Hi Ravenclaw! Anyone else still alive? Moridin, Flapjack, Kimberly, Satii, Ndiani, Ravenna, calvokid etc…?
Oh, Shattered Fates, I think I raided with you guys in ICC. I was the Night Elf Hunter Faranor. I remember doing some natty damage as Surv before they overhauled it.
TumTum!!! <3
I remember you Aerys, I used to run stuff like UBRS with you and your brother a lot on either this hunter or my paladin Ruiner.
Aerys - NE Warrior
Aerysa - Gnome Warlock
Eightbraeker is my brother, we will both be at “The Spot” launch day on Atiesh!
Too bad we don’t have our masks, the originals were made by Moryn, a dwarf priest.
Yeah that’s how it was spelled. I couldn’t remember it all the way lol… I’m still not sure on which server I will be playing on, but I will keep that in mind!
I wonder if my old roommate will be coming back or not, he used to be in your guild and played a priest with a name like distortion or something along those lines.
Here goes. Idk if anyone plays anymore
Kitheda (Human Mage)
Edeldine (Night Elf Hunter)
Darise (Night Elf Priest).
I reserved Kitheda on Atiesh so maybe I’ll see you guys around! <3
Dregga - Dwarf rogue
SoM went Horde and we’ll be on Herod this go around.
Níenna - Druid with TT, you know the one with the accented í everyone hated til I got reported and had to change to Nie?
Rolled with TT until AQ40 when Vilescourge and I went horde with Vindication as Gruffian (warrior) and Nienie (shaman) or Neni(?) (priest) … I recognize so many alliance names from BGs during his HWL grind.
Vindication is on Herod!
I currently play retail on A52 on my horde priest.
Yep, that was it! I haven’t talked to him in a while, but I’m still friends with him. I will try to shoot him a message on facebook and see if he plans on coming back or not.
My main was called Pitchblack but i changed the name to Irk at the end of vanilla. I raided with Shadowed Fates, Heroic Few, Sanctus Preliator, Quake, and formed Lord of War in BC with Asimus. I reserved the names Pitchblack, Irk, and Pitchwhite on the Pagle PVE server.
what is vanilla
Hey folks, according to the previous posts, it looks like the majority of Medivh Alliance is going Pagle. This isn’t including the other going to Herod and other PVP places. Best luck to you guys, see you on modern WoW (Maybe)
For those interested in in Pagle’s official Discord, it’s 59wVvmD
I got Chaosmage reserved so I’ll be back minus the somehow professional 12 year old trolling ahaha.
Succube here the warrior // Paladin
Succube Warrior // Paladin from TT
Anomali priest
Hello old friends,
I’m thinking about trying a PVP server this time around, but I haven’t decided yet 100% so I reserved characters on Atiesh (PVE) and Whitemane (PVP).
What’s crackalackin?
My main was a NE Rogue named Jasming.
The guilds I associated with were Kamikazi Knights and Guardians of Fate.
OMG - I remember Lord of War and Asimus!
your guild helped me kill Thunderaan to make my Thunderfury back in the day