Mechagnome Allied Race Discussion

Those mogs look pretty darn amazing. PS: Here is a tip That’ll help you out with your Megathread since you don’t have trust level 3.

  1. Get a video recorder(OBS broadcast should be good).

  2. Take a 1-2 second video of an image with it.

  3. Upload it to youtube and make it public. Its not as easy and takes long, but this will help you get images displayed in your Megathread for those too lazy to click links.

Hope this helps.

PS: I checked each of those links.

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After completing the tour of Rustbolt with Prince Erazmin on several characters, I noticed that he has additional dialogue for some classes but not others.

On my dwarf paladin, I had the option of selecting the dialogue: “What improvements could mechanization offer me?” The philosopher-prince then gave a very gnomish musing on the nature of the Light:

“You desperately require an embedded flashlight.
<Prince Erazmin waits far too long for you to laugh.>
Message received. The joke landed better with the last paladin.
You’ [sic] have many formal techniques, but I’d like to see some boosts to your creativity. What if you embedded prisms into every limb of your body to aid in the manipulation of the Light in new and unforeseen ways?
Actually, does your Light work in the same way as natural light? Are the naaru okay with unconventional manipulations of it? Does the Light come from inside of you, or is it channeled through you from another, invisible source?
To be honest, the whole Light thing has never made much sense to me, personally…”

On my goblin shaman and gnome warlock, I did not have the option of selecting any additional dialogue. However, my gnome priest had the same response as the paladin about the nature of the Light. And finally, my gnome monk received yet a different response to “What improvements could mechanization offer me?”:

“You’ve earned those callouses on your hands and feet, and I would deprive you of them through full limb replacement.
Stay subtle. What if you embedded steel plates under your palms and retractable katars in your knees?
You’d look the same, but would be at least 19% more dangerous.”

I am almost certainly reading way too much into this, but I am curious about his responses (or lack of) to other classes. At the very least, I am amused by his literal approach to the Light, and I am now imagining mechagnome paladins running around harnessing the power of flashlights and channeling holy rainbows out of their embedded hand prisms. But would the naaru be okay with that? :rofl:


Fun thread to read. My interest is piqued in these Gnomes.


I’m still not interested at all, but I thought you guys would like to see this:


This is great news and intricate details in the dressing room. I would love to play a mechagnome. I am hoping that it is an Allied Race. ALong with Jinyu and Naga. :smiley: :rainbow::rainbow::heart::heart::heart:


The customization options look neat. Hopefully if they do end up being an allied race, then we can make them look more robotic. I’m honestly excited at the idea. ^^


Wow, great video! There is even more customization than I was expecting for the mechagnomes. I will add this to the original post!

Also, more Brewfest drink icons have been datamined, and there is a drink called Rustbolt Rootbeer! Its flavor text says: “Something metallic glitters in the bubbles.” Look at those mechagnomes, making sure we get our daily serving of micronutrients. How thoughtful! There are also drinks called Resistance Roller, Scrap Heap, and Muddy Chassis that may also be mechagnome related. Not sure yet what their presence means at Brewfest, but it is probably a good sign.


It would be neat if the Brewfest icons were a clue. It would be a good sign, if so. ^^

Interestingly enough, I did see a Tortollan drink called “Really, Really Really Old Fashioned” which caught my eye. I wouldn’t mind them as an allied race, myself. <- <;

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Wowhead dressing room has now implemented the full array of cybernetic face, arm, and leg customization options, in addition to the metal body colors, hairstyles, hair colors, and facial hair options. People say mechagnomes are not cool enough to be an allied race, but in my opinion there is nothing cooler in the whole wide world (of warcraft) than this tiny boss:


There is one thing that could top this. Cyberpunk, android based gnome demon hunters with psionic capabilities and mechanical wings.


Wow! That looks awesome!

I just finished reading all of the original post, and i must say that you did a great job OP! I can tell you put a lot of work into this. I wish you luck on getting your Mechagnomes!

If they ever become playable I know I will be making one! :grin:

Edit: Bookmarked this thread so I can keep an eye on it!


She even has a built-in pizza slicer!


We have to be careful. A gnome that epic could cause the second Sundering.



So tell me Yseut. How do you feel about the prospect of Demonic fel tinker goblins and gnomes? Here is a sneak peak of the project I’ve been working on. The second picture is what I look like in my more serious RP.


Your fel tinkers look awesome! Those glaives are just excellent, and the horns are what I wish my horns could be. The bandolier is a nice touch, and as a warlock, I long for those demonic wings.


Just wait till I am finished with these. You haven’t seen how they look with all the effects and animations. Also going to be getting some voice acting for when I make a machinema using them. Demonic fel tinkers actually exist in lore too. They are just one of those classes that would likely never become a playable class.

The bandolier is a nice touch, and as a warlock, I long for those demonic wings.

However. If they did make that into a warlock spec, it would be sweet!

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That looks really cool. FYI

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Seeing that tiny boss image makes me imagine what the MechaGnome heritage armor would be like. Spinning gears and stuff would make it awesome! ^^


I like their future-retro style too, it reminds me of Fallout or something.