Mechagnome Allied Race Discussion

I’ve got this one in the bag.

Mechagnome Female

  • "Heh, flesh is overrated. Can your arms do this? Gear whirring and a sudden spring pop. “Ooh, oh my.”
  • “Go ahead, try and punt me and my harder-than-steel ligaments. Lets see how far you go with a broken femur!”
  • “I’m still a gnome, everything’s still there. I pr- whhhr bbzztt EXTERMINATE EXTERMIN— ggrk --I promise.”
  • “Gnomeregan!? That’s what they call it? Now why didn’t -we- think of that!?”
  • “These additions have made everything better. I can watch how much pain I dish out, prepare for incoming risks ahead of time, and play solitaire all at once!”
  • “I’m looking to set a group, But your dungeon plunging score must be higher than three-thousand. I won’t even consider you if you’re not close.”


  • “Oh my…, I’ll be happy to crank your widget…”
  • “Don’t worry, I consulted with my doctor and he forwarded a booklet of fun options like diagram exercises and inventive uses of mass effect fields.”
  • “Best part about claw hands? They’re made to grip…”
  • “I hope you brought the right tool for this job…”
  • “You wouldn’t happen to be familiar with vibration settings… are you?”
  • “I’ll have you know… I did plenty of research about what gets one’s lights turned on…”


Very unlikely. You see the thing about Nightborne that many don’t realize is that is that they have multiple instinsic similarities to blood elves in terms of blood and personality. They are both smug and the very regal sort. Their background with the nightwell echoes how blood elves felt with the unwell.

I personally don’t want them, I’d prefer to have other races that are possible to implement over them that make sense.

However, if one change were made assuming Paladin can play one I would do it. What I’d really like to see:

  1. Full robo customization. The chest still being skin looks really dumb to me. I’d love the ability to be able to pick an awesome robo chest, I think that’d really add to the customization and it won’t take away from mekkagnomes still being fleshy gnomes as the head is still skin as well even with the customization options. One of the main parts of the mekkagnomes are the legs and you can’t hide that gear slot so that’s going to be hidden no matter what (unless you wear a very specific type of mog). This won’t suddenly turn them into Titanforged gnomes, it’ll just add more robo customization. I think the customization options so far are awesome, I just don’t like the entire body being prosthetic while the chest is completely skin. It’s ugly imo.

Regardless, if they’re added I won’t be upset or anything. People do actually play gnomes so this might be nice for them and the customization is different enough to be able to differentiate between a mekka and a regular. Lightforged Draenei is the only race that I think was a waste of a slot, it could’ve easily been a customization option. I mean blood elves got golden eyes as a customization option, regular Draenei could have as well. Either way just a little more customization would go a long way for mekkagnomes.

Damn these are good. Well done!

Ah… now I’m sad again. Rest in peace, Bioware…

One thing I wanted to point out. If mechagnomes do become an allied race, it is very possible that the custom options that they ultimately get may end up looking much cooler than right now. Dark irons got all kinds of new bells and whistles when they became playable that npc models didn’t have.

People have no problem playing a rotting corpse with bones sticking out everywhere, but somehow having a limb upgraded to robotic is horror!


maybe they all play the chinese version


If they do make them an Allied Race I would request they make shoulder armor smaller on them. Too late to fix Gnomes but maybe the Mechagnomes. It’s too damn big, they look like toddlers wearing Dad’s football pads.

I think with the robotic legs they might have to reconsider the no “hide pants” option to transmog.

Pants show up differently for them

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Yeah their pants become diapers. xD

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Really? How so?

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So it auto-crops pants? That works.

Ooof that 100% looks like a diaper.

Someone has babies on the mind.

Tick tock.

Honestly, babies are disgusting little parasites. xD
Just like Gnomes.

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To be completely fair, what not being able to hide your pants is even supposed to achieve in that /hide everything scenario?
Because there are already skimpy pant items that hilariously reveals even more than the standard underwear.

Haven’t been on the forums in about a week now. But I wanted to pop in and say that i’m happy for you guys! With that new dance added in its really starting to look like Mechagnomes are gonna be one of the next playable allied races! :smiley: