Medivh Alliance Reconnections

If you insist


What’s up Raven! It’s Waywinkle! haha!

Mist - Night Elf Rogue
< Kingsguard >

Misslady - the (at the time)Human Disc priest! Started on Medivh so many years ago, honestly can’t remember the guild I started with, I moved a few times for raiding. haha

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Hey Lorana this is Marieanne // Succube // Basthird :slight_smile:

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Anyone still playing from Alliance Guild - A New Hope
I was playing a NE Boomkin - Name was Eleece
Guild Leader’s Main was Asho

If so, find me under BN Name- MyStigmata#1347

Those were some good times, a Fury reunion would be awesome!

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Decided to swap my main from Pally to Priest for Classic but will roll one eventually after my Mage alt of course.

Reserved names on Pagle and Herod:

Pagle - Dwarf Priest: Karl
Herod - Dwarf Priest: KrazyKarl

Not sure which server yet I want to roll on. I know my TT alliance folks are on Pagle, but part of me wanted to try a PvP realm this time around. Someone from Vanilla Medivh help me make up my mind!

Add me on discord if you remember my holy pally KrazyKarl or want to reconnect for Classic and need a healer! MrKrazyKarl#9343



Hah, I’m in the same boat as you man! I can’t decide which server I want to play on yet. It’s either Mankirk, Pagle or Herod, but I’m kind of waiting to see who all is going where before I decide for sure.

My suggestion is to just roll both lol… That’s what I did during vanilla. I played alliance on Medivh for raiding and horde on Bleeding Hollow for pvp.

Ruiner#5202 if anyone wants to add me on Discord.

I know this is late and most people have settled on Pagle but, what about a Medivh reunion on Atiesh server? Especially considering that was the staff of Medivh

Anyone from Legio Fulminata still around??

I played 2 toons in Vanilla.

Darkcreation - Human Shadowpriest
DarkSentinal - NE Rogue

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I remember you and Eightbraeker plus a few others from SP. I was probably playing my rogue when you got your thunderfury that day. My cousin raided with SP for a long time on his NE hunter called Kylog, i haven’t asked him if he is coming back yet. I have not heard from Asimus since he quit the game at the end of BC so i have no idea if he will be back.

My name was Bronzenight/Lilbraemus - Warrior, I was in a few guilds like Ring of Wolves, Exiles, Insight, and a late night guild Indestructible. Playing on Atiesh under the same name if anyone is interested or remembers me Yesterdaze#11828 is btag

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The real Kalahad! an honor sir :stuck_out_tongue:

I played with Pmore and Kapaldi the rogues some! Awesome group

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Good luck sir. Evenean and I rolled on Pagle. I have no idea how long we’ll play in Classic, but if you stop by, please say hello. :slight_smile:


Landin, Human, Priest

i used to be in Blades of Destiny. Stargoddess, Night Elf Warrior Tank. Was close friends with Joeblack…wonder what happened to him?

HI i was also part of Okta Khan and Resurrected! Stargoddess - night elf warrior…tank

Hello! Stargoddess used to be a member of Okta Khan - later Resurrected, as well as Blades of Destiny. Hoping to meet and power through some classic with you all!