MDT Controversy Needs to be Addressed by a Blue

They literally can.

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Then he should get the help he needs, and Echo should use all their funding to get him said help, instead of taking out every ounce of frustration on the millions of people who use his addon.

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A creator/founder, whatever, of a certain addon or two got pissed off that they lost their WF race again, so they blocked all of the essential parts of their particular addon(s) behind a paywall to gain access to the information that supplies that part of their addon. The base addon is free to all, but the rest–the part(s) that anybody actually uses said addon(s) for, are now buy-to-use.

And basically, this ‘scheme’ is able to circumvent the guideline that addons should be free-to-use, not pay-to-use, because the base of the addon is free.

Or something like that.

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Oh ya, I totally agree. Did you think I didn’t?

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Nobody here remembers RDX and the legal ****-fest that Blizzard unleashed on those authors? The “manbaby” that fork got named after sure is asking for it from them…

You’re asking way too much from a specific community of toxic elitists that eat their own all the time… weren’t these the same guys who were involved in the Josh controversy? And the same guys who harassed Trekkie? Sorry if it’s hard for me to keep up with the happenings of actual degenerates I don’t care for, never cared for, and never will…

Just ban all add-ons. Watching a mythic raid would be a lot more interesting lol

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They were the guys involved with the Josh stuff. So I wouldn’t really be surprised if they were defending Nnoggie’s manchildish actions instead of criticizing them and still getting him the professional help he needs.


Here is the simple thing that makes him an idiot. He is has no claim to the code used to make the addon or any of the databases used in it due to the ToS he agreed to when using it to make the addon. Someone can quite literally copy paste his files into a new addon and release that fully functioning and there is quite literally nothing he can do about it.

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That’s not what happened. People where in their stream telling the author he should have been working upon the mod instead of wasting his time with a world first race he had no chance of winning. Now he took it too far and I am betting that in a couple of days he will revert the changes. People need to remember that these people have their own priorities that might preclude them from updating a mod at that moment.

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That sounds nice until you remember that this is not the only example of the hissy fit that has been thrown since Echo lost the race. The thing with the last boss, the whining about the 16 (though its actually 8) hour head start despite Limit getting stuck wasting hours on bosses that dont work and having Echo blatantly use Limits strats to save time. They have been raging about this race basically non stop since it ended and this is just the latest volley.

And none of that matters in this situation. Someone sitting in his stream calling him out where out of line and they are the reason this is going on. Instead of blaming the guy that wrote this for free, how about you blame the nit-wits that triggered it because they couldn’t be bothered to wait until after the race.

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I do not blame him, but he is being an idiot. All that is going to happen is someone is going to just copy his addon, fix the bugs, and release that for free and he will have ZERO claim to stop it so long as he is credited with the original code (that is from the ToS HE agreed to when making the original).

Blizzards tos says otherwise.

Or you could just download the files from his Github yourself…

I mean I am just not updating because there is generally no reason to do so, but the end result will be just a copy paste addon taking the place of his.

Oh why is this thread making us feel kind of blue.

Blame the Blueberry Elves…points finger!


Sorry, but when someone steps out of line and does something they shouldn’t, they don’t get a free pass for that just because some people were a bit of a douche.

If I get angry at someone and punch a wall, I’m still responsible for the damage done to that wall, even though I was angry at the time because of something someone else did. Some people might say I was justified in being angry, but that doesn’t make what I did okay.

In that same line, he is responsible for changing his addon to make it require payment, and this wasn’t a ‘spur of the moment, I’m angry’ act, since he went and changed every available version that was available to download, not just the most recent version.


That works, until he stops making the data files accessible on his Github. Then any changing will need to be made by the new mod author, who basically only copied the older version of the mod.

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So he’s the bad guy but not the dummies who started this by trolling him during the world first raid. I agree he over reacted but he was goaded into it.

Except there was no damage by his actions. It is his addon, if he wanted he could deleted the entire thing and told every one to take a hike. It is worlds different then you damage property because you got upset.