Anyone who is doing that won’t be on the raid team for long, as dead people tend to do poor DPS.
Most of what raid and dungeon mods do is put the information already displayed in game into a more user friendly format. Everything it tells you, you could already do for yourself. I remember back when we use to use stop watches to keep track and when certain attacks would come back up. Then someone made a counter in game, then someone made it possible to set that bar by a command. But the basic data has always been there, just hidden by obsurity.
And if you configure your UI correctly, none of that data is presented in a way that keeps you from being able to see what is going on. That is what most important stuff comes with audio queues and annoucments in the raid warning channel.
Truthfully addons are so mindlessly easy to create and maintain that if i ever run into a time where they are paywalled, ill either develop my own (whichi have) or simply do without. There is zero chance i would ever be paying for any addon. I BARELY want to pay for WoW.
I’ve looked at addon code. It’s all beyond me.
I’ve collected enough tears from my forum WQ for today ty and Gutshredda! Fastest I’ve ever completed it!
MDI tool is REQUIRING you to be a patreon donater / whatever to have access to the maps in game.
It’s just LUA text… more like a language interpreter than a compiler or the need for memory address allocation, layer concerns, etc… all that nonsense. The API is the workhorse anyway.
Could this be a blessing in disguise?, I’m tired of people relying on addons, “my dbm didn’t go off” so we wipe, maybe this way people now learn mechanics and timings how it use to be…
I’m glad they killing addons, be good to go how it was.
LUA is really that hard, if you have programming experience. The difficult part would probably be learning all the various Blizzard API calls.
It sounds to me more like greed disguised as necessity.
There’s not going to be some mass exodus because some 3rd party decided to charge for their services. I’m not sure where you got to such extremes from that.
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Problem with that shadowlands and to a lesser extent the rest of WOW is unplayable without addons and Wowhead
Don’t get me wrong it definitely is greed, but look at at from a Buisness perspective, millions of people use the addon, charge a few bucks, instant profit…
Nothing in this world is free anymore, look a Blizzard currently raising prices during a pandemic where money is as tight as possible…
Definitely Greed, but in the end they are a Buisness first.
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Good, raiding is a degenerate playstyle anyway, make em’ pay through the nose for it lol… jk jk /hugs.
simple solution tho… dont use it, or make your own addon. its not rocket science.
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Well, correction: end-game content is unplayable without addons, but that’s beside the point. And it’s actually not a problem; to follow up Malmsteen’s logic (which is basically Market Principles 101): WoW is unplayable without addons?
Ok, then stop playing WoW.
Ah, but then it becomes a problem for Blizzard, doesn’t it?
Because at the end of the day, they’re not going to want to risk losing that much business if people feel pressured to pay for addons that are essential for some of their most popular/subscription-generating activities (raiding, Mythic Keystones, PvP, etc.).
I definitely see them coming down hard on this.
Spoken like a mediocre troll… gratz I guess.
It’s cute that you think anyone was crying. I also love how you’ve attempted to gaslight, because you know you’re wrong and have absolutely no rebuttal. Nice try, sir, but you failed epically. Next time, just own up to your lack of knowledge on the matter and you would have retained some respect.
does gear drop in these forums? It doesn’t? Then why are you here?
I don’t need the respect of ants but thank you!
It’s almost like he is doing one of two things…
- This is a cry for help.
- This is a cry for attention.
Careful… he might Super Fan you too.
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