MDT Controversy Needs to be Addressed by a Blue

maybe there is an addon that will tell you which one it is!

lol but its so fun

At this point… watching a video of someone shining Clown Shoes is more entertaining than his floundering and flopping about.


bring your kid to work day?

To laugh at you.

So I bring joy to the world! Awwww thanks! Glad I could offer something to this dark dark place. Maybe one day you will have something to offer too!

Agreed. There wasn’t such an exodus when Carbonite was in business. If anything, open-source warriors were out “doing them one better” just for the fel of it.

  1. if they are selling, they’ll be shut down
  2. if not, indignant coders will arise to offer alternatives
  3. the addon itself can be copied at will - so there isn’t even much for others to do in offering an alternative.

This is going to be a non-issue in a few weeks.


Actually no they are not.

They don’t contain enough of a significant portion of Blizzard’s UI code within them.

It’s also possible to create an addon that uses 0% of Wow’s specific API , only pure Lua API. Runs fine within World of Warcraft as well as other games with Lua interpreters in them.

There’s one part of the Ace framework that more then a few addons out there use - LibStub.

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I got this from my ticket.

Thank you _________

Thank you for contacting Blizzard, I am Game Master ___________. Thank you for the information you provided. I believe Blizzard is aware of this issue and we also have this forum in the discussion. Mythic Dungeon Tools Addon now behind paywall

You can take a look at it and provide some review of your opinion so we can hear the voices from the players. At the meantime, we will be looking into this issue soon.

Feel free to contact us if you have further concern and wish you am happy new year!!
GM _________ ( Φ ω Φ )


Going to need to correct this before it gets spread out everywhere on Social Media.

  • The wow client uses the Lua API which Blizzard didn’t create
  • Blizzard entertainment can only impose terms of use for things they create
  • The Blizzard Developer APIs is a set of web based APIs people can use to create websites or applications that interface directly with Blizzard data. More info can be found on the website
  • They are not used to develop addons making this terms of use irrelevant to the discussion

Take a look at Clause 1 of that Terms of use

“The “Blizzard Developer APIs” are a group of application programming interfaces created by or on behalf of Blizzard which allow licensees to, among other things, retrieve certain data”.

Blizzard didn’t create the Lua API

And at Clause 2

“Blizzard grants You a limited, non-exclusive, non-assignable, non-sublicensable, non-transferable, revocable right and license for You to (1) use the API Key solely to access the Blizzard Developer APIs, (2) implement the Blizzard Developer APIs, solely as permitted hereunder, in conjunction with Your client libraries, desktop applications, services and daemons such as websites and web services, scripts and applications and/or utilities that You register when You request an API Key (“Application(s)”), and (3) distribute the Data to end users for their personal use via Your Application”

Addons are sandboxed so talking of web services , daemons , desktop applications are right out as addons can’t see the file system or can they use networking functions.

Nor do you need a API key issued to developer addons - all you need is a text editor , a wow client to test your code on and a few references on how to write addons.

UI related stuff isn’t really the purview of a GM’s skill set.

You should try emailing the UI policy email. You’ll find that in the UI policy sticky in the UI and Macros forums.

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For those that are interested.

The removed dat files for SL are on his Github, so you can DL and reinstall them if you want.

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Don’t feel bad. Support him / DBM on Patreon.


I noticed Tradeskillmaster was also doing this…

I guess the future is paid addons. Unless Blizz just bans addons altogether. They could just make the game a little more readable and we wouldn’t need those in the first place.

Players easily forget there is a person behind each post in the forum and player character in the game. The detached, anonymous of the internet makes it really easy… doesn’t make it right… I would hope that people might be decent about someone clearly having trouble in their life. I don’t know the developer but take his GM at Echo for his word on the matter.

2020 has been a truly horrible year. It doesn’t take much for each of us to make the world a bit kinder. Here is a shot we each can take.

What TradeSkillMaster does is completely different. None of the premium features (as far as I could see) affects the addon functionality.

Here is what the premium features do:

  1. Automatic Addon Updating
  2. Priority Beta Access
  3. Premium Support and Ad-Free Browsing
  4. Automatic TSM_Shopping Great Deals Sync
  5. Region-Wide Deal Notifications
  6. Syncing of Addon Setting Backups

I don’t know how the notification thing works. Is that on the website? And the sync…maybe that one could be on the line.

But the others, no. Outside the addon.

However, this MTD hides the data until you pay. A clear violation.


I don’t use MDT, so I wouldn’t know how it works. I was just pointing out there are more addons trying to get a piece of the money pie.

But yeah, at least TSM can be used free; the premium stuff is just convinience.

Devs put real work into their addons. They deserve to be paid for their time.

And just because Blizzard put a clause in their ToS doesn’t mean anything. They can’t stop people from selling addons. It is well within your right to sell addons unless you sign that right away.

There’s a free version they just made,
Manbaby Dungeon Tools
Its the exact same thing, using the old data, its just free.

This is not a joke.