Megadungeons always serve as a reminder

Okay, then why is there so many threads complaining about leavers in M+ every week? Are these people in the minority when it comes to experiencing leavers. I see a lot of complaints on this topic, like a lot.

leavers in m+ are not an issue. If someone leaves - it’s already a failed key, no reason to suffer for zero reward. Only people that don’t understand that simple thing complain

It’s a solid reminder on how bad the majority of the playerbase is lmao

How do people not understand Iridikron mechanics, he does like 2 things dps worry about

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Lmao @ using someone’s profile to attack then while posting from a random level 33 classic character. Cowardly act, we need btag and fast. Or, lacking btag, classic characters should be restricted to posting on classic forums.


Those of you who have pugged it, do you feel that it being broadcasted to be tuned around ilvl 420 might have caused some struggle in the groups you have be a part of?

Just curious. :slightly_smiling_face:

Didn’t mean to reply specifically to you Malgorok. Oops!

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This was GG, I guess hypocracy catches up with you.


I think 420 is probably a smidge low. It’s tuned for the top end of what’s available from world content so if you’ve been getting your crests and catalyzing your tier pieces and making use of crafted items and the free upgrades from the campaign and loam rep you’ll be 426~ with at least one 437 weapon.

At 426 I’d say it’s a difficult but learnable piece of content. The mechanics most bosses do just end up looping and you’re geared enough that the fights when executed correctly don’t actually cause much of an attrition, you just have to do the loop of mechanics for long enough for the boss to die, which takes roughly 3-5 minutes.

Drunne, do you think of yourself as like a righteous vigilante getting justice on all the M+ gaslighters, or something? The melodrama is insane. It’s like a super villain origin story.


Stop pugging. Make friends and play with them. Join a guild. So many people play this game solo and throw a fit when they have a bad interaction with a random pug.

I mean, I wouldn’t want to play with you based off this thread.


Having soloed Tazavesh the other night where they made it so the last boss takes about 45 min to kill for a solo player also serves as a reminder of how much they despises certain groups of players, solo players and those that wanna go back and do old stuff. Blizzard is like you will play our megadungeon with a small group of friends or we will make life miserable for you

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I mean, it’s been the case for most of this game’s history that content from the previous expansion takes time before the developers scale it to be easily solo’d.

But they do scale it down. It’s not at all the result of some sort of animosity or hatred.

I mean… that’s the point of a dungeon, right? To be content designed for five people?

that are used to running high level keys togheter have you not seen the disaster that occurs when the average players with ok itemlevel enters with 4 other randoms. No to me its pretty clear they are making it just hard enough to make certain groups of players decide to get a boost and buying tokens i mean just look at the services channel its a flourishing buisness atm for them

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Blizzard doesn’t shift content onto legacy rules for one expansion after its launch. This is the same for everything.

I mean it is very puggable, maybe difficult to pug for 5 people at 420-425 ilvl, but still. It’s tuned for a minimum of 425 ilvl but at that ilvl you have to execute the mechanics of the bosses to complete it.

People finding they need 435~ are brute forcing it with damage, either massively reducing the number of times a boss does something or skipping the boss mechanics entirely.

I agree. The first week I went in with my main who is 441/442 and it was a struggle. Probably because I went in yolo style and didn’t read anything about the fights. Kept wondering during that run how in the world a 420 ilvl could do it.

It is now mostly a breeze because I know things, so maybe 420 ishs can clear it if they knew things.

For funsies, the other night I went in with a group of peoples I knew and our average was 414. No one was over 425 and 1 was under 400 lol. We were able to clear a few bosses before sleep called. But it was rough and we had to keep changing our talents and came up with goofy strats to survive and eventually win.

In relative terms you are wrong. People dont leave m+ if the run is going great when they are after a piece of loot, having the loot be at the end of the dungeon is undeniably better. And a way to keep the run from becoming a revolving door where there is always a chance the group completely drops and you are annoyingly left scrambling to reform.

M+ is also just a bigger challenge and has its own set of rules that promote leaving, but the dungeon loot being at the end is undeniably a better system -in terms of loot and avoiding leavers due to it- which is op’s point, not sure why you deny with an entirely different subject.

If you compare mega to regular completion runs for weekly vault, like you should, m+ is better because its easy like mega, and no one mysteriously dissapears due to loot

I’m down for it. Let’s accelerate wow’s timeline and turn it into a 4 player MMO-lite like warframe

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I always try to follow it all the way through, even if the group sucks or it’s not what I thought I signed up for. I understand how hard it can be to get a tank and out healer that will stick around. Players that don’t know mechanics or just want to finish deserve to get through it just as much as the elitist or a holes who do their best to ruin the experience.

I usually don’t wish to replace a group member. When someone is underperforming I just leave. It’s that easy.

Im meaning the whole point much matters in m+ is around the timer. Its the only real reason why it can actually be competative in any real way.

Also replacements would get abused severely.