Mecha-Gnomes were a terrible idea

Yeesh, who poured hot sauce in your Cheerios today?


We’re a supreme breed. We need no numbers, for each one of us is a quality player far superior to any elf.

Plus, you know. My racial community didn’t complain for a solid year about their giant tree inevitably catching fire.

Like I said. A diarchy. Gelbin only holds his power because the Gnomes believe in him. Him having an advisor like Erazmin is practically saying ‘rule with me’


I just switched my rogue to mechagnome as you can see, looks bad can’t wait to switch to a different race, seems all the allied races are just recolors so really no different options

Model Viewer is a lie because it does better when the game itself can’t.

So those of us who genuinely did want a robotic race in the game, when would we be allowed to get it?

Is it just me or does the mechagnome mount look like a walking urinal

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It’s not just you.


Uh, a lot of people do. The majority of alliance players, probably. It’s great that yall are happy with the race, at least someone is, but it’s a fact that they’re not popular. It was the cherry on top of the sh* cake that has been BfA for many alliance players, which is why so many have switched to the horde.

I dunno, it’s likely all of these races were planned at the beginning of BfA, but it blows my mind that Blizzard looked at them all and thought to themselves, “yeah this is totally balanced. Everyone will surely be happy with this!”

Let’s not kid ourselves, Blizzard could write them into the alliance easily. That’s not an excuse to give yet another cool race to the horde. They’re throwing all caution to the wind when it comes to the lore anyway, give the alliance Sethrak.


Briselody has a habit of doing this. Crapping on races she doesn’t like. Its a completely pointless effort anyway.


Clearly its the only faction the Alliance deserve after what transpired to be called the Fourth War.

I can’t really think of anything more suitable.

Can you provide any data to support this hypothesis?

This unit thinks it looks like a clone trooper walker from the clone wars TV series. The scout walkers not the big tank walkers.

Open canopy long legs odd double joystick driving apparatus.

That’s right.
Mechagnomes are related to Gnomes and Vulpera are related to - what exactly?

Did a Goblin have a relationship with a fox?


Or why not just have Sethrak next? Mechagnomes aren’t going to ruin any chance of Sethrak becoming a playable/allied race.

If you want Sethrak, lets go talk about Sethrak. :snake: :heart:

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You mean like the fact that they’re the least played race?


Uh, a lot of people do. The majority of alliance players, probably. It’s great that yall are happy with the race, at least someone is, but it’s a fact that they’re not popular. It was the cherry on top of the sh* cake that has been BfA for many alliance players, which is why so many have switched to the horde.

I dunno, it’s likely all of these races were planned at the beginning of BfA, but it blows my mind that Blizzard looked at them all and thought to themselves, “yeah this is totally balanced. Everyone will surely be happy with this!”

I’ve said it before and I will say it again. It is their fault and the alliance being smaller in size is not necessarily a problem. We were never going to get anything else besides some kind of gnome or something using the gnome rig. And I’d sooner point to Vulpera being the race that should have alternatively been a core race, but not paired with Mechagnomes for several reasons:

  1. Their fan base for the most part doesn’t like goblins or gnomes.
  2. They are the odd one out and the only race that isn’t an offshoot of some kind.
  3. Ion said the AR system was meant to be a means of adding customization to races.

Lack of play does not indicate strictly whether or not a player cares. In fact it could indicate complete ambivalence.

Do you have any conclusive data to support your hypothesis?

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People would have complained about Sethrak too. People would have complained unless the allied race was furry, or some underwear model elf variant. Shame that’s all people wanna play.


Maybe it’s not the most popular race but I really like them. It’s my favourite next to Void Elves.

There’s a lot of love and support for Sethrak and I would die to play one, but sure there’s always gonna be someone who doesn’t like something. Mechagnomes are not something I want to play but great thing is, I don’t have to play them. And then those who like them still get to enjoy them. :grin: Not gonna hurt me any.


Pretty much what I’ve always suspected. The mechagnome hate mostly stems from the fact that it’s not high elves. The hate would have gone toward any other non-elf race. Reason for my hypothesis; the vitriolic hate Kul Tirans got not long ago.