Mechagnomes look disgusting

I’m kind of excited to have one. I didn’t expect much with the Goblin/Gnome skeletons, though I wish they’d gone a lot more all in on the Mechagnomes.

Hopefully we only have one more set of Allied Races and we can move on to more base races that come with new skeletons, new lore, new background, and all the good stuff that comes with actual new races.

I think they are awesome. Id make one if i could. Its the first time in years ive been tempted to play alliance.

Too much time over sea. They look like speedos to me. The only thing bugs me is the hair and mustache cliping and styles. I love for a gnome to have a braided mohawk, beard or hair style. This or have shaved style hair look.

Then they’d have to make 2^3 animation sets. Not happening.

Who cares what someone’s little OC profile says. I see Man’ari RPers. Doesn’t mean they should be playable.

She considers herself a velf, and now she’s got a point.

Why not? More options, the better.

Honestly I do wish there were options that had at least one bio arm/bio leg. I understand that they can’t/won’t do any 2 bio arm/bio leg options because then you could just make a mechagnome that was a gnome… but they look so bad right now.

That said I’m still actually going back and getting exalted to unlock them, even though I don’t want one. So, shrug.

No. The only redemption they have is death.

I thought the mechanical arms and legs had the same skeleton animations as the normal ones? I’m not very familiar with animation issues…

it amuses me to no end that you automatically think gnome players like mechagnomes. additionally the general sentiment is the same, irrelevant of your ‘muh gnome players’ example.


They don’t. Their animations are unique and stiff because metal doesn’t bend like proteinaceous water.

And? A ton of us like our Mechanical friends. Just because the general public hates short, intelligent people and hates their mechanical cousins. Doesn’t make them bad.

And wouldn’t it be possible to keep the same animations, just changing the appearance?

I think a lack of customization is a problem with a lot of the AR. Of course I also think most of the AR should have just been customizations for their main race, so…

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And what the bloody hell does that have to do wth the Alliance being an afterthought?

I don’t think anyone hates gnomes. I don’t think anyone honestly hates Mechagnomes either. Disappointed, yes. By and large people are disappointed with Mechagnomes.

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It’s possible. If you’re a fan of uncanny valley, reality melting stuff.

I’m only asking because I like short races and I would love to play one, but the diaper thing really is hideous looking…


T[quote=“Arshia-alexstrasza, post:73, topic:346351, full:true”]
And what the bloody hell does that have to do wth the Alliance being an afterthought?

The Alliance being a afterthought is a self-afflicted condition. It’s all in your head.

They can learn to deal with it? Me? I’ll roll my mechagnome monk and mechadab on the haters.

You say this while looking like a chewed pistachio that found residence in Jersey.

Aside from the fact the developers explicitly stated they have trouble writing for the Alliance and the content they put out clearly shows.

-10 people will care about your bold statement :roll_eyes:

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