It amuses me to no end that you are so upset that gnome players got something.
You do realize it won’t keep us from getting our Sethrak AR right?
It amuses me to no end that you are so upset that gnome players got something.
You do realize it won’t keep us from getting our Sethrak AR right?
How about Mecha-Humans or Mecha-Undead
No precedent for either one.
It annoys me that the devs get it wrong all the time when it come to Alliance, dumping something on the Alliance that we didn’t ask for. Like Mechagnomes and Ren’dorei, heck no one knew what was a Ren’dorei before BFA.
Void Elves are the most popular AR, and Mechagnomes have been wanted by gnome players since we first saw them
I wish I could unsee it.
So like, ten people?
When we first saw them huh when was that? Ren’dorei were a copout by the devs.
They are the most played allied race by a lot.
You do see that ever race is getting something similar to, or directly related to them in terms of an AR right?
gnomes were going to get something regardless of their popularity.
Oh well, don’t play them then. I’m not interested in the least in playing them but I don’t complain. I also don’t play LFD or VE…but they’re there so let people who DO like them, play in peace.
Doesn’t have anything to do with what I said. I was making a joke.
lol Your opinion is noted unleveled human Priest.
You can see the “Diaper” vibe here. Unless the Mechagnome is wearing a dark sort of armor with dark colored robot legs, any bright colored armor just gives them the underwear graphic on their crotch. hence Diaper gnomes.
You misspelled Majestic and Glorious.
Alleria. We first saw the inklings in WC3 with Drak’theron.
That’s not a diaper. That’s a thong.
I just made a topic asking what people think about blizzard letting us choose how many mechanical members, from 1 up to 4, we want. I think that would make the race look a lot better! Take a look at the topic, if you can, and leave your opinion! Maybe if we make some noise we can make it happen!
Most played =/= Most popular. Take a spin around any RP server with a RP addon and see how many of those velves are actually helves, lol.
To be fair I have yet to see the backside of a mechagnome, so it may very well be a thong lol.
The Devs stated she was a helf when Argus was introduced so… yeah. She’s a void-wielding helf. Not a velf.
Who? Do you mean Dar’khan, the traitor? He wasn’t even in WC3. He was only added much later when they did the Sunwell comics.