Mechagnome Customization Thread

The ideology they should be focusing on is quality over quantity.

Give Mechagnomes more customizations and watch the longevity of playtime increase. Give Elves a nice little option to customize their hair and watch them blow up and complain.

I will never play an elf again. Completely overrated race.

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this sounds cool

With luck we’ll get some customization during the next few patches/expansions.

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Honestly, Blizzard owes the Alliance almost all the customization options mentioned in the original post for saddling them with Mechagnomes in the first place.

I mean, don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate Mechagnomes, I have two, but they’re just about the lamest allied race added to the game. No where near as interesting as Vulpera (even if you don’t like Vulpera you got to admit they’re at least a new race).

Mechagnomes deserve so much more dev love. More metal colors, mismatched limbs, full metallic skin tones, etc. etc. etc.


I’m hoping for an arctic white finish. That would look so awesome.


Full agreement!

It can go with our new Winterpelt Furbolg friends!


Five them some heat colored steel “skin” tones. That would cool.


Malfunctioning junk limbs would also be nice. They’d spark and maybe have overactive servos, causing them to shake a bit. Some cracked ocular implants that flicker.

I love the whole concept of the Mechagnome caste system and how the more poverty-stricken Mechagnomes had faulty augments or fewer augmentations, while the elites were near fully augmented and gold plated. Very Cyberpunk!

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Oh! My enjoyment of that would be exceptionally high!

When I get home tonight I’ll add this to the list!

Yes! I love that this little tidbit exists (at least during Mechagon’s rule) its an amazing bit of lore about the Mechagnomes having a class based system.

I’m also curious how this system is faring under King Mekkatorque. A democratically elected king finding one of his people are relatively equal across the board and then another of his people are heavily divided.

It could make for amazing story!



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For all of you who celebrate this holiday season: Happy Holidays!

While nothing of any real substance has been given to us this expansion, we did get many new mechagnomes spread throughout the Isles helping the Dragonscale Expedition clearly showing our value and use for the Alliance and even helping the Horde at times! Several of these mechagnomes have names and distinct personalities as well!

Though this isn’t the customization updates we’ve been hoping for I’m confident that we will see more updates in the future, if only in piecemeal, like they’ve been doing throughout Dragonflight.

Heres hoping we see new customizations added to us in The War Within and beyond!

I’m quite thrilled to see what’s next and hope you’ll all continue to join me in supporting more options for mechagnomes!

Mechagon Prevails! :gear:


Huh… I can’t see what you posted?

Moving on!

Happy new years for those of you who celebrate the passing of one solar rotation of the planet!

I hope that the exemplary mekgineers (Blizzard) take steps to finally fill out our customizations this next year and that we can finally shine on in Mechagon!

Mechagon Prevails!




Working as intended.

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Well, the 2024 roadmap didn’t have any race customization announcements, so hopefully that means they just haven’t finalized the implementation schedule yet. Mechagnomes are definitely due for a pass!

Regarding War Within, I am interested in the Machine Speaker Earthen and the underground Titan machines they maintain, since there would seem to be some thematic overlap with mechagnomes. Hopefully mechagnomes will have a presence and story in that zone. I imagine there will be some machine-inspired armor and weapons that will look pretty good on mechagnomes.

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Going to more or less post this same post in all of my customization threads with some small changes for each race.

With the New Year beginning and our hopes for what that year will bring I’d like to just reaffirm that I will continue to update and work on this thread so that Blizzard has an easily viewable list, with pictures, for what players want to see for Mechagnomes, as well as a place for players to gather and talk about what they’d like to see for Mechagnomes.

A lot can happen in a year and we never know when or if Blizzard will add the things we request but if we do nothing to talk about it they’ll never know what we want or how we want it. Communication is important and while the Forums are often thought of as a place where Blizzard won’t listen or care, I’ve seen that thats not the case. We should continue with all effort make sure that Blizzard cannot forget that we’re here and asking for things, reasonable things, to be added to our favorite races.

So I’ll be here and I hope all those who support Mechagnome options will be as well!

Mechagon Prevails!



OP, as much I’d love to support the megathread, I don’t see this happening. It’s reaching a bit too much. Requesting deletion.


Blizzard is likely to add all classes to all races as they’ve said several times of late that they intend for race to not determine class.

Further I cannot find fault with either option nor the requests I’ve seen multiple times for them.

Request for deletion from MP denied.


Mechagnomes aren’t created for Druidism. They and Dranaei were both created for technological innovation. Not sticks and mud.

They’d be mimicking Druids with tech, so why not? They’re cyborgs so just add more hardware!