Megathread: Ogres as Playable Allied race

He’s both…that’s why he looks like both.


I know he’s a half-orc half-ogre in lore, but in-game his head (beneath the mask) has ogre features. It may very well be from a new ogre model being worked on behind the scenes.


Rexxar’s old models that he used up until this expansion were modified orc models. Back in Vanilla I’m 90% sure he was just a regular orc model with a unique skin, and his model from TBC up until now all had the orc as a base.

Given they’ve switched over to the KT animations I’m a bit suspicious


Maybe, but I’d think it’s more likely a half-ogre set up making use of the rig made for half-giants =D

I did ask the question in the previous Q&A if Ogres will be playable race, sadly it wasn’t selected to be answered by ION :frowning:


nice found, indeed they look almost exactly like the ogres from Arathi, will be a shame if they didn’t use it for the new ogre model

Their size is ok, their belly is ok

i don’t think they will answer allied race questions like this anymore, sadly, just “we will see”


Throwing my support here (and surprised i never found this thread sooner like how did i miss it?) because A: I like Ogres and they’ve deserved to be a released race for years and i hope the Kul’tirans and female fat Blood Trolls help us with quick work for them and B: That is one of the most well written main posts i have ever seen and im loving it! if i had the time and patience i’d write some like that too but damn xP.


We don’t get to the “front page” often, but its good to see is reaching new people every day.

Thanks, indeed was a ride, i still find some wrong words or pronounces and i edit later


If i had money i’d get you to write one or two for me xP

While I am all for ogres to be playable and it does make sense lore wise for them to be in the horde your argument on the size difference here is rather poor.

Regardless of what it says in the written sources the actual games(especially wow) show ogres to be significantly larger than 6-8ft as the game models dwarf taurens in size. You cant just suddenly shrink the playable version down to be only slightly bigger than a human or even making them equal to a worgen or tauren when the NPC version is shown to be clearly much larger. I would rather blizz just allow the playable ogres to clip through doorways then have what should be a big bruiser race get turned into relative midgets.

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In the Travelers book the Ogre female is 7 foot tall.

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The argument is canon fact, so, is anything but poor

NPCS generally are bigger than the playable characters, npcs in rids by example are even large, like Tirion with Arthas, the ingame size is not canon and will be size the devs want to be, they like to emphasize the big ogres, and thats it.

You actually can, it was done with Taurens, and will be done with zandalari, who playable version are short, prob the same thing will happen with kultirans too

Tauren/zandalari size is already tall enough for a playable character and they would not be midget

The toys who turn you into a ogre are pretty fine


The horde need ogres! They feel like a must have. Their ties and history with the horde run deep. There are plenty of clan choices too.

I have never made a warrior yet… I’ve been waiting for ogres to be playable. I will continue to hold out hope to one day be a huge lumbering ogre warrior who can smash Alliance skulls.


This only applies to specific NPCs, namely bosses or important lore characters and is done for mechanical reasons like making them easier to target in a raid. Regular NPCs have the same model sizes as the playable version. For example a random human NPC in westfall is the same size as a human player.

This also goes beyond wow and also applies to the RTS games where ogre units are depicted as being significantly larger. Even the smallest ogre units in WC3 are at best the same size as a tuaren with the larger versions being much bigger.

The playable zandalari, kultirans, and tauren all have the same sizes as the NPC versions. You would have to redo all the ogre NPC models to shrink them down to size(thus making them midgets when compared to the former model) in order to maintain consistency between the player models and the NPC ones. Otherwise its going to look very weird to have player ogres being half the size of the NPC ones. Hell its already going to be weird just having player ogres being roughly the same size as a tauren when they have always been portrayed in the games as being larger.

She sorta is a poor example because of her Trump derangement syndrome and the fact the last Ghostbusters movie cost Sony over a hundred million dollars in losses.

Also currently 237 posts with 41 being from the OP. Vs the high elf thread with close to 6k.

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not always, its depend of how and what the devs want to be, again, ingame model is not canon, is a visual thing and change as the devs desire

almost all orcs in outland are bigger than the player versions, some grimtotem are bigger than the player tauren etc, this thing happens.

And there is a clan in easter kingdoms of ogres who are tauren size, some ogres in Draenor are also small, its not a big deal.

The rts size is definitely not canon at all, this is not even a valid argument when there are giant troll bosses.

they will be a bit shorter, already tested that, and mind you, they would be EVEN shorter if it was not by the players who ask for then to be taller, i did participate in this movement_, and yet they are still smaller than what the Lore said._

you don’t need to do that, by the rpg books ogres avarage size is 6ft to 25ft, the playable ogre will just be the right size to be playable

whats the matter? if taurens are 10ft tall and ogres 8ft tall average, in lore there is not the slightest problem to put the playable ones in the same size, its the average.

There are big ogres and not so big ogres, with time people will get used to the actual canon size


I am sorry but the RTS games are the original source material that the entire franchise is based on. If depictions in them are to be flat out ignored then what exactly is the canon stuff based off of? When all 3 games consistently depict ogres in a similar fashion then its canon as far as I am concerned. I am not that interested what some written sources that have been retconned a half dozen times over depict.

I am not saying that rts sizes should be taken 100% literally as units are not meant to be to scale but if one race is consistently depicted as being much bigger than another race then that should be taken as the standard. For example a zeppelin and footman comparison is not 100% to scale but the zeppelin is certainly bigger than a footman in WC3 and noone would argue that the zeppelin isnt bigger. By the same reasoning when you take ogres which are depicted as being much larger than other races then cite a source that claims the average ogre is between 6-8 ft and tauren average around 10ft when in both wow and wc3 ogres are demonstrated to be larger than tauren then there is an obvious contradiction here. You can have rational arguments about how much bigger an ogre is in comparison to a tauren because scaling in wc3 particulary can be wonky but the consensus should be that they are in fact bigger on average because regardless of the game they have always been depicted as such. Its just a matter of how much bigger are they and how big can you make playable ogres and make them still be functional.

Size differences aside tho I do approve of the inclusion of ogres as a race option for the horde. I would just rather not see them get gutted design wise like with what happened with the draenei in BC where the playable version in wow resembled nothing of what we originally saw of the race in wc3. And while shrinking ogres down wouldnt be as bad as what happened to the draenei it would diminish the flavor of the race somewhat where they are no longer these hulking brutes that tower over all but the largest of races. At the very least they should be slightly bigger than a worgen and a tauren even if that means they have to clip through certain doorways to enter.

yes and lot of the originl lore is alredy retconed, warcraft 3 ingme size and numbers is not nearly close to the canon

or do you think the horde travel to kalindor with one ship and just like10 orcs?

Everything blizzard said is canon, this include books, recent information from DEVS, blue posts, Q&A, recent lore of a subject over a old one, like in the book chronicles who made some things canon and retconed other

so you just consider the ingame modela as canon and not the actual canon source just because you want? thats not sounds rly fair.

The ingame number/size was never canon until blizzard said so.

The travelers book, who is one of the recent lore source IS canon, and they say the Ogre size, as well what a ogre female look like and other information about other races

but not as canon, like i already said the ogres can be tiny or gigantic, their are a race who showed to have a big difference in size by lore and ingame standards from 6ft to 25ft, if they put then at 10ft like taurens and zandalari would be literally fine.

its because how blizz want to show then, don’t mean they cannot show smaller ogres when they literally exist and there are precedents and lore reasons for that.

I understand the complaint, but you can see this is just a minor inconvenient, we are so accustomed with giant ogres we barely note the small ones and some would probably ber against then in the first place until they get used to it.

and ? what you want to imply


Posting here to show support for ogres to be a playable allied race.


Incase ya’ll didn’t know theres a toy that works in combat and on mounts in game as well, Kovoks Costume it drops off a NPC with the same name in Arathi that shows how a shorter Ogre looks, it could be made bigger but it works.