I’m taking back everything I said about MC being easy and people clearing it sub level 60 in full greens.

Did MC last night, with a raid full of 60s, and 6 sub 60 with me being the lowest level in the raid at 57.

We wiped on trash, we wiped on boss, we wiped and wiped and wiped and repaired, came back to wipe some more.

We somehow managed to down 6 bosses after 4h of raiding with NO REST. We weren’t stuck or anything, I can see us going through and finishing it, but we were freaking exhausted from 4-5h of raiding.

The people who did it in full greens sub level 60 were GOD TIER players and 90% of players on these forums complaining about how easy it is (like I was before I stepped into MC myself) are absolutely WRONG!

EDIT: Most of the level 60s (at least 25 I would say) already had most of their BIS

EDIT2: Week 2 and its equally as hard even with everyone being level 60s and having BIS.


gee, imagine that, it’s harder when some uncoordinated pug tries to derp their way through the place.


you just need pre raid bis broh


All that tells you is that you’re in a bad MC group, that’s it. Sure, the top players are really impressive, but Classic is not a mechanically intense game at all. Azshara normal has more mechanics than all of MC combined.


Groups wipe in LFR too.

Doesnt make the content hard.


Yeah. Thats when you take a step back and ask yourself “am I really this bad?”


Lol. “It’s not hard, people just don’t complete it because they don’t have the necessary skills” is such a bizarre argument.

Golf isn’t hard, people just don’t know how to swing a driver.

Painting isn’t hard, some people just suck at using a paintbrush.

Playing a violin is actually really simple, but some people can’t do it.

So many people realize that the “we’re soooo much better 15 years later” argument really doesn’t have anything to do with most gamers. I’d bet a paycheck the majority of people playing in any wow content right now, still keyboard turn and click at least a third of their abilities.

It’s true, if you’ve been raiding in world of warcraft since the Bush administration, you really should be competent at the oldest content available. Practice literally anything for 15 years and you should be able to do that thing at a passable level. But that actually isn’t most people.

I think a lot of people are going to try MC as their first attempt at raiding anything. There is no reason for them to know exactly what to do because they’ve never done it.


Really ? That would mean a lot of players have never played WoW at all.

Yes I imagine a raid full of those players would have a hard time.

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Really. A majority of time /played in vanilla was not at 60 for a majority of players. A majority of accounts never reached 60 at all in vanilla. If you’ve played non stop for 15 years or are a p-server hero you’ve probably been in a raid. But I don’t actually think that’s a majority of the player population. People came back for classic, which means that they haven’t been here all along.


Just added it to my edit, Most of these 60s had at least more than half if not ALL their BIS.

Also we were all in discord, no one was just standing there dancing or not pressing buttons like in LFR in BFA so don’t even make that comparison.

The raids in classic are harder than Heroic BFA raids, nowhere near the precision and harness of MYTHIC but for sure harder than Heroic. (I’m a mythic raider in BFA, so my last posts were about how disappointed I am seeing people completing it so easy in Greens and sub 60.)

I am not disappointed now, those players who did that were actually really good and props to their skill and knowledge.


Omg I’m level 57 and MC is hard yo!!

I mean what a total surprise!!


I did it easy. one shotted every boss except rag being a 2 shot. a day after i turn 60.

Im a mediocre player. MC is easy.


Anyone who judges the difficult of content based on what OTHERS do, is just a moron. Especially when those “others” are people who have literally spent years perfecting the fastest route to down content. For most players, MC will be hard, it will cause wipes, it will test your patience, and it only gets harder, BWL is easily twice as difficult as MC, AQ40 even more so, Naxx even more.

The majority STILL won’t get into Naxx, just like in 2006, because it is pretty darn hard and requires a lot of commitment to gear up for.


Did you set out to find the worst players possible when making your group?


I was that moron

Well, the ratio in raid comps used to be ;

5 skilled players
10 competent players
25 garbage players

Maybe now that ratio could be closer to 50/50


MC wasn’t designed with pre bis in mind.



well you guys can feel good about your skills if you feel this is EASY

the raids in classic are not even harder than BFA normals.