Maybe Time to Settle Down, Tanks

The reason most tanks set rules is because many dps have come into this with a no cc, aoe chain pull mentality and are the loudest and most obnoxious about how the its the tanks fault when that leads to continued wipes.


LOL… people are actually using damage meters while leveling???

No wonder dps have no clue how to act.

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The Flip side to this is that as a DPS, it’s easier for you to get by in a lot of content then it is for a healer or a proper tank; you can do world content more easily (damage output > Damage mitigation), you typically don’t need to know the dungeon as well, you’re the backbone of PVP and in raids the requirements of individuals are lower then they are in 5 mans.

This is why people don’t tank or heal when given the option.

I’d say 1/4 dungeons groups I’m in some doofus pulls up a damage tracking add on in the chat to either show off his damage or put someone else down. DPS can be cancer too.

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The first tank was an monkey’s behind… nodes are always a /roll unless something is agreed upon at start of run…

The second tank…well he could have just told the mage to suck an egg, Butt in his defense… the second a mage starts trying to dictate how I tank… I would be gone too…

basically, if you think you can do better… then roll a tank and go through the pain of leveling in a tank spec… then you get to pull however you want…just sayin


Just say need if your gonna use and point to the wow wiki. It says to do that there.

If I’m dropping group because the group sucks then I couldn’t be less apathetic to their feelings.

Because the great thing about being a tank? Theres always another group.


Fair enough. And what if they rolled on a mining node?

The post was entirely about dungeons at 60

Mining nodes are free game to anybody that can mine them if they can win the roll.

Some good points. Tanks are typically the ones picking the path through the dungeon, deciding on the pacing (which involves keeping an eye on everyone’s mana), and almost always the one marking targets

Tanks definitely have far more responsibility than DPS classes. Although with their scarcity does come lots of room for error. Not nearly as much for dps classes. And world content definitely helps while leveling, although nowadays most of my time on WoW is spent staring at guild chat and LFG reading between all the “LF tank” messages and trying to find that one “LF 1M non-clothy DPS” diamond in the rough message lol. Because for most people it’s all about getting that pre-raid BiS set done ASAP, and that means dungeons and lots of them

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Citation needed. Link or gtfo. Also, post on your Classic char.

My take on mining, skinning (and I suppose herbalism) is to check profs first at the start of the dungeon; If you have engineering or blacksmithing then you should get priority over someone who’s double gathering or running with enchanting since you have a relevent need for it.

After that, I’d probably pass on the first node and then take the second (assuming there is one) and then if theres a third then whoever has double gathering can go for it.

All of this assumes of course that (for me personally) the nodes in question still yield relevent ore; I’m past the point where copper or tin have any real value to me afterall.

I haven’t read through this thread, but I wanted to mention a couple of things:

A) You never know what someone has been through. Maybe these tanks had just come out of several pugs that were horrible and the smallest perceived slight set them off.

B) Self import is human nature. Let’s be honest here: an MMO is a breeding ground for people who have lower than normal social skills…it attracts people like that, so it’s no shock that a lot of people can’t handle (in a normal way) being needed more than others and it shows.

The bottom line is that you cannot control other people, so why worry about what other people do?


Self important clowns like that won’t make it very far in this game, regardless of what role they play. I would rather spend an extra 30 minutes finding a great tank than to deal with that.

Another one that bugs me is the guy that goes “hurry” or “pull, pull”. We had an sp in ZF that did that a few days ago, of course he was doing a whopping 15% of the damage, dead last. I have an idea if you want faster pulls how about helping kill the mobs instead of typing and leeching off the real dps.


I suppose the other end of things is that We’re at different points on the map from a level perspective; I’m currently 31 on Blood Sail Buccaneers so I haven’t seen what end game looks like just yet.

As a casual suggestion, you might want to consider leveling a tank. Back in wrath I did it so that I could have a more complete understanding of dungeons, group dynamics, tanking and also my original DPS toons (a hunter and a ret pally). It might be worth your time to try it yourself.

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Also, when it’s prime time on your server, do a /who 60 warrior. If there are more than 50, start breaking it down by zone to count them all using filters like z-“Stormwind” and r-“human”. You can put multiple filters in one command for something like /who z-“Ironforge” r-“Human” c-“Warrior” 60. This is part of why they broke the functionality of the /who API for addons because it made it too easy to get almost exact counts of the number of players online.


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You’re completely right and I was still kinda in shock when I posted this because we had just had two ridiculous experiences (though I got my dagger I wanted and some sweet shoulders), but I just came in here to rile some tanks up. Got a couple wackadoo responses so it was worth it imo.

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I got kicked from a group while tanking yesterday, because I pulled a single mob while the healer was drinking. I took virtually no damage but he went nuts.


I mean I almost never pug and I still get constant whisper spam with “can you tank this UBRS?” “We need a tank scholo, you interested?” And so on. Never mind I can just throw “I feel like an orb farm who’s up for strat live?” In g chat and have a group in minutes.

So yeah, I’m going to be picky about my dungeon runs and if you don’t play by my rules I’ll find a group who will.

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