Mech versus Airship bugged

Yeah, exactly! They’ve been so busy with this AMAZING update give them some slack :upside_down_face:

Also getting this bugged. Seems to brick wall the War Campaign. :slightly_frowning_face:

hey well done blizzard! Yet again you release a pile of crap on retail that is broken! THIS is why so many people have quit battle for azeroth to go to classic…your lack of testing is disgusting…

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I am stuck on this on my mage please help

Just tested, still bug.

So. How you guys doing.

Idk man, could be better could be worse. How you doing?

also add me to the list, this is bs

I just want to get my Zanadalar Troll

me too friend. me too.

Still bugged as of now. I tweeted them at 2pm est and they did say they are aware of it. Hopefully a fix is soon -TM-

theres an update that im just becoming aware of

It’s working now. Relog there’s a new patch.

114th :slight_smile:

Yeah. Was hoping get War campaign done today. Been trying to stay away from spoils with the last bit of WC.
Been watching youtube and working while I wait for a hotfix. lol.

Edit: Thre is just a hotfix. Loading it now.

FIXED yeah finally

yup it fixed now

Shut up you spoiled brat. There are billions of lines of code that sometimes cause unforeseen errors. Spouting moronic crap does not help anything. Either stop playing, or accept that things like this will happen from time to time.


Yay thank you Blizzard!! It’s fixed! Xoxo

Hmm. Doesn’t seem to be fixed for me, unfortunately.

Did you exit game and update from launcher?