Megathread: Dracthyr Permanent Visage Form for Evokers

Finally someone making a good argument.

I am assuming you took insipration from Alexstrasza to get your name. She is in visage form more often that not in game and in cutscenes.

Alexstrasza is a dragon.
Dracthyr’s are not dragons, hence why you can’t “choose” your visage form.

But for anything important, dragons don’t fight in visage form. So going off the dragon parallel, it doesn’t make sense.

A dragon fighting in visage form means they’re not taking the fight seriously.

That’s a straw man. I’m saying that you’re in a thread talking about giving people an option to turn off Dracthyr form completely and you’re throwing around half measures as if it would make a difference.

It won’t.

Your issue appears to be Transmog. A solution to that issue is giving Dracthyr more barbershop armor options to help match with the transmog. Conversely, giving Dracthyr more dragon form options like a Primalist skin or the Void look that Sarkareth had in Aberrus. Those are more sensible options that both your compromise, and the people who want Evoker to become a glorified Mage clone.

100% my issue is transmog. I would be ecstatic for any changes that improve that.

A bit of a redundant non-point. “Players that currently play evoker despite being forced to play as the derp dragon seem to be fine with it, therefore nothing is wrong.” Ignoring the fact that evoker is the least played class by a significant margin. Barely anyone plays the ugly race except to be evoker, so of course the “current evokers” are fine with it tolerant of it. The reason these threads keep popping up is because there is a far larger amount of people who like the class evoker, because it is genuinely fun to play and a unique experience you can’t get when you “just go play mage,” but refuse to play the crappy lizards race. Evokers popularity is being hobbled by the race lock. Just make certain spells such as disintegrate castable in visage, transform temporary with you use breath spells or hover (demon hunter style), and then watch the class’s popularity double. An easy solution that requires basically no work to implement and doesn’t change the way anyone has to play.

But you would still feel threatened over it, wouldn’t you?

I agree that it wouldn’t make you happy. You seem like “You must play the game MY way” kinda of guy. But don’t worry, there seems to be a half dozen of you about. Have fun playing gatekeeper together. “Hurr… REAL evokers luv the da uggo liz farm and u guys just don’t git it!!1!”


Like I said; If you make the dragon form optional, the abilities that require the dragon form become optional as well, and when that happens you lose the flavor of the class and we end up with a mage with expanded time powers and nature abilities.

If you find the dragon form derpy and simply can’t deal with it, roll one of the many other spell casters that don’t require a dragon form. It’s as simple as that.


Let this subject die. Evokers skill animations are tied to being a dragon, its the entire point.


Like I said, evoker is a fun playstyle and completely distinct from mage. If it wasn’t, then the class wouldn’t exist. You keep making non-points. People like a class’s gameplays but not the subpar visual aesthetics of the race! Shocker, I know.

This is just nonsense, though. No one wants to take away abilities. The abilities are fine, fun even, and what make the class. You don’t see a million threads of people complaining about how dev plays, but what dev is forced to as! (People do complain about aug for reasons other than forced lizardness, but that’s neither here nor there.)

What people don’t want is to be limited to being a lanky nonsense gecko while doing those abilities. Leave the sweet class abilities, subtract awful race, and you have a winning class.


It’s a fun play style distinct from mage because of the dragon portion of its gameplay. That gameplay is dependent on you being in dragon form when you preform certain abilities.

This is just nonsense, though. No one wants to take away abilities. The abilities are fine, fun even, and what make the class. You don’t see a million threads of people complaining about how dev plays, but what dev is forced to as! (People do complain about aug for reasons other than forced lizardness, but that’s neither here nor there.)

What people don’t want is to be limited to being a lanky nonsense gecko while doing those abilities. Leave the sweet class abilities, subtract awful race, and you have a winning class.

Yeah, and you take away those fun abilities by making the ability that makes those abilities possible (Dracthyr form) an option instead of a mandatory part of the class. How? Because if you make the dragon form optional, then those abilities don’t really need dragon form to be functional. Over time (if not immediately), you begin to lose those dragon-based abilities that you supposedly find so fun and interesting, because if you don’t need dragon form to use those abilities, why have dragon-based abilities to begin with? You even begin to allow Evoker to be other races because the dragon form is no longer needed, and thus you destroy the class.

So I’m sorry to inform you, but that lanky nonsense gecko is the very lynchpin of the class. You take that away and the entire concept unravels.

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Pft, slippery slope arguments are a logical fallacy. If you make being an oversized skink optional to cast disintegrate means they will eventually remove disintegrate from the game? Yeah, suuuure it does. That seems like a good and logical assumption to be making. You are very smart.

How could you possibly design abilities like hover and deep breath without being a deviant spyro? It’s not like we have another class that briefly changes shape or wipes out wings whenever it’s convenient. That would be ridiculous. :roll_eyes:

Honestly, I wouldn’t mind having to go dragonman mode during during cooldowns, e.g. dragonrage, or when flying. It should be the exception, rather than the norm though. Moments of high power? Sure, why not. Let me play as a real race for the other 80% of the fight.

You already can do it as pres, you know. Most of your abilities can be used in visage and the ones that don’t have enough a cd that you can reasonably swap back between uses. Dev doesn’t really work, namely because of the high usage of disintegrate. Which is funny because thats pretty much the one ability that looks fine when you use it with a race changing toy on.

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Why use such a goofy example? Use dragons. If we don’t need a dragon form to do any of the abilities, why do we need any dragon abilities period? What’s the point? Further, don’t you think Blizzard would begin to remove certain dragon-based abilities because they look awkward and strange without the draconic form? You’re simply not using your brain here.

How could you possibly design abilities like hover and deep breath without being a deviant spyro? It’s not like we have another class that briefly changes shape or wipes out wings whenever it’s convenient. That would be ridiculous. :roll_eyes:

You do know that Blizzard created the Dracthyr race because they couldn’t design abilities like Hover and Deep Breath without a “deviant Spyro” right? The Drachtyr race was designed by Blizzard because they needed a draconic race to properly convey the abilities of the dragon aspects. In typical fashion we have forum users who don’t know anything about the classes they complain about.

Honestly, I wouldn’t mind having to go dragonman mode during during cooldowns, e.g. dragonrage, or when flying. It should be the exception, rather than the norm though. Moments of high power? Sure, why not. Let me play as a real race for the other 80% of the fight.

Or simply roll a different class.

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Not the way the devs implemented it. You can only assume the stupid vistage of an elf.

I want this ridiculous thread to die. Frick.

They couldn’t? Pft, lol right. Even so, that is just a portion of your time spent in combat. I already said that I would be fine with temporary shifting, but you response was “no, play the class the way I want it or gtfo.”

Because it’s an example where the game makes you play as an atrocious scally for no good reason. It’s a freaking magic beam of energy! What part of that is so intrinsically connected with being an ugly lizard that I have to shift out of my vastly superior half-dragon form and lose my transmog? There’s no reason.

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You know you can mute threads, right? They won’t even show up for you anymore. Sounds like your pain is self inflicted.


That’s right, they couldn’t, which is why they created the Dracthyr race in the first place. Look into the history of the Evoker class, they talk about it quite extensively.

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Yeah, nah. I don’t care. Besides, if that is the case, why are you worried about them being taking away? You think blizz would throw away their (presumably) hard work just because people are swapping back to visage the moment their feet touch the ground after flying? Now that’s not using your brain. They will take the path of least resistance, as usual. Whether or not they try to make the largest number of players happy with one or two scant small changes is another matter. Let chosen form swap you back automatically in combat after forced shifts, and remove the forced shift from anything without a cooldown. EZ.

Personally, I have little hope that they will rescue their good class from the hands of the crap race, but I will still make my displeasure know. Evoker is the biggest waste of potential behind one the worst decision blizzard has ever made

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Not surprising.

Besides, if that is the case, why are you worried about them being taking away?

I’m not. I’m simply pointing out why it’s a bad idea.

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While simultaneously ignoring the reasons that things are still bad now, and doing nothing won’t fix them.

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