It’s not just in raids. I recall trying to drill into their dear little heads, that they needed to stay to the left in Gnomer. Invariably. . .

Whether it’s dungeons or raids, the main challenge is learning the mechanics of the instance. This includes timing patrols; learning what mobs respawn and, of course, boss fights.

Happily, there is much information available, both on the web and in-game (there are tons of veteran players out there! – ask for help!)

Experience trumps persistence. No doubt the raids were easy for them because they had long known what to do. I did a pug on Thursday with maybe 10 guildies, rest random pickups, and we downed 8 bosses without any wipes on them. Wasn’t until we got to Domo that things started falling apart, but by that point we had been in there a long time, it was late and everyone was tired and wanting to go to sleep.

Basically, it all depends on the people. If they are good players that can follow direction, even if they don’t necessarily know what to expect, then it will be made to look easy. If you have a lot of idiots, then it will look hard. My guess is that you had a larger assortment of the latter that, while possibly friendly and cool people, were just not in the proper mindset to do the raid. Raid makeup could also be a big factor. The right collection of classes helps tremendously. 40 random bodies will not guarantee success.

On the flip side, I did MC before the reset on Tuesday, completely random pug with small consideration for makeup, and we wiped all the time. Got maybe 3 bosses before we called it. The one thing that stands out most is our attempt on Garr in both of those raids. People were just not where they needed to be in that random fail pug, tanks weren’t holding aggro and dps were pulling aggro, warlocks weren’t keeping banishes up, etc etc etc. In the other attempt, even with slight miscommunication on targeting, we still downed Garr easily.


No they are not. Sorry but nothing in Classic is going to be as hard as heroic anything. You put heroic Taloc into classic and it would be the most complicated boss fight pre AQ40.


Not only that, but you have to have people who are willing not to be the top of the charts. Old school raids had a lot of sacrifice, like in Gnomer, pushing the button means you won’t be leading the charts. It’s like the warrior on sunder duty in the old days. No one wanted to be that guy but it had to be done, I have been that guy before and then flamed for having low dps years ago and it was only that there was half intelligent officers there to point that out. Bad leadership = a bad raid.

Damn that sounds terrible
All 3 MC I’ve done so far have been at least 8/10. One was 10/10

The worst one was this week.

As expected the more and more unefficient button smashers reach 60, the worst the pugs will get.

It’s practically a reversed exponential curve on a graph of : time since release on X axis and quality of pugs on Y axis

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if you join a decent group no matter if you spend all the raid on pornhub its gonna be easy, its not a matter of you

MC is as hard as your group makes it. Sure, BiS pre-raid and 60 is great, but as with all raid content it’s doing the mechanics. The Classic mechanics are simple, but it’s 40 people doing it. Not 25 or 10. And yes, you can carry some people early on, but you can’t do that from MC to Naxx. Not trying to make MC out to be incredibly difficult, but it’s still herding cats. Some guilds will wipe the floor with it. Others will struggle. Just like back in Vanilla.

Do you guys really believe this doesn’t happen in raids any more?

If you were in a group where MC was hard, you were in a terrible group


You have so much time to move with the bomb that the rest of the raid can respond and move if they see the bomb is chilling.

The people who cleared MC sub-60 had done so for years. Don’t feel bad.

It isn’t hard objectively, but it can be hard for PuGs, yeah.

Many in the raid won’t have mods. Basically nobody will use consumables. Half the raid will be wearing leveling greens. Most won’t know the fights and will rely on whatever the RL tells them. Raid composition will be just whoever responded to the LFM to try to getc close to 40 people and probably lacking in key areas (like only 6 healers etc). People will be randomly leaving throughout the run.

These conditions make things difficult.

Whaaaa the non hardcore elite non privat sever people having hard time with MC never thuoght that would happen.

I’ve had wipes on a single heroic boss than my guild had in prog week on tier 1. Hell Jaina normal gave us more trouble than the entirety of tier 1 combined.

Your observation is completely flawed and biased. Mythic raider my left eye.

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I read this 3 times, nowhere in the post does he say it was an uncoordinated pug. So maybe get some reading comprehension or that foot is going to be permanently in your mouth.

Ignore the morons in this thread who didn’t even bother to read your post.

His observation is a personal observation, therefore it cannot be flawed or biased. It was his experience. Maybe come back when you’re 60 and have done MC yourself, otherwise you just look like a moron.

I feel bad for you , the need to defend molten core that was cleared in a day lol. O wipes. And with lowbies in greens. Plus onyxia too. I’m calling it!!! Naxx will be one shotted

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Who cares about retail fights? We’re in classic. In my mind that dumpster fire doesn’t exist. I don’t know why anyone wants to even compare them.

Doesn’t matter. All it takes is one person not paying attention. I’m not talking about someone having time. I’m talking about someone tunnel visioning and ignoring everyone in discord yelling their name because they care more about meters than killing a boss.

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