kul’tirans) but still isn’t as tall as NPC Vrykul. Ogres of a similar size would work great.


The RTS was not consistent at all with size and only based off of unit value.

Paladins where like 4x as big as peasants and where big as farms.


Exactly, it works pretty fine


Related, I recently used the costume and the drinking horn to make myself an extra large Ogre and I had very few clipping problems.


Clipping problems its just a meme at this point, easy avoidable.

Recently i played zandalari in PTR and they are giants, double the size of a blood elf and undead, and they are not even entire Tauren size(cause they do not go until the Hump) a ogre that size would be no problem at all

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It makes you wonder if they did choose to make ogres the next allied race, if they would go off the Kul Tiras/Rexxar model as the template.

Without his mask, Rexxar almost has a perfect ogre build and look to him. He is half orc so you can see parts of the orc in his face. But with a few small adjustments to get rid of the orcish look, options for a horn, and a choice of one or two eyes… then BAM… Perfect look for an ogre model. I still think the female ogre model should be based off those fat blood troll matrons. They would look perfect as a female ogre with some adjustments.

Would totally love to play as an ogre :smiley:


As Futhark at MMO-C forums posted:

Theory: Kul’Tiran assets made with future Ogres in mind

We’ve seen how most of these Allied Races have played out so far: take existing player races and tweak them. As a developer, it’s just much easier than creating entirely new player models from scratch. So we get Nightborne that look a little too similar to Night Elves even though the NPC assets were already in game. Apparently, it’s just much more feasible to move one player race to another.

Battle for Azeroth is coming, and the focus is on Zandalar and Kul Tiras. Horde and Alliance need to make allies with these new islands. It is confirmed that the Horde will get the Zandalari Trolls for an Allied Race, and for the same of argument, I will assume Kul’Tiras humans will join the Alliance in time.

Why did they make the Kul’Tirans the “fat humans” the message boards are irritated with? Why not use the existing human model and give it some flair, like the Highmountain and Lightforged Allied Races. Why go through all the trouble to make completely new models for an Allied Race of this stature and giant size? I have to conclude that they plan to reuse these models for another Allied Race in the future. And what race do we know of that the players have wished for for over a decade that are essentially “fat humans”?

It makes complete sense that these models were created not only to give the Alliance some body diversity, but with the intention to reuse them for Ogres in the future. Look at these images for an idea of how simple it would be; and perhaps we have a glimpse into future female Ogres as well!


Came up with this racial in another thread. It’s inspired by Hearthstone Ogres.

2 minute CD.
20 second duration.
Your Attacks/Spells/Heals have a 50% chance to hit your target or a nearby target for X% AP/SP.

Also I like the idea of Ogre’s yelling “Smash!” “Arrow Smash!” “Magic Smash!” “Healing Smash!”.

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Daaaang ive been wanting Ogres since vanilla really hope they stop putting in lame races and add ogres already.


Where my Thicc ladies at. I demand Ogre females.


This female dire troll model is based on female kul tiran.
Just like male ogres will be based on kul tiran model, the females would look similar to this:


I, for one, welcome our new Ogre Overlords!




Thats just Ogrekill.

I’ll see myself out.


I’d rather have the Vry’Kul as an Allied Race. Either side, I don’t care, as long as i get to play as one.

They should give Ogres to the Alliance to help resolve the faction imbalance.


Being as the Dreadmaul, Dunemaul, & Stonemaul Clans clans of Ogre’s have been official members of the Horde since Vanilla. I think it’s only right they get added as playable characters. & to be quite frank about it there is zero need for a female model being as this is a fantasy game and no where are there shown to be female Magnaron, Gronn, Ogron, which they evolved from.


I’d expect they’d do a set of giant races for dual release.
Vrykul for Alliance and Ogres for Horde.
Couple that with a release of Mok’nathal and you’ve got both alliance and horde pretty well fleshed out with the original races, the half races, and then the giant races.
Human > Kul’tiran > Vrykul
Orc > Mok’nathal > Ogre


I do agree they should be a horde race. But I also don’t like them or want to be one besides maybe an ogre rogue. Orcs descend from them and they do not have much to offer that orcs can’t.

My feedback for ogres as allied races would be…
Find a good way to make them unique from orcs.
Give them some nice cobtrasting and varied skin tones. Yellow, white, beach sand, boulder brown, red, black, maybe some light blue, azure and purple.
Give them cool tattoos like in WoD raid. I love those tattoos. Again high contrast colors.
Glowing eyes/nails/ bellybutton/ glowin the dark stripes/ contacts idk.
A decent female model that can suggest a similarity to female orcs.
Give access to titan technology and spells native to draenor so the horde has op characters too.
Hair or hair tattoos would be cool.

The ogres are the hordes vrykul. And even tjough I think Vrykul would be a better fit for horde due to there connection with forsaken being much more interesting I think It can work. I admit that I personally feel orcs fulfil the fantasy. Would much rather get a race like Kvaldir though.

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I recall people talking about this as far back as I can remember (I started playing the day after the WoW South Park episode premiered lol). The models are already there, I was honestly surprised when I came back and there were allied races but still no Ogres!