Mechagnome Customization Thread

Erazmin not understanding the light doesn’t mean that others don’t. We have priests.

Further our current leader is King Mekkatorque putting us in contact with the rest of our people in the Gnomes of Gnomeregan who also have priests and have worked alongside the light for ages.

There is no information indicating that Mechagnomes cannot utilize or understand the light.

As far as nature, that is why I suggested a group of ecologically minded Mechagnomes would be likely to study nature magic and could be druids. The absence of them just means they weren’t pertinent to the story. Their addition wouldn’t change a whole lot nor would there be any lore issues.

And a class skin could go all sorts of ways making any of those points moot to begin with.

Shaman can easily be accomplished by a Mechagnome making a deal with the elements. Not unlike the goblins.

Nothing you have brought suggests to me that these things are impossible for a race that can easily study and learn all kinds of magics.

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The island was laid to ruin because of King Mechagon’s war against all things biological, I don’t think all mechagnomes share that dislike of nature.

I’d love to see a future where part of the island is restored to have more greenery.

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An absolutely exceptional point!

King Mechagon was nuts. Also some bolts…

Get it?

Cause he made his whole body… eh nevermind.

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Trashcan hats! have they been suggested yet? with the option to toss little balls of paper into their trashats.

No, they have not yet been suggested.

Also not sure if you mean to jest or insult but damnit its funny and I’m adding it in.

Do you see the tossing of paper in as sort of like the Happy Fun Rocks or what?

Something like that, upon reaching 5 stacks the trash hat would visually change to a full one!

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Love it. I’m labeling it as a joke option, but I’m adding it.

Sorry for second post but the new expansion will be announced April 19th!

Heres hoping we see new customizations for Mechagnomes!


Pink hair please!



So there is a quest in Zereth Mortis that links natural automa with nature and life magics. It honestly feels like blizzard hints at mechanical druidism. The automa evolved to have plants on them and in them.


Always Pink hair.

I’m not sure I’d classify the Automa as robots particularly.

More like constructed anima/death power. Zereth Mortis (And supposedly all Zereth’s, for their realms) create the realms of death using that realms particular power sources. They’re just early prototyping.

While they operate and function similarly to robots, I don’t think they exactly count. Their innards are probably more akin to living things than to mechanical ones.

I mean heck we can eat them it seems.

Not that I’m against the druidism part of your words… Just Automa seem far more interesting than mere mechanical robots.

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Yea the quest has some of that stuff you mention included. Like some of them are filled with that “special water”. And the protflesh judging from mount crafting can have metals in them and stone. Protoflesh can be like metallic or not.

The automa being robots is something like how mechagnomes we would associate and wanted are robots. In the lore they are there own metallic biological beings. We see titan constructs using druidic magics such as on Elunaria. This means machine like beings using nature magics is already part of the lore. That automa quest with the overgrowth shows them evolving using and becoming one with nature which I found nice.

It is also probably we see the automa on the other zereths and first one sites/structures.

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To be honest the Titan “robots” are very similar to Automa. They’re not robots in the mechanical sense, they’re beings with robot like qualities.

Mechagnomes (Or Junker Gnomes) are not robots, we are cyborgs which is a fair difference.

But like there are obvious differences between a mechanical creature and what the titans or automa are.

To your point though, NONE of those sorts of creatures, either Automa or Titan, have ever been barred from the use of any power they may please.

I may quibble, but such creatures being able to be druids isn’t our of the lores context.

I am certain we will see Automa again if we go to another Zereth. I’d love to see a Zereth Vita.

There are Zereths of light, void, death, light, arcane and fel apparently. We have just seen the death one - Mortis.

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And of life.

Thus the Zereth Vita.

I hope it’s a long time before we see another though.

Best to return to Azeroth for a time.

I want to see the fel one. I am interested where demons come into play. The burning legion seems more titan based. I would love to see an actually chaotic pantheon. Sargeras seems more like he joined the fel side then representing it.

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There were many creatures born of the Chaos of fel within the twisting nether who were not twisted into demons… Because they already were.

Anihilann come to mind. The Pit Lord’s.

… I also would like to see that…

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I have noticed the demonhunters have like similar magics to devourers. They steal magics and warp themselves to be like the magic they steal. So I was wondering if more magics would be explored like that. The natural demons. Demonhunters stole knowledge from warlocks to learn how to be demons. Stuff like that would be nice to explore. And it seems since mechs are natural then fel mechs probably exist too. Fel automa maybe?

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Oh boy there is a lot they could explore with demonic magic in a whole realm devoted to them.

As far as fel automa and fel mechs…

Fel has been used to power mechanical things for a long time…

Though I wouldn’t think of Automa as robots or mechanical in nature.

They appear mechanical but we can eat them. They’re clearly not quite the same. They’re blueprints for living things (or dead in SLs case). Not really robots.

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I mean. We have a feast called stone soup. And stuff like rock candy/ mechagon had us eat scrap.