But instead of looking at mine you should go back and look at your own, we’ve all done that one, and it is me who should feel bad for you.

thats all a matter of opinion.

It’s the same story today. People don’t change. It’s something you have to ask yourself - do you want to be an elitist or do you just want to have some fun with your “friends”? I always go with the latter.

At the end of the day it’s just a game and nothing that happens in this game will have any impact in real life. It won’t magically make me feel better if I perform better in a game. It’s just a very simple form of entertainment and most of that comes from social bonds, not the “ph4t lewt”.


False, having done MC at its “intended” difficulty and not the super nerfed 1.12 implementation of the past 10+ years, I can say MC has the potential to be a challenging raid but classic MC is simply not on par with what should have been and it does cheapen its legacy.

MC is more about min/maxing clear times than it is raidblock style dps checks or complex fights (and having two tanks in fire resistance gear).

It’s really not. Put a guild who had 10 or more wipes on Ragnaros into retail, they wouldn’t kill a single mythic boss. Put a guild that took 500 wipes on Mythic Jaina into classic, they would 1 shot everything in MC.

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If you threw the 500 wipe mythic jaina guild 60s, of any class with preraid bis and restricted them to 20 players… i am sure they would probabaly find MC a struggle, more so the trash post gar probably.

No rational person would argue mythic boss fights are more complex or involved than t1 vanilla.

Ok so basically a pug with not everyone even at max level went in and managed to down 6 bosses in 4h. Pretty sure that qualifies as being easy.

The saying about it being “Easy” was never about your average random pug just stomping through it with no issues… But compared to more modern expansions where you need a group of excellent players all geared to the teeth spending months of progression to (maybe) finally manage to clear the Raid (talking about Mythic ofc), then yeah I think classic raids would qualify as easy.

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but… tradechat pug are 8/10’ing molten core, even on the armpit server of classic: thalnos


Y’all are just bad lol

No you!


As you have no real proof of that, that is pretty much exactly an opinion. Same goes for thinking it’s hard for whatever reason. These are opinions. Sure mechanics are different but there is more to it than just that or there wouldn’t even be a debate.

The thing is:

If you are comparing BFA to Classic you must understand that the classes and the gameplay is significantly different, the things you can achieve in BFA with your class are not the same things you can do in classic.

Players who are good at their class in BFA are not going to be good at them in classic so even with 500 wipes on jaina mythic it’s still possible to miss things like holding your threat and managing it to not pull the boss and get one shotted or the slow debuff on you might surprise you when your moving at 40-30% movement speed in the middle of the raid and still wipe. Mobs pat weirdly in classic compare to BFA so you really can’t compare the two, I would say classic raid is a bit harder than Heroic BFA but probably when you get to heroic azshara its gonna be harder than classic raiding.

ICC ruined raiding for me. You can’t count normal or looking for raid in those games because they not equivalent to anything. So the game has 2 difficulties instead of one now. I can live with two… but having more than two is dumb.

I have never seen the point of raiding now when its literally I get to see the raid and kill the bosses without doing anything. And in top players eyes they going to pretend like nothing below mythic matters so its like well then wtf the point of these other difficulties. Like what’s cool about saying you killed “xx boss” if someone who can’t tie their own shoes can kill said boss in looking for raid? Yea it may be easier… but they still killed said boss and get to see them.

Dumb design. You can’t appeal to everyone. I can see 25 man normal and heroic where normal difficulty = heroic and heroic = mythic. But other than that they just trying to appease too many people and killed an sense or care I had about raiding. 10 man raids were stupid as hell too.

So in my eyes raiding really only exist in vanilla and TBC.

As long people are having fun that’s all that matters. I can barely remember raids even from vanilla, let alone the recent ones. While the modern ones are very heavy on mechanics they’re not really that memorable, at least not to me.

Considering I’m a mythic raider myself (on other character) and step foot into Molten Core for the first time, excluding the LFR scaled to level 100 in WoD, after being asked 3 times from my guild mates in Classic to kill Domo (3 attempts to down) and Rag (2 attempts to down) with a pug. After killing these two and got the Bloodfang pants and while you might say I killed these two and didn’t clear 6 bosses in MC yet therefore my arguement is invalid? correct? I gotta say, I understood those mechanics in the first attempt than doing a first time attempt on a mythic boss in BFA.

As far as I’m hearing Molten Core is not the most difficult raid in Classic considering the game is using 1.12 source code with 16 debuff limit and buffed talents and itemization.

or perhaps doing this in a guild with other very high skill/mythic raider players makes it seems unrealistically easy?

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We’ll see how it goes this week.

there’s a difference between not being acclimated to the fights and the fights being hard.

It will never quite be the same experience for players, not because the material has changed, become or is “easy” or “hard”.

It’s that the players themselves have changed. Back in the day few knew what to expect and how to do the fights in MC. The learning curve was steep.

By now, retail refugees and tourists in Classic have been there, done that. Knowing the pulls, the patrols, the trash and the boss fights in advance and having done them before, makes the raid substantially easier.

Yes. you are right.

P.S. Are you named for the Pokemon? :heart: