Mechagnome Allied Race Discussion

Here it comes—only seven days before we venture to Mechagon!

Once people really get to interact with the mechagnomes of Rustbolt, I hope this will show just how impressive the customization options are and how the Mechagon civilization diverges from that of Gnomeregan.


I look forward to seeing the discussions going on here in the future. I’ll try to help report any findings in the game for the MechaGnomes. :smiley:


If these things ever become playable, then it looks like I will be the honorary first Mechagnome demon hunter. Mechagon looks like it will be a real treat to explore and quest in.

PS: I estimate about 3 days until my special project is completed. No promises though! When it is though, it will really help out with ideas pertaining to tinkers.


New introduction to Mechagon!

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Just a heads up btw. It is going to be a bit longer than 3 days, but trust me. It will be worth it!

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Mechagon comic.

Cool comic, really made the junkers look way more interesting. This is what I talk about fleshing out a race. With this single short tale, we found out how these mechagnomes think, what they aim for, how they are transformed, what the transformation means, plus they got a dark side. Now they are not just a (depending on each one’s tastes) cool-looking race, but a real part of the setting, with its own soul.

That’s what the void elves lack. It still amazes me that Blizz didn’t make even a short story about them when they came out.


Ok that comic was well done. Wish blizzard did that for every allied race


I was not expecting a mechagnome comic—the story, art, and tone were all really good! It provided a really nice history lesson for how the mechagnome society (and civil war) came to be. It also turned King Mechagon into a much more nuanced villain than I was expecting. He has not been corrupted, nor is he crazy. You can see how his intentions may once have been noble—alleviating the pain and suffering that were consequences of the curse of the flesh. However, these intentions were warped by adherence to inflexible ideology and disregard for individual agency in pursuit of “the greater good.” Plus there is the tragedy of Kervo. I wonder if we will run into him on Mechagon Island…

I agree about the void elfs. It boggles my mind that we do not meet them until their own recruitment scenario. I would love to see a comic about Magister Umbric and maybe be introduced to some other named void elfs in game. (Is Alleria considered to be a void elf? I don’t even know.) I would also like to see them carve out their own culture and niche in the Alliance. They have so much potential, especially with all the hints that we may be heading toward a showdown with the void.


I wish they would add some more named void elf npc, or something just to add to there lore.


They should have released an Umbric short story or comic, exploring his ideology and past, and showing how the transformation affected them and their view on things.

They should add more void elf NPCs, with conflicting views.

The only reason I can find on all the secrecy and mystery about the void elves, as well as refusing to add more familiar faces to their roster, is that Blizzard is planning a big twist on them. So, I’m kinda expecting a treason or some other dark twist near the end of BfA…

We will see.

Anyway, back on topic, this comic made me way more interested in the mechagnomes. I just wish Blizzard had given the race another name, since “mechagnome” is already taken by the robotic gnomes we have known since WotLK…


I propose we call them junker gnones officially. Mecha gnomes sounds better for full robot gnomes.

Anyway judging from the comic it seems its possibly to get fully robot gnomes. I hope they consider that as a cosmetic if they become playable. Full robot would be dope. The fleshy heads is just creepy.


There’s no customization for full robot, but with the right gear you look total robot. Also, I think the heritage armor will make you look full robot.

There is in the comic. Which is why I’m hoping they’ll add it.

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In-game there are several mechagnome NPCs that are “full robot” due to gear.

Yes but now is the time to ask for such things : P. I for one would be very interested in mechagnomes if they were full robot options. Since that is what made me want the mechagnomes from ulduar/northrend.

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I watched the recent comic on Mechagon about Kervo. Beautifully done, great artwork and story. I must say I was hesitant on 8.2 and whats to come. I am pumped to delve deep into magical Mechagon!

I know that this thread started back in Apr 9th and is a bit old, but…

Considering that further up in the thread you have this video linked, I feel pretty safe in the assumption they have custom dances.

Which is super cool by the way :slight_smile:

I am actually becoming a fan of them more and more, they have a lot of cool story going for them so far and I really loved the comic they did! I can not wait to hit Mechagon in 8.2 :smiley:

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I used to call them junker gnomes back when the first text was datamined hinting at them. Then Blizz called them mechagnomes at the last Blizzcon, so I switched to their latest “official” name. I agree that there is some ambiguity with the name mechagnome. I imagine that the community will eventually just gravitate to junker gnome anyway. Although now that I think about it more, I am not sure what the gnomes of Mechagon actually call themselves.

This would be an excellent use of heritage armor.

Yes! I think the comic did a great job of showing the promise and tragedy of Mechagon and giving us a reason to care about the mechagnomes.

The dance animation turned out really amazing! The mechagnomes also have a few other new emotes that make them look more robotic. My particular favorite is the /laugh, which is a very classic over-the-top mad-scientist laugh. I am looking forward to working my way through the Mechagon story and helping the Rustbolt Resistance!


The comic really drummed up some hype in my guild for the mechagnomes as an allied race from being sceptical or even a bit hostile to it. The quality of this comic is a lot better than the three sisters comic too!
Let’s hope we get some gnome cybermen as an allied race now!


I am still half debating if I would race change to one of these if they came out or just make a new one. Course Mechagnome demon hunters would be pretty interesting.

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