Mechagon stuck in combat bug

Someone at Blizzard must have realized that Mechagon was marginally less infuriating than Nazjatar and decided to correct that.

Because this makes both zones equally bad.


Same. Happens very regularly. Supremely frustrating.

This just started happening to me today. Reloading does not work, I cannot log out, killing critters or other monsters in the area does not cancel it outā€¦the only way to get out of combat is to take the submarine back to Dazaralor. This happens every time I kill anything. Very frustrating.

Edit: Just wanted to add, this starting happening for me as soon as I completed the recycle-able parts quest, had no issues at all until I turned that quest in.

Also happening to me today, it happened several days ago too but this is the first in a while (and worst). Dying and ressing doesnā€™t clear it. Canā€™t log. A stated by many others the only temporary solution is to take the sub back to Zuldazar and come back again, but then back in permanent combat again after the first battle.

At least give us some way to tell what we are in combat with so we can do proper testing.

Happened to me, force closed the game and then anytime I moved my character or move the camera it would disconnect me. Eventually fixed itself but I was with a group of guildmates and was the only one affected.

Same thing here. This same bug has been around for years. It really needs to be fixed.

Been happening to me all day all of a sudden. I walked passed bondo and near a sleeping malfunctioning hound without aggroing anything and suddenly, locked In combat.


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Yay, I just missed out on a Rustfeather kill while hoofing it up the mountain because I was stuck in combat all the way from Rustbolt :\

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Happening to me as well today. Itā€™s super frustrating. It doesnā€™t matter if i die or heart out, as soon as i engage with a mob, iā€™ll get stuck in combat forever, FIX THIS

Captains logā€¦ 07/04/2019ā€¦

Iā€™ve been in combat now for many hours. Iā€™ve lost track of timeā€¦ I canā€™t kill what I canā€™t seeā€¦ And I canā€™t see what Iā€™m in combat withā€¦

So tiredā€¦ So very, very tiredā€¦

Should have brought a Snickers bar or somethingā€¦

Found a cure, find an unkilled vault bot and get killed by it. I had the same bug because I tagged a horde kited vault bot. They didnā€™t kill it, it eventually wandered into town apparently following me and started beating on me. I didnā€™t fight back, I taunted it until it killed me. Resā€™ed and no more in combat aggro.

Ive had the stuck in combat bug happen 3 times tonight and every time it has been in mechagon.

Runs up to Belgur and gives him a snickers bar Your welcome. Someday this invisible enemy will show itself.

I was good for the first dozen opening quests in the zone. Then I saw a big mech gorilla rare being attacked so I joined in, on my Boomy.

After the gorilla died I was still in combat & saw damage ticking on a random piece of equipment in the area. Presumably from my Sunfire splash damage. I ran out of the area all the way to the 1st FP, but still could not get out of combat. I was able to log out & back in (not normal) & was out of combat.


I flew over the coast with my backpack and got netted by the adds that are fighting - no idea which add netted me but as a druid I can easily shift out of the net and keep moving. I then shadowmeld since im a night elf as well. No good. COMBAT DOES NOT DROP.

Has happened a good amount of times now and wasted my flightpack.

Please fix.

Not fun having to deal with invisible combat causersā€¦

Same hereā€¦ fix it

Have experienced this bug a few times as well and my buddy is constantly affected by it. However, we found that using the jetpack fixed this and removed the ā€œstuck in combatā€ flag.

The issue is with TomCatā€™s Tours addon, disable this and you will no longer have this issue.

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Same here. Would it really break the game to just allow you mount in combat? Or fix this bug that has been in the game for ten years?

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Hi Galaxymon,

It simply is not possible for an addon to cause this issue. The stuck in combat type issues have occurred for over a decade. Please donā€™t spread misinformation. Thank you.