Mechagnome Allied Race Discussion

Have there been any hints on which faction the Mecha Gnomes prefer or are more friendly with? I would expect and also prefer them on Alliance, but was curious if there were any signs.

Also, I think I read somewhere that the Mechagon dungeon may be split up into parts for when it goes in LFD, but can’t find where that was stated or even confirmed. I assume that the dungeon would be required as an unlock criteria for Mecha Gnomes, and if so, I would hope I could do it via LFD.

Just imagine for a minute if they didn’t go alliance because imagine this. The gnomes of gnomergan tried to zealously recruit them and they actually took quite a liking to the goblins. I was noticing that they actually seem to be getting along nicely with Gazlowe’s goblins nicely. If I am being honest, without thinking about the fact that alliance have regular gnomes, then these guys seem more likely to go horde. However I think that they would go alliance case of the AR setup.

So far, Prince Erazmin seems to be on good terms with both the gnomes, represented by Tinkmaster Overspark, and goblins, represented by Gazlowe. We will have to see if this changes with future patches or developments.

I agree that the Mechagon dungeon would almost certainly be required to unlock mechagnomes. As far as I know, the Mechagon dungeon will be mythic-only when it releases. I am hoping that it will have a heroic LFD option in a future patch, similar to how the Siege of Boralus was originally mythic-only, but was later given a herioic LFD option when it was required for unlocking Kul Tirans.

Yeah, I think these guys would go Alliance mostly because the other likely allied races are already Horde-aligned.


I haven’t played the Alliance side of things on Mechagon yet; what is Overspark’s reasons for being on Mechagon? He’s a bit of blowhard, but Gazlowe is there first and foremost to stripmine the place for profit (though, he is more diplomatic about how specifically he exports his materials and tech). I would assume that that temperament is likely to prevent the Junkers from really siding with the Goblins (though I could be wrong, Overspark could have a total dick reason for being there).

It would kind of remind me of Surumar in some ways, but in the Alliance’s favor this time; where it was made very apparent that the Kaldorei were first and foremost there to fight the legion (and the NBs were a means to that); while the Sin’Dorei under Rommath and Liadrin took immediate vested interests in the Nightborne people (so, ultimately, the NBs ended up growing closer to the SIn’Dorei … hell, Liadrin is straight up trying to recruit them to the Horde on the Vindecaar).


Overspark, who has typically been portrayed as competent if eccentric, seems to be motivated at first by vainglory and gnomish arrogance. He wants to be the one to discover Mechagon and its trove of technology. Even after the hologram of King Mechagon killed all of the non-gnome archaeo-tinkologists in the Rusted Vault, he still seems excited to meet the king in person and “introduce [his] technology to the entire world.” After hearing Prince Erazmin’s story, he finally starts to have doubts about the king. We will have to see if he truly begins to care about the Rustbolt Resistance beyond access to their technology and if he plays a role in the liberation of Mechagon. However, Sapphronetta and Grizzek are also part of the Alliance envoy to Prince Erazmin and seem to have more immediate sympathy for the plight of the mechagnomes. (I’m actually not sure where Grizzek’s allegiance currently lies.)

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When I speak to Overspark on my horde character, he says something that seems to indicate he has a plan to expose the horde as evil or something like that. Its pretty obvious that he wants Mechagnomes to side with the alliance. The irony of this is that despite Gazlowe seeming to not be trying to get them to side with the horde, the mechagnomes seem to like the horde folk more. Just look at how nicely the bilge water goblins are getting along with the mechagnomes. Its kinda sad in a way knowing that’s probably not always going to be the case. Seeing goblins and gnomes working together is a pleasant sight.

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Yeah, I really like the (mostly) friendly rivalry the gnomes and goblins have traditionally had, where they are always trash-talking and trying to one-up each other technologically, but are friends at the end of the day. It was a bummer to see Fizzle and Pozzik fighting each other in Nazmir. I am optimistic for the continuation of Sapphy and Grizzek’s story, especially since Grizzek seems to be on good terms with Gazlowe. Hopefully, they can repair relationships between common gnomes and goblins, even if Gallywix and Mekkatorque will probably always be hostile toward each other.


Grizzek’s gossip text implies he’s anti-Horde. He says something about being worried that the Horde is there, thought at least he’s relieved that it’s Gazlowe and not Galliwyx in charge.

He may not be Alliance, but he’s clearly not with the Horde.


A few sources I’ve found, Wowhead and Blizzard Watch, have mentioned that Operation: Mechagon will eventually have a heroic version and be split into two dungeons. Blizzard Watch even mentions this happening in a “future patch 8.3” also. I’m assuming that if this is true, then hopefully the parts of Operation: Mechagon will be added to LFD. I haven’t heard anything from Blizzard themselves on the matter, though, so we’ll have to see.

Of course, I would prefer that dungeons and raids not be required for unlocking allied races in general, but I’ll likely try to finish the storyline anyway if Operation: Mechagon does get added to LFD in pieces.

Getting closer and closer to exalted with Rustbolt Rebellion on both my Alliance and Horde mains. :smiley:

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I am excited to see the resolution to the King Mechagon and Rustbolt Resistance storyline, but I am not sure if I will wait until a future patch when a heroic dungeon becomes available, or if I will try the mythic dungeon, which is not really my speed.

I am also curious if (and how) the story of the mechagnomes will continue in patch 8.2.5 or 8.3. For example, they could start to integrate back into the larger world or take up arms to protect Azeroth as their mechanical forebears were programmed to do. If they become an allied race, their recruitment quest could touch on these possibilities as well.

Yay! I am over half way through Revered with the Rustbolt Resistance as of today. I like the gameplay of Mechagon Island so much that I have been neglecting Nazjatar and still have not unlocked flying. :laughing:


Theres a subplot in ‘Before the Storm’ having to deal with Grizzek and Saffy. Without being spoilery, I can say that they both studied Azerite quite a bit, and Gallywix* burned his bridges with them.

I was surprised to find that even knowing the major plot points of the book, that it was still a great read. There are a few lines of prose that echo things we hear in cinematics and (especially with hindsight) its interesting.

Anyway, for the curious, here’s what they said about Grizzek and the Horde when they first introduced his character (After some prose about how he led a different sort of life in Kazan, and didn’t really care for the autumnal colors of Azshara but then the goblins screwed the land up even more).

"And all those other races in the Horde; they just didn’t seem to understand the goblin mentality. The “deaders”, as he thought of the Forsaken, gave him the creeps, and the only thing they seemed to enjoy tinkering with was poisons. The orcs thought they were better then everyone else, “Original Horde” and all that claptrap. The tauren were too in love with the land to make any reasonable person comfortable, and the whole thing the trolls had going on with the loa scared the crap out of him. Pandaren were just too…well…nice. He’d met a blood elf or two he could share a beer with, but the race as a whole was way too pretty, and they liked pretty things, and goblins and thier culture most definitely did not qualify as pretty things.

"but the very worst part of joining the Horde was that the union had elevated Jastor Gallywix from a simple slimy trade prince to the powerful slimy leader of an entire Horde faction. And then one day, quite suddenly, as if a switched had been flipped, Grizzek had had enough.

"He had taken everything he owned–all of his laboratory knick-knacks, books filled with years of painstakingly detailed notes on experiments, and a small warehouse full of supplies–and moved here, to a deserted beach in Tanaris.

“Working alone in the sweltering sun, which turned his pale yellow-green skin to a rich forest-emerald hue, he had constructed a small, modest domicile and a not so small, not very modest laboratory. Grizzek found that he florished in solitude and sunlight. He rose in the late afternoon, went for a swim, and broke his fast, then headed in to work during the cooler evening and night hours. Over the years, he’d constructed a bristling defense system composed of robots, alarms, whistles, and other warning devices.”

Oh and also he likes Gazlowe and thinks he represents some of the best of what goblins can be like. He thinks about that way later.

*Edited to fix a name I got wrong

  • The Ankoan are 100x cooler

Thanks for sharing this recap! Kind of going off topic, but there seems to be increasing dissatisfaction with Gallywix and praise for Gazlowe in the goblin storyline. I wonder if this is laying the foundation for a change of leadership in the Bilgewater Cartel and some development for the goblins in a future patch or expansion.


What Mecha-Ankoan? Mechagnomes are the ones who could create such a thing :wink:

With all of the mechanical “animals” in Mechagon, this AR should definitely get a “druid” class.


Mechagnome fans, toss me some opinions. What do you believe is a good class to match with the Mechagnome/Rustbolt Resistance theme and lore we are experiencing in the game?

My subjective view of examples by what is meant by good race/class combos:
Lightforged Draenei as Holy Priests or Paladins
Void Elves as Shadow Priests
Night Elves as Druids
Orcs as Shamans or Warriors
Humans as Mages or Rogues
Trolls as Hunters
Pandarens as Monks

Other examples could be made, but I am specifically curious as to what are good Mechagnome/Class combos that just seemingly fit and make sense. Your thoughts?

Other than tinkers, shaman comes to mind.

Its hard really for there isn’t a huge focus on engineering and technology when it comes to class specialisation which would suggest potential new class options. I don’t see a whole lot really making sense with mechagnome.

However if i were to match it to something i would say Survival Hunter, just due to its bombs and some little things here and there combined with maybe Mechanical pets that Mechagnomes can only tame, the ranged specs could work with a more gun focus as well.

I don’t see magic really being a paired option for Technology is often in MMO’s and RPG’s the contrasting option to magic.

If the Druid forms appeared mechanical it would sort of work.

Again they would really need a class of their own.

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I think you could get creative. Technology is part of Gnome culture and extremely valued in Rustbolt, but it does not mean all Gnomes are adept with technology. A Rustbolt Gnome embraced giving up flesh for technological enhancements, but it does not mean they are naturally skilled at developing the technology. I think that lends itself to other classes making sense.

How about a Mechagnome fire mage enhanced with flame throwing technology? :slight_smile:

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Other than tinkerer, there could be several possibilities for the iconic mechagnome class:

  • Marksmanship or survival hunter (with mech pet and raygun)
  • Combat or subtlety rogue (inspired by that cool lightning bolt shadowstep animation that the sentries do)
  • Arms warrior (many mechagnomes seem to be trained, disciplined fighters who use sword and shield weapons)

More of a stretch:

  • Elemental shaman (lightning and electricity feature heavily in mechagnome animations and architecture – it would be a departure from traditional shamanism but could be possible)

Ha, Christy Punchcog would agree with you! One of her many “suggestions” for “improvement” is: “Imagine your arms… but, now, instead of arms… they’re FLAMETHROWERS!”