Mechagon stuck in combat bug

I cannot take two kitten steps in mechagon without getting stuck in combat which forces me to either hearth back to boralus and fly back to this mechanized kittenhole so that i can get stuck in combat again after another two kitten steps. OR. I have to kill myself via the Rustbolt guards.
This is ridiculous. How does this make it to live?


I am having the same issue here. Get into combat, then kill EVERYTHING and nothing seems to fix it besides leaving or dying.


stuck in combat issue myself, constantly.

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Chiming in with this. I have also experienced this bug. I can’t avoid it unless I kill myself or hearth away. Seriously frustrating bug, because you can’t do anything but walk around and the jet pack doesn’t work in combat. so yeah. Fix this crap already

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I’m having this issue today as well. Same issue as everyone and same resolution as everyone.

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Having same bug as above. Other things to note is my essence is rank 2 and it is always putting out a shard on the ground. What i believe is keeping me in combat.

On this toon not Helpme

I’m having this same issue. I’ve already hearthed once to Boralus and flown back, only to have this happen again. I don’t have the shard essence equipped, so it’s not the problem for me.

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Same issue here.

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Ive just started having this issue.
Had to hearth back to najzatar the first time and fly back. then ran to the pet battle daily and was stuck in combat again…

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I have taken the boat back to Zuldazar multiple times and get stuck in combat repeatedly. SUPER fun with WM on and slow mode activated.

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Having the same issue as described above.

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same issue. so annoying that i just had to stop playing after suiciding after every fight so i could mount up.

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Also experiencing this issue, happened a little bit yesterday but eventually I would leave combat. Today is terrible, hearthing or death seem to be the only fixes, very annoying.

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I am also having this issue. Only started today. It got better after I changed my rune in my heart back to the basic one but still having the issue on and off.

Same issue. The only way to get out of combat once in is to die or hearth out. Very frustrating

Same issue.

I disabled all add-ons marked as “out of Date” and getting stuck in combat stopped occurring.


same issue

Doesn’t make any difference for me. I hearthed out, lost my jet pack buff, came back and was put back into combat.

Logged out by killing the game because you can’t do it through the menu… because I’m stuck in combat, then entered the zone again to be stuck in combat.

This patch is a disaster.


Same bug hear, trying to get pet achievements is now impossible because I cant do anything without getting stuck in combat forever, Only way to drop is to suicide or hearth.

Please fix this… unplayable.

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