Mechagnome Allied Race Discussion

The Blackfuse Company made the initial designs, but the Iron Horde quickly got the gist of it. The mag’har have been using the tech for decades now, and brought it with them.

I don’t see the orcs as particularly creative, but what they learn to do, they do well.

Also, the dark irons have been established as machine-savy. Kelsey even cheerfully comments on their machines when learns of them in Zuldazar.

All the playable races are capable of engineering and building things on a basic level, but it is an entirely different story when it comes to innovating. If it wasn’t for the goblin aid they had, what they would have likely had to do was steal technology or have come up with some much more lackluster pieces of technology. And technically they already did steal some of the technology.

Another recolor race, no new character models.

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The arms and limbs of them couldn’t have been done by just retexturing the model. Plus they also have spinning gears. I am all for seeing what they do with these Mechagnomes as time goes on.


It seems like the mechagnomes we meet in Rustbolt remove and “upgrade” their limbs and other body parts surgically. I am not sure how they go about doing this, but undoubtedly it is pretty advanced technology!

With regard to a more magical transformation like we saw with the gnomes in Borean Tundra, a weapon like this is exactly why we are venturing into the Mechagon dungeon! From the dungeon journal entry for King Mechagon, the final boss: “As maniacal as he is brilliant, King Mechagon despises all organic life. With his mechoriginator primed and ready, nothing stands in the way of his scheme to purge the curse of flesh from Azeroth and mechanize the entire world.” Not sure if this weapon survives the dungeon or not.

As for other mechagnome updates, it appears that male mechagnomes now have their new emotes and dance implemented (although these are still a bit glitchy in the Wowhead dressing room). Their dance is the same as female mechagnomes, which seems like a reasonable compromise. Some allied races did not get new dances at all, while others had two new dances for the men and women. The mechagnome dance, in my opinion, is elaborate enough that it can be shared.

And since we cannot be mechagnomes (yet :crossed_fingers:), at least we can try to mog as close as possible! I am a little bummed that there does not appear to be any mechagnome-themed armor coming in 8.2, but there have been some pretty cool weapons datamined in the mean time.

No mechagnome hunter leaves home without his Buck Rogers / Flash Gordon raygun:

And a mechagnome warrior’s chainsword is always at her side:

Not to mention blowtorches, wrench-maces, and a fishing rods with built-in tesla coils (naturally).



Here is a sneak peak of the pistol I made for the demonic fel tinker project. I don’t want to spoil too much, but the time its nearing for its full reveal.

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Don’t forget the future-retro theme like in the hairstyles. Totally reminds me of Fallout.

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No more puntable races please. I don’t like gnomes.

Mechagnomes look fun. Let’s speculate, what classes would they be?

Warriors, Rogues, & Hunters are a lock, right? What else? Paladins, Priests, and Shamans?


TechnoPaladins and TechnoPriests of the Titans would be amazing!


I really have no idea.
The ones in question marks are possible, but not sure.

Death Knight :x:
Demon Hunter :x:
Druid :x:
Hunter :white_check_mark:
Mage :white_check_mark:
Monk :question:
Paladin :question:
Priest :question:
Rogue :white_check_mark:
Shaman :question:
Warlock :question:
Warrior :white_check_mark:

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Not enough info yet.

Most classes seem out of touch for them.

They almost need to add Tinker to give them another class.

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I’m not feeling the idea of mech gnomes, at all. I think it’s going a bit far to have half robots walking around. But that’s just me.

Enjoy mech gnomes for all who are into that weird stuff.


Well… after looking at them more, I can’t say they aren’t really a monster race. shudders these guys are pretty creepy. :robot:

If they had a leaper Gnome like this, it would pretty much be Pickle Rick.

I like em cuz they’re weird!

This is a literal group of Gnomes that have apparently succumbed to their slightly sociopathic tendencies (due to lack of cultural contamination of other races). As a result, they’ve apparently moved towards a series of cultural practices of extreme self-mutilation. If Blizz really wanted to explore the … darker sides of the little meatball race they really could with the Junkers.


That pistol looks awesome! I am excited to see the finished work.

Yes, the female mechagnomes in particular have amazing hairstyles with their retro victory rolls. Dollars to doughnuts this hairstyle was inspired by Rachel from Blade Runner:


I mean… hand clamps. That’s some body horror right there on par with the Forsaken.

As far as potential classes go, it is hard to get a read on the mechagnomes of Rustbolt. I have been looking at their weapons, spells, and abilities on the PTR, and they do not really reflect conventional classes. I think hunters, warriors, and rogues are safe bets, but beyond that is a guess.

Since regular gnomes can be priests and are usually given titles like “surgeon” or “medic,” I think mechagnomes could fit this theme as well. In stark contrast to regular gnomes, however, mechagnomes do not seem very interested in magic and the arcane. Nevertheless, due to their heritage through Mimiron and by extension Norgannon, I can see them having mage as an option. Since they have been isolated from other races and the recent invasion by the Burning Legion, I would not expect them to be warlocks or have knowledge of or interest in the fel.

Paladin and shaman get more into the realm of speculation. I hope that mechagnomes would get at least one new class, and paladin seems to be the most likely in my opinion. The mechagnomes exhibit many of the paladin virtues, such as liberation of the oppressed, protection of the weak, self-sacrifice for the greater good, devotion to duty, and reverence for a higher ideal, namely the return to their titan-forged design in service of their makers. Similar to how Zandalari prelates draw their faith and strength through Rezan, mechagnome paladins could find a patron in Mimiron.


A lot of work for something absolutely stomach churning.

I hope they never become playable. I dont want to have to look at them. I watch horror movies that dont bother me as much as looking at the junk gnomes do.

Yup … nothing like the Gnomes and Gnome Players finally getting something nice for the first time in 15 years. Maybe elves should get another 10 reskins instead? Or maybe we should get more “unique” races that people complain that they desperately want, but only a tiny fraction of will actually play (defaulting back to playing Humans and Elves)? :smiley:


I’m jealous Gnomes are getting all these cool robot parts!