Right?? Anduin and Alleria are so emo it’s cringe. Faerin is a Mary Sue. There are fanfics way, way better than what we are getting.
Meh. Almost all progression raiders still cross pollinate because its still the best way to gear.
However, for non-raiders there is no incentive to ever raid…and if they ever changed there would be a huge pushback
Yeah, I’ll pass on edgelords. We have enough of them in the game without him whining all the time.
I dont remember him whining since WC3.
Also, they never should have killed off Arthas. That was a good short-term, bad long-term strategy.
Raids always equal new zone, new dungeons, new events, new world bosses, new things. So its not just the raid. What you are suggeting would be no new content aka shadowlands season 2 repeated but without anyone content updates.
What wow needs is allot less players being stuborn and refusing to learn the game and ask questions. If more people who ask questions and have a willingness to improve instesd of blaming the game for their lack of skill it would be so much better
Kinda was.
Artifact Power grind, Legendary RNG, and Outlaw Rogue.
Just to name a few things.
That said, I still miss Legion Shadow Priest, I liked seeing how long I could maintain Voidform. (and also Surrender to Madness was funny.)
Legion was not a fun game, no
I want the “Legion was bad” crowd to tell me their Top 3 expansions. I didnt even play Legion but you cannot rewrite history.
With how much money this game generates, there should be a small team that has been doing this over the years, all year round. It shouldn’t come at the expense of content.
As much as I love their games, Blizzard has to be one of the worst managed game companies around.
MoP, Cata, BFA. Wotlk nearly tied with BFA.
I don’t need to rewrite history, as my dislike of Legion is an opinion, as it is for those that liked it. Weird to say otherwise when you admittedly didn’t even play it.
Honestly given that blackrock depths just needed some polish and it could of been an entire teir made for a event…
I could see a repeat tier being acceptable to fix up issues. I just don’t believe there is that kind of cross over between the raid design team and the game engine programers to make it worthwhile.
Wha- Then why did you engage in a discussion of opinions towards Legion?
They need raid tiers to keep the player base around. Skipping a raid tier isn’t really an option.
It seems to me they got around that by instead using old assets for “new content.” Siren Isle, Undermine, Horrific Visions, etc. All of that is old and doesn’t need a ton of development time. Smart on their part to do stuff like that. They can still add new elements, still crank out content, but can do it in probably half the time, because the environments and some of the base systems are already there.
This is largely Activision, they’re KNOWN for never releasing a working game, Tycoon anyone?
I skip every raid tier and it never seems to help Blizzard fix any issues. Just saying.
Seriously though, the money they would lose from skipping a raid tier would just cause them to lay off more staff. Nothing would get fixed.
I didnt. What are you talking about?
I mean, they’ve fixed plenty of Retail’s issues…in Cata classic of all places ironically. And Cata is almost universally considered the expansion that killed WoW’s social scene and most guilds.
mass unsubbing
Uh… no?
Cata introduced more ways to socialize and do more with your guild than ever before.
I saw more socializing and more guild interaction across three servers back then than I ever have since.
The PVE community will never admit to this, but Blizzard’s failure to meet the MOBA challenge took a lot of pvpers out of WoWs community.