Megathread: Dracthyr Permanent Visage Form for Evokers

Yeah, azure strike is another one that could easily be altered to not require dargon form.

Oh man. You are so close to stumbling onto the point! You can do it!

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That’s fine. Just keep playing your Mage, take Dragon’s Breath and the Alexstraza-based talent and pretend that that’s a Dragonsworn.

Forget that the Evoker class even exists. It’s better that way for all of us. :dracthyr_nod:


“Stop playing MY class if you are not going to blindly agree with me.”

Sure buddy.


Kind of a weird thing to get upset over, but alright. I gave Evoker a shot, I liked it a ton, I couldn’t stand playing Dracthyr. Seems like a pretty reasonable opinion.


Uh no. Again you’re talking about completely different situations. Eyebeam has what? A 30 second cooldown? You’re talking about a Dracthyr auto-switching during combat without input from the player.

No, stop trying to change my class into something its not because you don’t like it.

If you don’t like it, play something else. It’s that simple.

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Yep! It would be great. Whenever you are charging an empower or flying, dragon. Otherwise, a race with an actual appearance

Also, I am talking about a toggle. So you can still do you.

Hilarious that you feel so insecure about other people getting an option to have something they like without taking anything from you. Are you afraid or ashamed that you like something and other people don’t?


Yeah, I guess my stance on it is just that if Blizzard wanted people to appreciate the fact that Evoker is locked to a single race, that race maybe shouldn’t have all of 3 customization options and virtually no transmog capabilities, with a second form that is better in both ways but can’t be used in combat.


I’ve already stated that making visage form permanent would lead to the ruination of the Evoker class.

That said, if Blizzard wants to give Evokers a toggle that makes them constantly shapeshift in combat, that would be a worthy compromise if it gets people like to stop whining about the class.

Relax. Plenty of people appreciate the class and are quite happy with how the class plays and looks. There’s simply a vocal minority that brings this topic up consistently instead of just playing something else.

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There you go! Everyone wins.


You’re the only one who got snippy here, man. I’m all good.

Nothing I’ve said invalidates those people. I’m glad they enjoy it.

I am playing something else. Exclusively anything else, in fact. And why does it bother you if people enjoy the class but not the race? Nobody gets hurt when people discuss things they would like to see in a video game.

You should probably take your own advice.


You need anger management if this triggers you.

Even if it’s posted 50 times a day, you shouldn’t get “extremely angry” over it.

Take a breath.


Vocal minority? Dracthyr is only 4% of the player-base for a reason. Plus it doesn’t hurt you if we can sit in a form that more aesthetically pleasing while playing a class that is enjoyable.


But there are tons of transformation toys. Should everyone (by default) be able to become of one those without the need of them?

My raid for the most part, killed Ulgrax as spiders because someone used shifting prism.

Therefore, I should be able to create a spider by default.

Of course, letting people access such options would be silly.

That correlates, how?


Heck, I’d prefer to stay as a mage if Blizzard made it fun to play.

My biggest problem with Visage is it dates Shadowlands already. You’re telling me you can’t give me that braid for my humans, Blizz? :face_holding_back_tears:

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I’ve already explained how this is a problem. If you make the dragon form optional, eventually the dragon abilities become optional and we end up losing those dragon abilities and we have another mage on our hands.

The best option for this class is to give players some glyphs that give us more dracthyr forms to choose from. Primalist style (Earth, Ice, Fire) Dracthyr forms would be a nice start. Also some more barbershop armor options for the dragon form would be nice to see as well.

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What about a dye system for armor and the Dracthyr dragon form armor? That way you can match the colors better and not have a look that is one color for the armor and one for the shoulders/belt. Would also give inscription a neat thing to make some gold with.

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I also would be fine with this, like I said a few comments (or a different thread idk anymore) above like demon hunter when you eye beam.

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Lmao you have to be joking.
Using toys to temporarily change in your appearance into super weird models doesn’t bother you. Your whole raid being a spider when you killed Ulgrax didn’t ruin your gameplay. BUT if evokers turned back into visage form after casting fire breath, game ruined! That’s crazy.


I’m not advocating for people to be able to create a spider (because it saves the hassle of shifting prism.)

And I would be against such a move, if it were implemented.