absolutely agree with you, #TRUTH

Classic being the pinnacle of gaming challenge is very important to the people who’ve spent the last year calling retail players babies and idiots.


Just because something has mechanics doesn’t make it hard though. Once people know the mechanics (same as knowing MC) most fights extremely easy. Plus retail each boss literally has a tab however explaining exactly what each boss does lol. Imean yea… vanilla old so you can google it. But in retail under new content I can just read the “wtf this boss does” tab lmfao.

But yea MC really is easy when you with people who have done it before and are halfway paying attention no doubt. I haven’t done it since vanilla but even back then with my crap guild we got to a point where we hardly wiped and it was really annoying when we did. But people were also full epics so… idk. I am looking forward to BWL, not sure it will be much harder but I always enjoyed the raid plus I think tier 2 gear looks awesome. I am excited to run MC for nostalgia but I already know I will get sick of it fast since I ran it so much in vanilla.

did you miss the part where his post was sarcastic?

go read the dungeon journal for mythic queen’s court ( or later) bosses and tell me how that goes.


Literally don’t care about any kind of raiding not in classic. I’m not saying one is harder than the other. Merely stating classic raiding isn’t going to be oneshot city for every single player.


And this is a good thing. Raids may actually be somewhat easier than vanilla, and more accessible to people, but I’m glad that they are still at least somewhat difficult and not something everyone can do. That’s the way raiding should be.

Well no sh**, all the players talking sh** about easy this and easy that wont kill a boss in mc, they were just here to troll.
Already said, you guys are not apes or a famous streamer, that already says 90% are gonna fail because they dont have a real guild they are a pug.

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I just went to Molten core, skipped all bosses and just went straight to raganros, very easy. my IO is over 1k , just to be clear who your are addressing.


I was going to comment on this post but I took a glance at your post history and now I just feel bad for you.

You people literally only ever say one thing and it’s “mythic”.

Holy crap I don’t care. I literally don’t care if its the hardest thing ever. Its not an actual addition or anything to the game. Thats like saying “holy hell I did a GR 130” in season 18 of diablo 3 or whatever. Its seriously… who other than a handful of people care? I guess at least in WoW they add other stuff but it’s for the most part just increased numbers but the same raid.

That’s the beauty of the first games of WoW. There was no raid finder that let you just see a raid for the first time. If you wanted to see Onyxia you needed to join a large pug group or more likely a guild. Physically go to that location and then kill her. If you did, great you beat onyxia. There was no “well I beat her on raid finder, normal & heroic”. Because that’s just terrible crappy game design and laziness. People who fall for that stuff I feel really bad for honestly. Its like the handful of people who think grinding the highest GRs in diablo mean something. I will admit mythic at least means something unlike high GRs in diablo. But it’s still such a petty dumb achievement to care about in life. Or at the very least dumb to assume a majority of the rest of us should care.

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Some just wish the single difficulty wasnt brain dead face roll with no option to up it.

Like if retail was normal difficulty only.

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Meh. Standard difficulty should be harder for sure but these multiple difficulty levels for raids a poor design as well. People may disagree but whatever. End of the day more people played older versions before there was mythic plus. Clearly it’s not the pinnacle of game design

If we want to use the faulty measure of people playing or sub count, than during ICC it was at its peak and that had essentially 4 versions of the raid.

Imo there is a big difference between 4 discreet difficulty levels of raids and mythic+ infinite scaling. Those are seperate discussions. We are discussimg raids.

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Can we please stop comparing Classic raids to BfA? Completely different and not part of the discussion.

Exactly. There’s a TON of people who haven’t hit 60 yet and want to raid. There’s gonna be guilds out there who never played vanilla or pservers and its gonna be a whole new experience. That first firelords gonna get em.

But one is harder than the other. Orders of magnitude harder.

You can prob do LFR with eyes closed, after hitting follow on a friendly melee target.

There’s no way to design a raid that will appeal to the entire player base. There are wildly different skill levels playing the game. At one end you have physically disabled people and small children. At the other end you have professional e-sports veterans. The only answer to appeal to all segments of the market is multiple difficulties. There’s nothing forcing you to run more than 1 difficulty, just pick the one that suits you and stick with that. That is what most people do.

This issue was really magnified in TBC. For most of the expansion the raid fights were like Vanilla - trivially easy with a few exceptions. Top end players weren’t really happy with how easy they were. So they made Sunwell, which was too hard for 95% of players. That is around the time that Blizzard realised that the only way to solve this problem was multiple difficulties, so in WOTLK we got things like Sartharian 3 drakes and Ulduar hard modes. The game was better for it.

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These always turn into ‘I’m a better player than you, you suck’ troll comments… How about not insulting players you have never met or seen play?