Medivh Alliance Reconnections

YAASSSSS!!! TRESPIN!!! Stargoddess :slight_smile:

Hey Mitch, we definitely played together back in my TT days. Nice to see you around!

(I was a human mage, but changed to Drae a few years ago)

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Marena - Human - Mage
Guilds: I was in a few… Fury, The Transcendent, Red Dragons, Lost Majesty

I definitely recognize a number of names here from back then too!

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Seeing you others from KG are alive is making me happy~ its been so long.
That includes you Mist!

  • Hels

Wow perception, great video. Thanks for sharing that link.

So many familiar names love to see them all…amazing hearing so many are going to Pagle too it’ll be like a new Medivh all over again.

Tumblin I remember all them the old Sidhe vs BBB BGs were so much fun with Doyle, Satii, Flapjack etc

Fana, NE Rogue (The Sidhe briefly, mostly guildless on account of, you know, The Sidhe…)

Spay, Human Lock, Lore

I played two characters mainly. Chryesilence, night elf rogue, and Lokiwolf, a night elf druid. I did a lot of raiding, primarily with Chryesilence with a guild that I would LOVE to find again, late night raiding, Aussie guild I’m pretty sure, but I can’t remember the guild name. We ran MC and Ony a lot, and we continued raiding through BC, I remember also doing Kara and the ZG and ZA with them. I was in another guild, a small one, that I can’t remember the name of. But if you are from that raiding group and are playing again, please let me know!

Bigdee night elf hunter in the guild sanctus preliator

Many classic BGs against you and Ryanoksy.

Hello, familiar names in this thread. This was my first server and most memorable.

Tweak: NE Rogue
Skitzo: 52 NE Hunter(my first character)

In the early days I leveled with Beastmode quite a bit on my hunter. Until it was suggested I play a rogue because Hunters were bad. So then I rolled Tweak my NELF Rogue. I raided brd/strath/scholo/brs with Driven, Names I remember from Driven, Mila Amahk, Solrac, Daney(sp?), then moved to Tyrannicida with Mila who I played with quite a bit on Medivh and on many other servers. I remember Ayama, Valorale, and I think Garreth?. I also remember talking to Rouges who was a Troll Rogue can’t remember the guild name but I believe there were the second best Horde Guild on the server. I also had a IRL friend/co-worker Russ who played a druid whose name I can’t remember on this server, but we switched servers often. I will be playing classic casually on Pagle.

I remember!!!

I remember you. Binny here hiyas

Sup alliance, Pain - Orc warrior. Hit me up with east coast plans miner#1756.

Hey, KK! Awwww Nexlar and the AQ20 between Arathi queues…

Eluned!!! So much fun in those AQ20 speed clears and mixing in PvP. Miss those days and that crew especially 5 capping AB and pushing into the spawn.

What happened? Did The Sidhe have a fallout? I left Medivh before burning crusade and they were still going strong.

I remember playing with you back in the day. Bweiser- Dwarf Paladin/ Guardians Of Fate

Lacrisha - Gnome Warlock - Guardians of Fate
Later I mained as Rhylee - NE Druid
Also had a pally alt named Chastalynn and priest DivineMagic

Giantor from Shadowed Fates / Kingsguard. Used to raid with Fury a bit too. Good ole days. Anyone else from SF / Fury rolling Pagle?

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