Mechagon stuck in combat bug

please help. same problem. SOOO ANNOYING. cant play the game WTH

Same bugā€¦ stuck in combat for very long periods of time.

Yep, itā€™s back. Iā€™ve had to hearth 3 times now. It would be nice if someone from Blizz would at least respond to this.

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It is completely possible! I have tested this personally myself and disabling this addon fixed this problemā€¦I wouldnā€™t have posted it otherwise.

Are you using Tomcat addon for the rares? try disabling this addon and see what happens. It seems to fix my issue and I was able to re-enable the addon again afew mins later with no issue.

How many people have to complain of the same problem before we get a Bluepost? Itā€™s so frustrating. Itā€™s almost every day I have to hearth out or somehow track down the random mob Iā€™ve somehow bugged into combat with.

More specifically, by the time you disabled the addon and reloaded WoW the problem was resolved. Letting some time pass has always been one of the ways to get out of combat when locked into it for unknown reasons. This has been the case for a long time.

If you find a case where any addon in the history of WoW has caused combat lock and what they did to fix that, Iā€™m more than happy to review this to see if it is still relevant. Please post such info on Curseforge.

Every new release of combat comes with a slew of combat lock issues.
Every time, someone misunderstands what addons can or cannot do and causes addon developers to waste time responding to an issue that they are not even able to fix. Likely the way that the stuck in combat issues are going to be fixed is if players like yourself keep posting bugs to blizzard with specific information, including the coordinate location you were at when you got stuck in combat. They can do something with that.

Same issue here. Every time I ride past a mob, I get stuck in combat, and it isnā€™t caused by the Tomcat addon, as I donā€™t use that. Only way to get out of combat is to zone out and back in.

I also have experienced similar bug. I canā€™t leave combat in mechagon, even if I use hearthstone or the shuttle ship to leave mechagon. Leaving machagon can get my character out of combat but the moment I reenter machagon Iā€™ll enter combat again.

I donā€™t think this is about addons, Iā€™ve tried to turnoff all addons and it doesnā€™t work; also, with all addons working, I wonā€™t get into the same situation in other area. So it definitely a bug in mechagon.

There is similar issue reported by some Chinese players from China sever.

I am having this problem today. I closed the game 2 times, hearthed and came back and died 3 time and still having the problem

This has been happening to me all morning. I can walk from one end of the map to the other and still not drop combat. Super frustrating.

Thanks for your feedback Tomcat. I am aware this isnā€™t usually an addon issue with the combat glitchs.
I just know that if I logout or do a /reload, this doesnā€™t fix it for me. The only thing that does fix this for me is to disable the addon and then re-enable it once I am back out of combat.

I have the same problem and it keeps happening everytime I go. Itā€™s so frustrating.

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This happens to me from time to time. I was using my hearth stone to get out of it, but that was rather inconvenient if it isnā€™t set to the same area I was in. Then I thought of using help / character stuck / transport to graveyard. I wish theyā€™d fix the issue, though. If thereā€™s no red bar around the character plate the game obviously knows you are not in combat, so thereā€™s no reason to have mounts disabled.

This bug is so annoying. If you accidentally fly near the rustbolt guards for horde and get netted, there seems to be no way out of combat, i have gone all the way to western coast, dismissed pet, feign deathed & shadowmelded and still been in combatā€¦ cant even log out because ā€œcant do that in combatā€ :@

Same here, so sick of this.

Has there been any progress on this for you? If history repeats itself, these kind of issues would occur less and less as the content matures and without making any type of change to the addon that might affect this. The reason (my theory) as the issues are reported back to Blizzard, mobs and such hidden from view (stuck in the mesh maybe) that aggro on players are found and fixed over timeā€¦ but it would be nice to confirm that the problem is occurring less.

It seems better than it was at the beginning as it is not happening to me with with rares or regular mobs anymore.

It still consistently happens to me if one of the flying patrols targets me, even if I immediately flee and it stops targeting me. The only thing Iā€™ve been able to do is hearth out to get out of combat. Very annoying.

Been having this happen more recently the last few days, always in mechagon. Logging or hearthing still the only fix. Please do something about this, very annoying.

Itā€™s good to see that after almost a month the same issue is still happening. Iā€™m having issues with it today as wellā€¦ state of the art development