Anybody remember when they did that anniversary Molten Core release? And how those pug raids were getting rolled?

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No, your raid was just full of trash tier players and/or you had a terrible comp. I ran it Tuesday with 31 players (several below 60) and downed 5 bosses in 3 hours only wiping on trash a few times because someone face pulled. We continued on Thursday and killed the remaining 3 bosses that don’t require douses in 3 hours with a couple wipes on each boss and no trash wipes with 36 people (several below 60). I’d say around half had bad gear and I might’ve been the only person with enchanted gear, though I was the MT.

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Why is anyone in full greens anyway? I’m level 47 and I only have four greens. The rest are quality blues I got from quests and drops.

Can you hear that? The sound of goalposts moving? Yeahhh…me too. Also, what’s wrong with addons? You act like we didn’t use them back in the day.

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taunt and spread out…run out during wrath wow hard

Lol wow. Did you find the bottom of the barrel late night Monday LFR raiders. Seriously MC is a waffle stomp. That you had such a bad time. I would step back and ask why are we so bad?

Did you use boss mods? Bad specs? If people have their BIS. You should have been one shotting this easy content. I would drop all the meme specs and bad specs.

Sit your feral druids, elemental shamans, enchantment shamans, herp-a-derp holy/shadow priest, arms warriors, non combat rogues, and of course fire mages. Easy if you bring proper specs and not a bunch of herp-a-derp…

do it in classic, post on your classic main, then talk

Edit: applies to half the posters here, from the characters you are posting on it shows you arent even capable of doing more than LFR on BFA, I dont know why you think MC is easier.

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What? I thought Chunklebutts made a good point. Goalposts moving? Hardly. I mentioned above there are numerous excellent guides to help noobs through MC. This group obviously decided to fumble their way instead.

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This whole discussion of difficulty amuses me, since most folks say “Nah it’s not hard, never was, people just didn’t know how to execute their abilities right and not stand in fires. We didn’t know what abilities the bosses had, and so on”.

Well, okay. So you’re saying if you know exactly what you’re doing and your execution is perfect, then it isn’t hard?

These are the same folks who will say Dark Souls is an easy game. Just do exactly what you’re supposed to do and you’ll never die! Easy.

No… that’s not what difficulty means, because by that standard, NOTHING is difficult.


Any raid can be hard if its not lead correctly or the tanks/healers cant keep up. Typically if MC is hard - its because the raid leader is not doing a very good job of explaining fights, or mages are too worried about “Muh dps” to dispell (which is non-negotiable in vanilla)


This is all completely unsurprising to me.

APES was, as the OP so quaintly put it, a god tier player group with a decade of experience clearing this specific content on private servers.

There will probably be other guilds out there where the level of player skill is quite high and they’ve already cleared MC and are working on Ony. But for most guilds and pugs, MC will be hard. Of course it will.

People chronically underestimate the value of experience (not general experience, but specific experience with specific content), planning, preparation, coordination, and good tactics. And people chronically overestimate the value of gear.

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legacyplayers . com/Armory/?charid=1042994



Mythic Tomb and every heroic+ raid since the start of Legion says hello.

MC has dramatically more room for failure than the majority of BfA fights on normal or higher.

TBH some (very few) LFR bosses are as hard as MC. Tortos (people just wouldn’t listen), Archimonde, Garalon the LFR destroyer for instance. But ya, most of the time LFR was easy mode where it was almost encouraged to stand in the fire.

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Because they rushed to 60 and didn’t run any instances for whatever reason.

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None of that matters. The only thing that matters is MC mechanics. One person doesnt run a bomb out on geddon and gg.

Also, to be fair, a bad raid leader will doom any raid group.


20 frostbolts spamming is HARD.

i haven’t figured out how having 3 different ‘bombs’ is supposed to be harder than just one. assuming the damage to heal ratio is approximately the same, it ends up with the same outcome. having to step left instead of right every so often doesn’t really make something more difficult when it comes to this kind of thing.

Okay, and people have been dealing with individual preformance checks for 15 years, what do you mean it doesn’t matter? It’s not like Gedon is the only example, nor is it the hardest example. Pull just about any mythic boss from the last 6 years and there’s gonna be some random debuff that wipes the raid if the affected player doesnt handle it appropriately. Gedon’s level of punishment is child’s play compared to Mythic.