Mechagnome Allied Race Discussion

In before less than 0.5% of the playerbase plays them like KTs.
As gross as these are I’m happy they’re happening cause that just means the Horde will get original, higher quality models.

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So nice to hear someone for once who isn’t like “Hurr Hurr. These things look so ugly and freakish. They shouldn’t be an AR”.

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So I mentioned before that if Mecha Gnomes become an allied race, one of their criteria would likely be completing the Mechagon dungeon in some fashion, likely in relation to a quest chain.

If this ends up being true, I wonder if there is any chance of Mechagon being put in LFD, given it is suppose to be a mega dungeon. Hopefully it would be able to be worked in under LFD, if true.

Man … it sort of bums me out looking at the criticism of the Junker Gnomes on here. I get that taste is very subjective, but by all indications there is a shocking amount of work put into the Junkers; they aren’t a LAZY AR. Criticism of them really does seem to just boil down to a TON of people hating on them because they are … Gnomes (and an unusual percentage of THOSE posters would likely have no issues with the literal pallet swap race of High Elves if they were an AR).


A lot of people were complaining about void elves yet they are as it stands the most popular race. So the reality is that people must see them in an overall favorable light.

Wow, great ideas, I love these!

Yes, dalek reference! I am kind of expecting a “resistance is futile” joke somewhere, too.

Oh, my… :flushed::face_with_hand_over_mouth::joy:

Is this a callback to the old draenei flirt? That would be hilarious!

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Indeed it is, I was also thinking male gnomes should refer to it too.
“Why yes, there are vibration settings!”


No thank you the gnomes we have are enough.

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“the cake is a lie”

The fantasy is playing a zombie.

When it comes to playing mechagnones being a robot sounds better then being a former robot generations ago and trying to go back to it by cutting off your arms and legs and putting other robot parts back; ergo being an amputee cyborg.

Not to mention the gnome body does not pull it of gracefully.

I would consider making one if they got shaman or druidism though. Since those are options basic gnomes dont have. And Lightning fire and earth always felt like something a gnome would find useful in mastering for there craft. Especially getting an elemental labor force and modifying them too.

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Nerds dig that sweet gnomish Bootay.

I agree that a full robot would have been better.

Shaman and druid would be awesome though. If Goblins have mastered shamanism, I doubt the Gnomes would let them get too far ahead in the arms race the two have going on.

Plus, with druids they could change into mechanical animals, which are considered wildlife of the titan variety since Legion (with hunters taming them).


I have been thinking about what the recruitment scenario could be for the mechagnome allied race, and I am hoping to see Mimiron involved somehow, maybe in his workshop under Mechagon. The mechagnomes are fighting a civil war over mechanization, free will, and their identity as gnomes. They have gone so far as to rebuild themselves in an idealized image of their creator. Given these huge existential questions that the mechagnomes have been grappling with, it would be really interesting to see them meet and philosophize with Mimiron. He could impart his wisdom and guidance about their gnomish potential in protecting Azeroth.

Also, I am curious as to where the mechagnome story could go beyond BfA. It appears that the curse of the flesh gave the titan creations free will at the expense of greater susceptibility to Old God corruption. The mechagnomes are in the unique position where they have partially reversed the curse yet managed to retain all of their free will. This could give them a huge advantage in fighting the Old Gods if they can resist succumbing to madness, which could give them an important role in the story moving forward. If this is the case, then it could be fun to see the mechagnomes interact with the void elfs, since the former have shielded themselves from madness and whispers, while the latter have embraced the danger.


Considering Horde can quest with and even gain rep with the junker gnomes, I think the recruitment will involve the Alliance trying to convince them to join, but they’ll want neutrality. You then investigate and find the Horde doing something bad, like stealing tech for profit. You expose the Horde’s activity and Prince Erazmin decides to join the Alliance.

Not epic, but it’s what makes sense considering they are helped by the Horde in the questline.


It does seem like both the gnomes and the goblins are on equally good terms right now with the Rustbolt Resistance. Prince Erazmin is pretty adamant about being fair and preventing in-fighting between the factions: “Friendship between you is not a requirement. But cooperation is.”

It seems like there are two possible recruitment situations: Recruitment could be like the Nightborne situation, where the Nightborne worked with both sides but felt slighted by the Alliance, causing them to join the Horde as a result. But it could also be like the Highmountain situation, where the Highmountain got along well with both sides and eventually ended up joining the Horde not because of anything the Alliance did or any ill-will toward them, but because of their natural kinship with the tauren.

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Some of the hostile mechagnomes, like the Upgraded Sentry, are full robots. I wonder if people who were excited for more traditional mechagnomes would like to have this full robotic appearance as an option, even though it is not exactly the same as the clockwork bots of Ulduar. I imagine that implementing this head style would limit a lot of the facial animations (and maybe it is impossible for this reason), but it would allow for some increased customization and racial fantasy.


it’s like a happy meal. U eat the junk food and get a toy to play with afterwards.

but really, a monk? That wouldn’t make sense at all. Warrior, rogue, hunter, mage, warlock would be a decent mechagnome lineup

I would definitely choose that full robotic customization if it were available.


ooh JUNK food


I’m betting on heritage armor making you go full robot. There’s quite some already existing armor that makes them look like a robot (or Robocop-like cyborg).