"You want mythic gear for logging in!"

How much extra are the player housing fans willing to pay for the expansion of the devs team to add it to the existing workload?

Alternatively, how much longer is everyone willing to wait for a new expansion to accommodate the extra time the existing devs will need to work on it if they don’t expand teams to avoid a cost increase?

Because we all know Blizz isn’t going to just take the profit hit to do it.

It would matter because I have done the reasearch and have done my due dilligence to get the gear from the source. Everyone else that want it shouod too.

Can i ask the real question here? Why are you playing an MMO solo? That literally makes no sense. You could just go play some console based game.

Where is the continued development?

Probably not even an issue with what the game still earns despite having a smaller pop than in SL. Their earnings are still really positive and the leader in all Blizz games according to quarterly reports.

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Man, you’re profile shaming here? Man, the elitism on these forums lately is off the charts.

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It was developed for the vast majority of shadowlands, they even added a new mode to it. How many levels were at the end vs how many there where when it was released?

Whats worse is that i was advocating for them. And i dont raid. So i have no idea why he picked that.

They didnt continue it into DF because of the crying. It should have been an endgame pillar.

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Which they have no real reason to eat into to get this done.

It’s obvious that they could take the hit if they wanted. There’s no way they haven’t run the numbers to see if it’d likely be worth doing, so fair to estimate the math didn’t look good.

Only calling it as i see it. It’s not elitist. I simply don’t have time for babies that cry about damage meters when this game is not hard.

This is a typical response from elitist types, though.

Profile shaming is a just another tool that elitist players use to attack people instead of addressing what was said. Basically, you resorted to ad hominem attack.

Very typical of a weak debater.


Why not sell furniture on the cash shop and finance player housing with cash shop stuff?
Put freebies in game, but sell stuff also.


What you’ve got here is just a garden variety common troll.
Nothing special, just another troll.

Please stop replying to it so it will wander off to find better things to do.

We take back our MMO and our community from the trolls 1 at a time.


There is no debate. I wasn’t even attempting to debate. I stated his logs were garbage, which they were, and used deductive reasoning to relate it to his view point of damage meters. I really could careless whether you think I am elitist or not. You wont be in my raid. Babies gonna cry. Lol.

Maybe they could. Who knows how long that would take to recoup the initial expense and how much blowback they get if that being the primary funding for it means all the good stuff is store not in-game.

I think if the analysis showed it was probably going to be worthwhile, we’d have had it by now. But they could also just not want to do it at all.

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  1. Im a healer
  2. I was advocating for meters being in the game
  3. Its a jerk move. You attack a person because your argument is bad
  4. I dont raid

What would one do exactly with “player housing” and how would this benefit the game? Is this gonna become World of Better Homes and Gardens? My lord…

They’ve already talked about it being an interest in the community so they do know of it. Probably the best way would be to develop assets a little at a time. And they have been putting updated houses into the game files.

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Oh my bad. “Spreadsheet no-lives” wasn’t an attack?

Let’s address the elephant in the room. Why DON’T you raid…

Also healing meters are a thing. Same with healing parses.