Ok? I don’t understand your point. An alternative strategy to everyone stacking is everyone spreading out in the area where Garr is. You only get what, 5 bombs a fight? Sacrifice those people and spread out and now that mechanic doesn’t matter.

These fights last a minute and most classes have a “rotation” that amounts to 1-2 buttons. If they can’t be bothered to pay attention for that short time for the 1 mechanic that these fights have…

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Post on classic player plz. Also it wasn’t just you. You could have been carried for all we know.

It’s hard when you have different skill lvl players. It can be in a guild or whatever.

Anything can be hard depending if others are pulling thier weight as well.

MC is no LFR. Well BFA made heroic raids easier in legion I would put MC as a normal raid difficulty.

Of course who you bring is also important.
Not class but ppl that plays those classes.
I ran a ST last night and well it went bad at the last boss. One mage doesn’t have ice block, priest I assume was a shadow priest(went oom a lot), and I assume tank was dps spec.

Ppl keep seeing themselves as top tier players. Lol. Average player is just average and MC is the easiest tier for raiding. That might be some ppl endgame or dungeons.

It’s like watching the NFL and thinking to yourself u can do what they can.

As I stated not everyone is going to clear MC, BWL, AQ, and NXX40.

I lookin towards BWL and maybe a little AQ.

I don’t know about naxx

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No need to do that if everyone pays attention. I haven’t used garrs room since actual vanilla. If people pay attention there’s plenty of room to kill geddon.

This. Most people are average at best. They just don’t know it. We’re in the age of everyone thinks they’re a pro gamer when they’re really bottom of the barrel. The real test comes in phase 3.


surely you must be gods amongst men 4 hours of play? that is insane how did you not die.

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i assume you can play flight of the bumblebees on a violin, i mean it is simple after all.

Character hasn’t updated, i hit 60 last weds and cleared it a night after for the first time with my guild.

There’s at least ten people in my guild that have never played WoW before playing classic. Its not that uncommon because Classic is a meme thats bringing in new players.

I totally understand what you are saying. Raids take strats and coordination, especially if you’re new to them, add 40 people to the equation and wow!
These epeen dudes on here are just being obnoxious or they are lifer private server players who have the thing memorized.
Hopefully we will all get to see for ourselves someday and experience MC too, Im looking forward to it.

What is it with people that just can’t accept that MC is easy? What’s the big deal? Who cares if it’s easy?

I went in with a BfA guild and we one shot our way through MC, including Ragnaros. I personally haven’t played Vanilla since Vanilla and I’d place the difficulty in-between LFR and Normal mode.

Our first Ragnaros kill we had like 10 people below level 60. It’s easy, you really don’t have to be a tryhard, Mythic/Private server guild to one shot your way though this stuff. Like, there’s gonna be thousands of guilds clearing this stuff in the next two months.


If you’ve never done it. If you’ve never even been in a raid at all, and you don’t have an experienced person leading you? It might not be so easy. That’s all people are saying.

A lot of you have been playing the high-level content for so long you seem to have forgotten what it was like to actually be new to something, like being completely inexperienced.

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Okay, that’s fair enough.

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Who pulled the surger with the core hound?

when you guys do it, you’ll understand

those kind of mechanic aren’t exactly uncommon in modern raiding…

except that they usually overlap with multiple other factor.

Ex on azshara: 3 people get the bomb, they have to LoS the raid and get dispelled (in a staggered fashion) then come back, all within 10-12 sec… while a multi-page long list of mechanic is going on.

or KJ: half of your raid have to soak puddle, if someone miss a single one, at any point in the fight… it’s a wipe… despite the bombs going off, KJ moving around with his huge cleave, add to be bursted down with pixel-perfect positioning and so on.

compare that to geddon bomb where literally nothing else happens… you need a worse-than-LFR raider to fail that mechanic.

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Thank you for having the courage to tell it like it really is. I have never been in a guild that breezed through MC, and some of the guilds I’ve been in really know their stuff.

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its harder than everyone says it is, they just see someone else do it easily in youtube and twitch so they suddenly think they have the same skill and coordination as those guys who spend all day playing the game for a living.

People who reached 60 within the first 20-30 days are likely significantly more skilled/driven than people who will be dinging 60 in the next 30-90 days. These are more likely to be the kind of people who theorycraft their characters optimal spec/rotations, research boss mechanics and strategies, understand itemization for raiding, use consumables, and so on.

In the next 3 months we’ll be seeing a lot of keyboard turning clickers reaching 60 who haven’t even put dispel magic/decurse on their bar, can’t estimate 8 yards between adjacent players, won’t pay attention to the bomb debuff placed on them, etc.