Megathread: Ogres as Playable Allied race

Only if alliance gets high elves or light skinned void elves.

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Don’t wait for something like this

This seems like a lot of work put into something that will never happen simply because they’d have to enlarge all the doorway coding in the game.

The point is, there will be no “oficia new race” or “full race” anymore, or unlikely to ever be a thing again.

The devs said, the allied race system come to stay and replace the old system, so the new races add will be in the same line, cause they are basically the same thing but more easy and cheap

I Already explained that this is not needed, the doors are not a problem

Taurens and zandalari are larger than the average ogre, standing at 10ft (ogres average is 8ft) An playable ogre with tauren/zandalari size its pretty fine


Yeah, but allied races were added due to the specific desire for sub-races or just different versions of already playable races. Like nightborne-Night elves, Mag’har- regular Orcs, Highmountain-Regular Tauren, Zandalari-Trolls, Kul’tirans-humans, Dark Iron-Dwarves, Lightforged-Draenei, and void elves-Blood elves. But Ogres aren’t an offshoot, Ogres are entirely a race of their own. Even Vulpera, a highly requested allied race from this expansion, while not directly linked in anyway, use the same exact animation rig as goblins, so technically they’d be considered an offshoot of them.

Ogre’s, since vanilla have had their own unique animation rig and even their own dance, which more than half of the allied races do not have. Not to mention, they’d have to build females from scratch since we’ve never had them in-game and since traveler, have been made existent. So suffice to say, they might as well just be a new regular race.

If they were to only add one last regular race to the Horde, it would be impossible to not be Ogres.


Well that can’t be true if they’ve said we’ll possibly see Yrel again.
Changing narrative and all that.
The writers can do whatever they want.

lol, well ogres don’t either, they’re shapeless blobs of goo with no history.
LOL. Again. Your Opinion. Writers can easily flesh things out more. Everyone in game has some form of history, some not as long or fleshed out as others.

Why would their theme be orcish clan if they’re not orcs? I’m sure it has to differ a bit since they are half ogre.

You seem to keep missing the point where this has been shown to not matter.
There are two sources, and three if you include the Ogres in the horde, from which new half-ogres can come.

You have a quote for that? So a people descended from a mage race can’t be mages?
I wouldn’t care if they were mages anyway, they’d work better for classes that use physicality.

No, all of their background was recently made. None of them have any for of big background in Warcraft. Prior to the legion expansion, none of those groups existed. The same background building can be applied to anything.

Then you’re purposefully ignoring what I’m saying.

Then you can do the same thing, you don’t need an Ogre.

But, I am saying that Ogres would be a good addition as well as Half-ogres.
There is no reason that both can’t be done.

I would like to play as a half-ogre. I like the look and the background interests me as well. Rexxar has always been a character that interests me.
I may not want to be a hunter either. A half-ogre warrior would be a nice look.

True, but visuals don’t represent numbers. The game is purposefully made smaller than it would realistically be so it doesn’t take hours to get anywhere. Plus, as stated, writers can change anything.

We already have examples of Allied races just being visual differences with a little background. So it fits.

Then they don’t need to be mages, I couldn’t care either way. I wouldn’t likely play one as a mage anyway, but someone else might want to, so I don’t mind. I’m not going to flat out say No to something someone else wants to play as.

Sure they can be similar, but they’re not orcs. They’re also not ogres.

Void Elves are lower. I’ve also given 3 sources.

Numbers. They need numbers. Why would they not pull from all sources in order to better combat the alliance? You would recruit everyone possible to better outfit your army against the enemy. “easy to get” is subjective. People from a harsh and/or dying world would likely be open to the idea of a more prosperous home.

Then we don’t need ogres either. We have all the bases covered already. What can they do that existing members of the horde can’t?

The leader from WoD is dead. The horde is without honor. Could easily argue there is no longer a debt, but Eitrigg and the champion helped them escape the Lightbound.


Grasp of English is pretty good =]

they would make more sense to pull from. They were much more established compared to the few small groups on Azeroth that we keep slaughtering. :stuck_out_tongue:

The allied race system is how they plan to add additional races from here on out, granted that can change, but I’d imagine they’d use the same system and just change recruitment requirements.

It really depends on the size you go with. Currently I’ve tested the vrykul toy and not found any issues. Ogres could be a comparable size.
The Vrykul toy makes you smaller than NPC Vrkyul but still towering over playable races. This would be a great size for both Ogres and Vrykul playables.
You may run into issues when going through a door on a mount, but that’s already an issue for me and likely tauren.

They’d still likely use the same game system to implement them. That’s what’s being said, but there’s not a reason they couldn’t group them on the main race page and remove recruitment requirements or lessen them. I quit like doing the quests. The rep does suck though.

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Well that’s what i mean. No tedious rep grinds or achievement hunting. We simply get them from the start of the expansion no strings attached.


Works for me, but I wouldn’t mind having to do a questline first for some backstory =D but that could be done within an hour or so.


I’d love playable Ogres if the weapon scaling was the same ratio that Tauren have.

Ogre models in game use …Goblin sized weapons.


That’d definitely need to be fixed.

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+1 for ogres, sanlayn, queldorei and dryads :hugs:


But they didn’t fix on this alone, thy already said anything can be allied race, thats why they use this term instead of “sub-race”

ogres animations are boomkin animation… and most of the races now use the same animation.

Like i said before, “new regular race” will not exist anymore, simple as that, they use the allied race system AKA not a starting zone.

in the future, the lighforge can do that, not us, and like i said, every clan who didn’t side with the maghar died

opinion =/= factual lore

they can hardly retcon stuff and do a lame story to make things work, instead of do the the easy thing, alright

because its their current theme, a orchish clan with half-breeds, everything they do, what they think, its an orc thing.

but there is none, thats why i am against then

And its already explained why matter, population matter, its one of the various factors

only if they starting make up nonsenses, not even void elf is a** pull so big

exactly they can’t becaue they enver learn, go to the moknathal vilalge, no mage, jsut warriors and hunters.

more to destroy the ogre fantasy, a race with no appeal cause will just be a worse orc

the lore created in LEgion was big and had links with the past like with the highmountain tauren separated from other taurens, a totally plausible excuse, who is not a nonsense

“they look nice they would be playable” is not a good argument, cause every race can be put in this spot even the 4 legged races, we need to put things in the balance, and im yet to see a single good argument for then instead of normal ogres

Nop, cause moknathal can’t be the magic races, and they do not have the ogres characteristics

you can take off the ogre horn and use 2 eyes to pretend be a moknathal, you CAN’T put a horn in a moknathal and use one eye to pretend be an ogre

half ogres are as good as murlocs

there is, 1) time 2) money 3) development

Only one of then will be added, with one, they will not do the other because it would be redundant.

other half-ogres are totally bland and uninteresting, the only thing they have is “im a half ogre and live in this crap village” whenyou compare to the might of the gorian empire and the years of lore with the stonemaul clan

the village not a town or city, is tagged as nearly defunct, this already set in stone their future, they cannot pull off from a nearly defunct village enough numbers, they should not do a nonsense retcon like that when they can go for the easy route

no it don’t, it toally don’t fit, did they pot 2 orc subraces? no, just one they put all of the colors in one subrace, to not be redundant

Yeah we totally don’t need waste an allied race to moknathal, not in like 5 years.

act like an orc, scream like a orc, its already a no no

nop, crack squad >> defunct village who is not even made entire of half-breeds

Peon0254:Hey warchief, why we didn’t bring those OGRES to our horde, cause the stonemaul clan is HUGE, they are incredible numerous, they would be a great addition to the war

Warchief: No peon 0254 we need numbers, so, instead of the huge and numerous stonemaul clan we will recruit the defunct clan of moknathal who can barely populate a village, it will be perfect!!!1111111!

they didn’t before, why they will do it now? run from the small danger of their borders to fall in a total war? they are not stupid, and hate conflicts, its was the reason they ddin’t join the first horde

the topic already explains that

you make no sense here btw, Eitrigg didn’t know that when he talk about the debt

it would be fun…like they are big, the weapons would be tiny compared to then

A male only race in today’s political climate?

We have Leslie Jones complaining and carrying on because Ghostbusters 3 is going to be mainly a male cast.

If you make a male only race, mark my words…there’s going to be trouble.

Don’t worry, will not be a male race only, they have females, just need a ingame model

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I was checking out PTR and found out most helms now work on kul tirans. Since I think kul tiran model will be reused for either ogres or mok’nathal, I found an uncanny similarity between a fully armored kul tiran and what you’d expect from a full armored ogre. Now, remember the Rexxar model theory I posted some time ago (quoted ahead).


Except, that Rexxar model is an orc.

It’s not. It’s a modified kul tiran model. All his animations are from kul tirans.

You can check his model and animations in WoWHead, like in this link:

Check the “EmoteTalk” animation, for instance.


The visual appearance is an orc, is what I’m saying. There is no, ‘base an ogre model off of this’. Through and through, that Rexxar model resembles an orc. Tall, bulky model similar to another tall, bulky model =/= the same.

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Check the comparison between his head and an old model ogre’s head in my previous post. No, Rexxar does not look like an orc. His ears and nose are ogrish. His head has nothing in common with an orc’s. He even has an old ogre’s tatoos around the eyes!


It’s 100% confirmed that Rexxar’s models is a modified Kul Tiran model. Just because the edited it that does not mean it isn’t.