Maybe Time to Settle Down, Tanks

The pet tanks the most powerful meele target, the rogue/hunter takes down the caster target, someone else takes on target 3. its not hard.


I mean, it’s possible he’s playing on a densley populated server where everyone is in his level range and wants to do instances all the time.

I’m still incredibly skeptical that he’s getting in on 20 minute regular dungeons; i can’t even get into a LFR raid on retail usually in less then half an hour and that’s pulling from every server in the americas.

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It’s 8pm now in Sydney. Peak time in Australia. Only 41 level 60 warriors on Remulos Horde.

no, in good groups this doesn’t happen… people actually greed for stuff they can’t use, and need for stuff they need… that’s how i got my new purple yesterday… i needed… because i needed it. and am using it… havent run into any situations where someone ninja’d a blue … if that happened i’d just kick them… then tell everyone to tell everyone about it…

on the topic, ya, it’s pretty selfish of the guy to assume that because he had mining and blacksmith he got the mine automatically… that’s just silly. saying that, horde side needs more tanks on deviate delight. so make more! i’m dps :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah, it can be done, depending on the zone. It works decently in SM because I’ve done it quite a few times myself, but it’s extremely taxing on the healers.

He’s probably not. I play on Stalagg and Pagle, both usually have full status and it takes a while to get groups going on them.


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Rolling need on a BOE is not ninjaing chief. Everyone can use BOEs. If you don’t to get “ninja’d” by someone rolling need on a BOE that you rolled greed on, don’t be a dummy and roll need yourself.

The rule is to need on purples anyways to prevent silliness, so congrats ? lol

you know this isn’t true…

If edgemasters handguards drop in a dungeon, everyone is rolling need. Everyone needs 1000 gold.

Sorry, you aren’t entitled to 1000 gold just because you rolled a warrior. It’s BOE, everyone can use it.

that’s bull, thankfully you’re not on my server. i would never group with you. no offense.

Nobody cares.

It’s only ever warriors and rogues who argue against this rule, since 90% of BOEs are Warrior/Rogue loot.

the rule to roll need on epics is literally 15 years old, its to prevent ninja ing , the rule is that epic is 1/5 chance to all.


So your retort is basically “no u.” Great personality and quite the thinker. I bet you have a lot of friends and none of them talk about you behind your back.

But thanks for admitting you lack self awareness. That’s the first step.

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Do some research on projection… It’s a pretty well studied area of psychology lol

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I make fun of short guys, doesn’t mean im 5 foot tall im 6 foot 1.

And get off my lawn!

Yeah, that shows a sign of poor self esteem and that you’re actually a little guy on the inside.

There’s also added pressure being a DPS, especially a non-mage dps (everyone loves mages)

Basically, as DPS you are a dime a dozen. I’ve seen DPS classes get kicked for being too far away from the dungeon when they get invited to the group. “sorry bro your flight is gonna take too long, kicking you for a guildie”. I’ve seen DPS classes kicked for causing 1 wipe. Like everyone messes up once in a while, but people will kick a dps class at 60 and not blink an eye

Tanks though? No one gonna kick that tank. What are you going to do, replace him? Good luck with that. I’ve seen tanks that sit and finish screwing around in major city for 15 straight minutes before even beginning to wait on zepplin or fly to dungeon, and everyone just has to shut up and take it

Not only must you get to the dungeon quickly, never mess up, and be high on the damage meter to get repeat invites, but you also need to never disconnect. I remember people disconnecting pre-60. That stuff basically never happens 55+. DPS classes don’t pull that, because you start seeing a lot of the same people at 60 and you don’t want to be the guy who might disconnect at random. You won’t get a second invite

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No they cant and I have mained a hunter since the beginning. Furthermore, any hunter that caused a wipe during a run because they said they could and failed would be kicked on almost any server.

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As I keep saying I get it. I’ve tanked in MMOs; I understand that it gets frustrating when people are idiots. I’m not saying anything that contradicts that. It’s just the way some of you react that is funny.

Like do you guys think when you leave a group in a fit of rage that everyone just loses their minds? “Oh God now what are we going to do? We should’ve listened!” I’m genuinely curious because what actually happens is everyone laughs, someone might say “what the hell?” and then we get a new party member and move on. I’m not trying to be mean; I’m just fascinated.

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