Mechagon stuck in combat bug

Literally EVERYTHING I get into combat with sticks me in combat permanently. Regardless of if I kill it or run away.


Same here. Died then ankh’d and am still stuck in combat.

Same issue. 23 posts in this thread, not to mention a bunch of one off posts with the same issue and it still hasn’t made the “8.2 Known Issues”.

I’ve Alt+F4’d to get off the character, logged into another, and then back to the character with issues and it still wont clear combat. Hearthing obviously clears your jetpack, but as soon as you come back and fight anything, you’re stuck in combat all over again. I’ve dismissed pets and still have the issue.

same thing…disabled all addons, hearthed to Zuldazar, came back, and still stuck in combat

Has happened on multiple occasions

Same bug for me. It’s terrible! It makes mechagon unplayable for me. So sad :frowning:

Hopefully this gets fixed soon. I’ve used all 3 Hearthstones to reset out of combat for myself. Just trying to get dailies done, too bad cause drill rigs are up first day, was looking fowards to doing those rare spawns :frowning:

Stuck in kitten combat nearly every kitten time I get INTO combat, in kitten Mechagon, same as original poster.

I too, aggroed the toxic air on Mechagon. Came to this post after force shutting the game down, twice, and returning to be in combat still. Killed everything in the Western Strand, where it started, and nada. Reloaded my UI, nope. Turned all addons off and reloaded and still nothing. Finally, I turned on DBM, Tomtom, and bagnon and reloaded the UI and that time it worked. Not sure why, but I then spent an hour cringing every time I killed something, annoyed that the aggro bug might come back.

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I’m stuck in combat as I type this.


Also stuck in combat.

Why doesn’t the game have an algorithm that says, “He hasn’t been hit in 3 minutes. Exiting combat?”

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Issue still happening…

Yep, just happened this morning. Literally nothing you can do except hearth out or die. Gonna guess this happened on the PTR too

Yesterday my wife’s shaman was constantly stuck in combat in Mechagon, only leaving the zone would clear it.

And then it came back as soon as she got near the quest area with troggs. Didn’t even attack a mob (or get attacked), just went into combat.

So after an hour of that she gave up and logged out.
This really needs fixing - makes the new zone unplayable.

This started happening to me when I used the punch card trinket. Once I removed it, the random in combat stopped popping up.


stuck in combat bug still in-game @ mechagon.

I also experienced this bug about an hour ago. I thought I was stuck in combat with one of those flying elites but wasn’t able to see one. (I was exploring south-western islands in mechagon trying to get to the top of one) My character had a red hue / spotlight around her. Running away and getting into other combat scenarios didn’t seem to resolve it.

I think what bothered me the most is I couldn’t reset combat by logging out; the UI didn’t let me do that nor exit the game via menus.

Started happening to me recently. Really annoying.

I think they should be aware of this, but we could always file in game bug tickets so they get plenty of feedback about how pervasive and irritating this is currently.

Day 9 of my campaign in Mechagon and I am, for some reason or another, still stuck in combat. I know I can use my hearthstone to leave the isle, but I want to just do my quests. Why is this happening to me?

Just wanted to jump in and say the same thing has been happening to me now for 2 days. I at first thought it had to do with equipping the blue punch card: Remote Circuit Bypasser into the Pocket-Sized Computation Device trinket because that’s when my issues first started happening.

After seeing this post though I’m thinking that isn’t the issue. Whatever is the reason it’s infuriating. I can’t begin to tell you how many jet packs I’ve gone through from having to port back and forth to get out of combat.