Mechagnome Allied Race Discussion

If it is like the Nightborne scenario, I can see the Goblins doing something that cheeses the Mecha Gnomes off. It likely could be Gallywix that orders shenanigans that occur. Just seems fitting, in a way.

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Maybe the cyborg ones are a purely NPC faction but the playable ones are full robots?

The fully robotic gnomes only have one face appearance, though, while the cyborg gnomes have all of the customization options, so the cyborg gnomes seem more playable. I do hope there is an option for the fully robotic face, though, for those who want to play as mini terminators.

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Hey now! Mechagnomes are wholesome, free-range, and organic (more or lessā€¦) and loaded with essential micronutrients, like copper and selenium.

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I am glad you brought back this thread. I kind of regret not bumping it earlier for further discussion.

Just wait until you see the fully completed demonic fel tinker models. PS: Thanks for bringing back this thread.

I am excited to see your completed fel tinker models ā€“ the work in progress you linked to was really good! If tinkers ever become a class, a moā€™arg spec would be so awesome! (Incredibly unlikely, but awesome nonethelessā€¦ :grin:)

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Although I donā€™t really expect them eventually be a class in game, perhaps they might lead to some interesting ideas that help improve something in game. If they do become a thing in game though, Iā€™d suspect it would happen under the following ways:

  1. Tinker class that has fel and void tinker specs.

  2. They wouldnā€™t be considered a tinker class per say and be looked at as something different from tinker like perhaps a diabolist class.

  3. Blizzard began to do what they have done with allied races except with classes and we started getting special reskins of classes or something like that.

Said class does actually exist in lore though too. However, remember that you are talking to the gnome who finds rping as a demon hunter more fun than actually playing one. Either way, Iā€™ll be happy with the outcome.


We just got a ton of new races. All with ridiculous grinds. I would prefer they inspire the Tinker class. That would favor both factions, could be used by any race, and we are due for a new class. Well at least by next expansion.

Maybe they are adding Mechagnomes as an excuse to add tinkers later on?


Iā€™ve heard rumors that the Undermine was originally meant to be released as an instanced zone like Mechagon, but it ended up being turned into a instanced dungeon. Who knows?


Technically, we never saw Undermine. We just got a dungeon somewhere in Kezanā€™s surface.

Undermine is still in the table. Even Kezan itself still is.

I think Tinkers are the most likely class to be added next. Plus, it could avoid the popular race choices (humans, elves) entirely and benefit the less played races, like gnomes, goblins and such. Would be awesome.

I donā€™t think they are adding the junkers as excuse for tinkers. Instead, tinkers made the junkers a likelier choice. Blizzard plans things like classes way ahead.


I really hope we get to visit Undermine one day. The Motherlode dungeon was just scratching the surface of what a goblin zone dialed up to 11 could be. I imagine really fun political intrigue and invention one-upmanship between the different trade princes and cartels.

If tinkers do become a new class, I wonder if they will be limited to gnomes and goblins, or if they will include other races that have their own engineering and alchemy traditions?


really hope we get to visit Undermine one day. The Motherlode dungeon was just scratching the surface of what a goblin zone dialed up to 11 could be.

If there is going to be a return to the Undermine an expansion in which they are releasing tinkers would seem like a great time for it.

If tinkers do become a new class, I wonder if they will be limited to gnomes and goblins, or if they will include other races that have their own engineering and alchemy traditions?

Unfortunately I doubt they would. This is for a few reasons:

  1. Engineering is widely practiced among many races so certain others might be able to handle it on a similar level goblins and gnomes can even if they arenā€™t as intelligent.

  2. Next expansion would be the time for a base class. We recently had a heroic class and base classes are typically a class that is used by many.

However if they were going to make them restricted to goblins and gnomes, then my suspicion is that weā€™d have to be getting introduced to a special unique kind of goblin and gnome with technology not seen by most and probably far more advanced. Something that wouldnā€™t be easy for others to understand.

That being said. Iā€™ll tell you what will be restricted to goblins and gnomes. This fan made class I am making. I donā€™t want to spoil too much for now, but lets just say that this is going to be pretty interesting once I am done with it.


Some of the Rustbolt Defenders have unique shoulder armor that looks very ā€œmechagnomey.ā€ I have not seen the armor anywhere else in game, and it does not appear to drop from the Mechagon dungeon. One NPC in particular, Izira Gearsworn, also has unique chest armor. It is not visible on the still photo, but her shoulders have animated glowing gears:

Both the shoulder and chest armor look like reinforced plating, giving the mechagnomes a bulkier robotic appearance, and they also blend in seamlessly with the overall aesthetic of the metal limbs. I wonder if this is a possible direction for mechagnome heritage armor.


Personally I would never play one but for those that want them I will support your requestā€¦


That looks really cool!

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No, I really hope we donā€™t end up with more classes with no racial choices.

I can see tinkers being available to goblins, magā€™har, gnomes, vulpera, mechagnomes and dark irons. Maybe some others as well (Dwarves, lightforged come to mind, but thereā€™s a lack of Horde counterparts).

I just hope it skips the usually popular races. No humans and elves!

Thatā€™s pretty much what I expect it to be: heritage armor will add more mechanical parts and plating, making you look full robotic.

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Yeah, I can definitely see the Iron Horde magā€™har and Dark Iron dwarfs being counterparts and bringing a darker, more industrial theme to the tinker class. If there is any alchemy involved (potentially for a healer spec), then forsaken might also fit in as apothecaries.

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Good God no.

Just No. How about they patch up our Gnomish king and then disappear forever, ok?

I should point out that the Iron Horde for the most part didnā€™t actually get most of their technological ingenuity from themselves. It was the blackfuse company that had been behind most of their technological advancements. It was a similar case for the fel horde. They had fel infused goblins that built the stuff for them. What the Magā€™har orcs actually did do was gather materials and assemble parts.

Dark Iron Dwarves canonically arenā€™t as intelligent and self disciplined as most gnomes although dwarves do have a similar passion for engineering. The way I know this is because it is mentioned that gnomes developed a massive technological society while dwarves were still struggling with making properly working guns.

Forsaken on the other hand I am not quite sure of. That one I will have to research a bit more.