Yes I am :slight_smile:

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Oh yeah I mean I agree back in the day everything was harder and can’t really compare 1 to 1, we have gotten used to more complex mechanics over the years, there’s also a lot more information available for players and better addons and other tools.

Exactly, Bull… many more tools and great guides to each dungeon and raid.

I am loving the walk this time. Stopping to smell the flowers and really appreciating what we lost so many years ago. If I raid, it will be way down the line. But I’m sure even if it’s a tad less challenging because of my own knowledge and experience, I will still have a blast.

Because anything below mythic doesnt matter. Specialy LFR which you classic players seems obsessed with, maybe because thats all you can do on retail?


The point of them is that not everyone is a top player. These other difficulties exist so people who aren’t top players can experience the content they are paying for.

I disagree. Who cares about retail raids? Bfa is a dumpster fire.

Probably LFR hereos from retail.

You’ll see much more of these as the weeks go on. That’s why rushing to 60 is so important. It makes sure you get ahead of these terrible players so you don’t have to deal with them.

oh okay we are LFR heroes from retail says the 25 mage. What does that make you?

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MC is and isnt hard.

Its hard in a sense that you have to get 40 people on the same page and people tend to not listen when a fight is explained.

It really isnt hard though. Thats it. If everyone knows what to do, half the raid could avoid putting even 1 point in their talent trees and probably clear the place.

15 Years later and people still fail at decursing, dispelling, and not blowing the raid up with living bomb.

It’s all relative to the raid’s skillset. This is the dumbest thread I’ve seen here.

Not because of your post but because your post requires people capable of abstract thought. Reading the replies you can clearly see you are wasting your time.

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My guild cleared MC last night in 90 minutes lol.

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Most articles state that the hardest in classic was the raids released with Naxx

raids released with naxx eh? like which ones?


I do, on account of considering it just about the only redeeming feature of retail at this point.

OMG, we did it last night again. THIS WAS HARD!!!

took us 2h to get to Gaar and then 1h more to get to Barron…

We had to take 2 breaks for repairs from start to finish. We only got passed Shazzrath after 5h of raiding and called it a night.

So I dono man, if you guys went in there for the first time, half level 55s, in all greens and beat the whole MC like APES did, you must be god tier wow players.