Mechagnome Customization Thread

To mimic would be passé. We have the full capability to mock them with our new inventions and intelligence.

And besides. The whole idea of “fate” and “destiny” is screwed up enough times over because of whatever magic the Druids believe in.

It would be cool, they’d be Transformers.


We were created to experiment with and repair titan facilities.

We were not meant to be warriors either.

It is a moot point in either case. Blizzard will add all classes to all races. Our interests should not lie in if but how they add druids so as to keep within our races theme and interests.

This for instance is a popular direction the community has expressed going with druid for mechagnomes and I, for one, see no confliction in it.

Add in the possible study of nature magic as a focus that drove them to it and adding them to current druidic formats would be easily doable.


Bring it on, I’m all for it. “Druid” Mechagnomes! I’ll make one in a heartbeat.


Yes — until the Old Gods screwed us over and delivered us the Curse of Flesh. Do you know what the Old Gods would call this is we’re just created to work endlessly with no pay?

Old Gods or not, history would tell us this fits under the term “slavery”. Though the first Mechagomes wouldn’t know this because they weren’t programmed to think too much. Again, until Old Gods once again screwed is over.

Look for right now I just want more hair styles and colors, and a few more faces and eye colors. They’re horribly lacking in those. It would be cool too if those lens in the face pieces could be different colors and not only blue.


With Blizzards statements I assume that Druid, Shaman and Paladin are enroute to be given to all races. So I don’t worry terribly about it beyond how the story should be enacted.

Primary concerns are on customizations being expanded in general. More Hair options, hair colors, metal colors, additional hand and leg types, mecha eye colors, expanded facial cyberizations ect.

Preferably sooner rather than later.


Another month pass and still no mention of customizations for Mechagnomes.

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I do wish Mechagnomes could embrace that darker theme a bit more. Perhaps a few horrific looking augments.

If Leper Gnomes ever become playable for the Horde, I could see them doing something like that.


Imagine scuttling around on mechanical spider (crab?) legs.
Artist credit: Alexey Kruglov on ArtStation


The darknet says “hello”. :slight_smile:

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I’m not a fan of Mechagnomes, But I’d one hundred percent play one if they looked like this:


Speaking of Megathreads.


this would be cool


Hoping the next two months will be Mechagnome customizations.

Fingers crossed.


Now see, THIS is a Mechagnome. If you’re going to replace your arms and legs why would you limit yourself to only two of each? Isn’t the goal to “improve” on the bio design? If MGnomes could look like that they wouldn’t be the least played race.

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Expect a few extra zeros on that bonus check next week, Fobnop. :slight_smile:


I would love that too… though I wonder how that would apply in game? Aesthetic only?

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