Mechagnome Allied Race Discussion

I am more into the destructive less cute and cuddly kind of battle pets, but Mechagon does have a great variety of new pets. Something came to mind. I wonder if we will see a goblin version of Mechagon next expansion. Notice that this came out in the process of gnome heritage armor. So my suspicion is that goblins will begin getting their round of content closer to when they get their heritage armor. However… Its anyones guess as to if they is even planned for next expansion.


You should edit your title.

Mechagnomes are full machines.

Gnomes evolved from Mechagnomes that contracted the Curse of the Flesh.

Junker Gnomes are regular Gnome amputees who are adding clockwork mechanical parts.

And Gnomes can be converted from Flesh to Mecha and back again as witnessed in Borean Tundra while doing the Re-Cursive quests.

What you are asking for isn’t what your title suggests.


In truth, I think mechagnomes are the official cannon name of these ones from Mechagon. However, I do think blizzard should have given them a more distinct name.


Copy from a post I have in the Sethrak thread.

(PS: Imma need alla yall to stop sayin “Mechagnomes” when ye talkin bout “Junker Gnomes”. Mechagnomes are the MECHAGNOMES holed up in freeze land an are robots, while junkers are the cyborg amputees in the scrap island. 'S really startin ta piss me off)

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They have: Junker Gnome because they live in a junkyard and augment/repair themselves using junk.

They are not mechanical “gnomes” augmenting themselves with biological parts but rather the other way around therefore they are still basically just gnomes and definitely not Mechagnomes.

All official sources I’ve seen them refereed to as Mechagnomes. And the instance in which they were referred to as junker gnomes in the early datamining of the files is likely not cannon at this point. Unless you can link me an official source in which they are called Junker gnomes(or some other name), this appears to be their official name.


“Official sources” can call them hairballs right now but it wouldn’t change the facts.

From Vanilla to “junker gnome” datamining Gnomes have been flesh creatures.

From ~WoLK to “junker gnome” datamining Mechagnomes have been fully robotic servitors of Titan machinery with only a few having individuality.

From “junker gnome” datamining to current PTR we see normal Flesh Gnomes attaching mechanical parts. This means that the Gnomes in Mechagon are not Mechagnomes (having never been fully robotic and also being derived entirely from the normal Flesh Gnomes in Boralus).

They are Gnomes, with junk attached. Thus Junker Gnomes.

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Junker Gnome is a name I’ve only heard come up since these cyborg/mechagnomes/junker gnomes(whatever you want to call them) came up at Blizzcon. Notice in this thread most people are pointing to the source of the name coming from some datamined files. However I haven’t seen them called Junker gnomes anywhere in the official ptr or game and official sources take prominence. Like I cannot go around calling orcs Mountain Dew orcs and have it accepted as cannon because I came up with it.

Bottom line. If it isn’t official, it isn’t cannon.


There’s nothing officially calling them Mechagnomes either though. Wowhead and Wowpedia not being official sources. The closest thing to “official” being the source artwork from last Blizzcon (things from Blizzcon aren’t set in stone).

Mechagnome is established via in game lore spanning a decade as being the progenitor of the gnome race, and specifically being those robots sharing the model of Mimiron that still feature in game in various areas that were not afflicted with the Curse of the Flesh.

These NPC’s are very obviously Flesh Gnomes with mechanical appendages. Very much NOT Robots with flesh appendages.


Mechagnomes is how they were labeled in the Blizzcon presentation. Unless we learn from 8.2 that their name is now different I think Mechagnome is totally a legit name for them.


From the Blizzcon slide.


It is just people don’t like them looking for a more negative context to apply to them. I swear. They can be relentless at times. I am glad gnomes are finally getting some good content. It is about darn time. Granted we don’t know for sure if these will be an AR, but at the very least some love is being given to gnomes.


I honestly didn’t think I’d like Mechagon–or the mechagnomes–at all, but they’ve started to grow on me. Admittedly, their awesome robots sure help a lot in that regard, I can’t get over the animation quality on those things.

Anyone else really hoping we get a tinker class, and that it can reprogram mechanical humanoids to be pets of some kind?


I think that’s what it boils down to.

The Junker-Gnome’s customization options aren’t objectively that bad for an Allied Race, but I do think (from the looks of things) what pulls them over the edge is what appears to be the rather robust (and certainly aesthetically interesting) civilization they are attached to. They’re Gnomes … but Gnomes mixed with Cyberpunk and a dash of Bioshock. That’s good stuff!

Also, lets be honest … if these lil buggers really do become an allied race, their racials are liable to just be so much fun. :smiley:


I want a tiny mecha streisand.

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I like this, just throwing in my support

+1 for Alliance Gnomes


Mechagnomes are pretty much confirmed at this point. Even if I’ll never unlock or play the rusty little bolts, I think they’d fit perfectly on the Alliance.

Basically, Horde is going to help them too to resist their tyrant leader, before siding with the Alliance due to Horde disagreements/natural friends with the Gnomes.

Kind of like how Alliance helped the Nightborne resist Elisande’s tyranny before they ended up siding with the Horde due to commonality with Blood Elves and Tyrande using a very poor choice of words.


Nothing is confirmed at this point. For all we know, there could be a new race of gnomes that undergoes heavy development next expansion and ends up becoming the AR.


Mnnnnnn… Yeah I don’t think so, but alright.

I would love for Undermine to become a zone, assuming it still exists after Mount Kajaro erupted. What a zany, madcap metropolis that would be. Still bummed we had to leave Kezan and Bilgewater Port behind.

When goblins get their spiffy new model updates (8.2.5 fingers crossed), I think this would be a good time for them to get spiffy new heritage armor as well. I wonder what theme it would have? I could see something iconic like sapper garb, or maybe even trade prince regalia.