Mechagnome Allied Race Discussion

I am definitely planning to level one for the heritage armor. Whether or not I race change any of my existing characters mostly depends on what classes mechagnomes can be, which is hard to guess at this point. A mechagnome demon hunter would be a sight to behold. Gnome tech plus gan’arg tech…

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Wow Yseut. You look awesome with the gnome heritage armor. Congrats on getting ahold of it :+1:

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Thanks! I just finished running dailies for the Argent Tournament to acquire the matching sword, mechanostrider, and banner in Gnomeregan colors. Purple and orange for days!


Some of the Mechagon mogs I’ve seen look pretty darn sweet. I tell you that. Ray gun and stuff. I tell you this, if Mechagnomes do become player(Junker or whatever they are called), it would probably the closest thing possible to what you saw in my other thread that I can come to in game. Of course I’d have to farm the warglaives of Azzinoth again.

After seeing the mechagnomes and their physiology, I am hoping for mechanical upgrades to replace these old bones. Would also resolve this rotting flesh if I were to receive mech upgrades.

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Please no. If they give us another lame AR, I hope they give us a few nice ones for a change.

Please kindly take this hate elsewhere. I can understand not wanting Mechagnomes, but its not nice to bash them.


There has been some speculation about a possible tinker class. If mechagnome tinkers could wear mech enhancements, drop turrets, and dual wield swords like the warglaives of Azzinoth, then I bet you could really come close!

The mechagnomes of Rustbolt seem very eager to encourage and assist with the mechanization of newcomers to the island! I think it would be fun to see mechagnomes and forsaken interact. Both of them share some dark themes and a rather utilitarian approach to their physiologies.


I sense a 4 Pack of AR’s in the future. Mechagnomes and Gilblin as the “recolor” with Arkoan and the little fox dudes as the new(ish) rigs.

I for one welcome the Mechagnomes as an AR. I’ll be playing one if we get them.

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Plus, with forsaken augmentation, they’d be able to get Really creative with design. They wouldn’t have to think about whether anything would be too damaging.

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As excited as I am for the possibility of mechagnomes in the near-ish future, I could also see them appearing later on in a 4-pack. The shorter races tend to be very polarizing, unfortunately, so I could see Blizz waiting to release them with more popular models.

The unholy alliance of gnomish mechanization plus forsaken augmentation is enough to give N’zoth nightmares! I am now imagining mechabominations.


King Mechagon


Perhaps one of these days. I could make a visual representation of a what a tinker might look like if it was playable on goblins and gnomes at least. It would take a little work, but with the assets I already have from the other project, it is not off the table.


I’m 99% sure Mechagnomes and Vulpera will be the next Allied Races, and I don’t want either at all.

Damn. The new worgen models will have to sate me while we get something that’s actually cool.

Nothing is for certain. What ends up being the next set of allied races, may be something we don’t see until next expansion.

Yeah, that’s what worries me; having to wait that long again.

I’m enjoying Rustbolt and the Mechagnomes. Now that we’ve been questing in the area and seeing more of the lore, anyone have views on which classes the likely-one-day-Allied Race will get to play?

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I’m really hoping Mechagnomes have at least one class that Gnomes don’t have. I’m thinking Paladins since there are many ways for the creatures of Azeroth to worship the “light”. Dark Iron Dwarves worshipped Ragnaros and were Paladins so I would look at it like Mechagnomes worship their technology.


I was thinking Paladins make it as well. I would assume the Mechagnomes we potentially play are associated with the Rustbolt Resistance and therefore have an inherent interest in ‘good’ to overcome complete robotic assimilation. They seem like people that would embrace the light as a Paladin & Priest to hold on to their humanity (Gnomanity??).

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Among the Rustbolt Resistance, the themes of liberating the oppressed and defending the dispossessed seem to fit the paladin archetype. There is also a certain amount of zealotry toward mechanization and the return to an idealized, Titan-forged state. I could see mechagnomes revering Mimiron as the paragon of gnomish ingenuity and form and organizing a paladin order around him. Even if paladins do not become a class option, I hope to see interaction at some point between the mechagnomes and Mimiron.