Lately there have been a lot discussion surrounding the idea of a permenant visage form for Evokers. I would like to make this the Megathread of this topic and also get more eyes on this suggestion. Firstly, here is my reasoning:
So, I’ve been really wanting to try out the Evoker class, but I keep hitting the same roadblock: the forced Dracthyr form in combat. It feels like a lot of potential Evoker players, myself included, are being held back because of this restriction. I heard people say ‘‘I would love to play Evoker, but the form is not it for me’’ every single time. I am from EU and when I wanted to go on the forums, there wasn’t even the EVOKER class discussion. Not a lot of players actually play Evoker (3,6% of all classes, the next being monk with 6.2%). While Dracthyr has a lot of cool elements, not everyone wants to be locked into a specific look when World of Warcraft is so much about (pandering) character customization and player choice. We all know the reasoning why yall chose belf and human models for the visage form…Most popular races.
To see if there’s any real reason why Visage form couldn’t work in combat, I recorded some gameplay (cannot add link for some reason) showing Evoker abilities in human (savory deviate delight) form, and the results were better than I expected. Nearly all the abilities look and feel natural in this form, with only a couple animations that would need minor adjustments to work seamlessly. It’s definitely not a major rework, and I think a lot of players would prefer the freedom to fight as their Visage form instead of shifting back to Dracthyr every time combat starts.
And this can go beyond just choosing a different appearance. Letting us pick our Visage race would be a game-changer. Not everyone wants the Blood Elf or Void Elf look; some of us would love to go into battle looking like a Human, Night Elf, or even an Orc. Plus, gear and transmog are a huge reason why players are drawn to certain races. Right now, Dracthyr form only shows shoulders, belt, and a tabard, which is frustrating when so much of the fun is piecing together a full look. It feels like a missed opportunity to make the Dracthyr experience as rich as every other race. I mean have you seen the good looking armor sets of Evoker? They are amazing, yet you see nothing of it.
While Blizzard hasn’t always been quick to respond to feedback, they’ve shown more openness lately, and this seems like the perfect time to show them how much a bit of extra flexibility could improve the class. I would like a civil discussion about this topic. Remember, we are not taking away the Dracthyr form, we are adding more options!