Maybe one day we will get a "premade-free" feature for an expansion/patch? would you guys like that?

He was spewing nonsense like normal. Why would you listen to him about anything.

No I provide evidence

Provide the evidence. But this is just another ploy of you clowns lol you hate being called out so you deflect and attack.

Also, it’s funny you leave out the context he was trying to say they don’t dodge other premades even though he has videos of him doing it and I just pointed that out.

Someone doth protest too much, methinks.

Well, it seems you have no evidence so whatever man lol good luck

Ya dodging you guys. nobody wants anything to do with you especially things that have come to light about what your leader’s liike oca are trying to do.

We have had some really good games against avm/djl over the weekend and some big wpvp battles :dracthyr_shrug: :dracthyr_shrug:

Keep destroying those pugs “top premade community” :rofl: :rofl: :zzz:

diversifying our nightly content?

I would share, but this person would get harassed by you guys and removed. so i can’t really share

ah, so just hearsay and rumors. don’t you have anything better to do, like getting good at pvp?

Did you really tell someone else to get good at PvP? You literally use a raid group to queue into randoms and you have the balls to call someone else bad at PvP? How embarrassing.


you, Breezeblocks, are bad at pvp.

whatcha gonna do about it?

Oh damn you got me. How do I join your premades? Will that make me win more games???

Lol im dead :skull: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Hi, be careful who you trust, sounds like a rat trying to just cause problems. A few BSG members got split and ended up in one of your lead games, it was tough and sweaty yet fun. We had to take down a second gate due to the ferocity of the horde premade. We eventually won and we all followed and listened to your lead. This is what I personally enjoy. Alliance premades should work together.

Three factors;

  1. A small but vocal portion of the community (and on these forms) are the ones in those Epic premade raid groups and they don’t want that to go away. They like fighting other premades which is awesome, but I think most agree stomping pugs with many ungeared casuals, PVE’ers trying out PvP, and new players is not that fun and not great for growing the PvP community.

  2. Another large population of these forms says stuff like “it’s impossible,” and “blizz doesn’t care.” Not realizing that Blizz would care more if we presented a vocal unified front with their help. We put a man on the moon in 1969, I’m pretty sure it’s possible to develop better WoW matchmaking. Remember when they said no Classic, and we got classic because the community kept at it?

  3. Very few offer an alternative. Add Rated Epic BG’s, just like Rated BG’s. If you don’t have 40 people, que and add solo/small groups who que up also and get matched with your raid based on rating.

This way we have pugs for casuals and casual gameplay, and Rated Matches for us.

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an alternative solution that i suggested once went like this:

cross faction mixed random queues.

change the merc guy to a pick a team guy, you can go to him and choose to fight for horde or alliance, this buff lasts until canceled.

this creates a situation where games are cross faction and all queues are equal. players who are faction loyal can stay faction loyal. premades can still premade and even do premade vs premade games but are still at the mercy of the RNG factor of the random queue and syncing, they wouldn’t be able to queue with a raid group, they could just ensure if they all do get a synced pop, they are all on the same team.

to be clear though, i still think premades should be able to queue as a raid, perhaps limit the raid size, but it cleans up the queue process for premades and the queue overall which affects everyone positively. the reality is that premades are gonna premade, might as well make it a clean process.

Premade raiders aren’t exactly known for respecting the spirit of fair play and playing the game as intended.

There would be very few 40-person premade raids in a rated epic bg queue. It would be far too simple/tempting for premade communities to abuse the system for easy rated PvP rewards.

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Some quick queue dynamics to help us understand and predict how players are distributed across matches. Let’s consider the epic battlegrounds (EBGs) that run parallel to each other, meaning there are typically 2 epic battlegrounds (EBGs) running at the same time. Assuming each EBG is always a 40 vs 40 match, that’s 80 players per battleground.

If 25 players on the Horde side and 35 players on the Alliance side are queue-syncs, that’s 60 players per battleground who are part of a sync group.

So, for two EBGs:

  • Total players: 2 EBGs x 80 players = 160 players
  • Total queue-sync players: 2 EBGs x 60 queue-sync players = 120 queue-sync players

This leaves only 40 players as pugs (pick-up groups):

  • 160 total players - 120 queue-sync players = 40 pug players

Given this distribution, it’s evident that more premades exist compared to pugs. This means PUG queues will hardly pop, and the chances of getting a match as a pug are significantly lower due to the overwhelming number of sync groups dominating the battlegrounds.

Maybe one day we will get a “premade-free” feature for an expansion/patch? Unfortunately, with more premade syncs than pugs, it’s a challenging issue to address.

According to your distribution, every team in epic bgs on average is a 30-person premade raid plus 10 pugs.

Is that accurate?

Based on what I see every day, since EBG is mostly the content I consume, that distribution is close enough to be the norm. The Alliance often queues as separate 5-man groups, but they are still put together in the game. Meanwhile, the Horde typically has two 5-man groups, along with some Alliance mercs. The rest of the teams are then filled in by pugs, resulting in a ratio of roughly 3 premades to 1 pug.

This is also evident when a community drops their queue, as you’ll often start the game with roughly 10-15 players until they get backfilled.

Not sure where your math is coming from but it is incorrect. I’m in epics everyday and the majority of games have no premade in them.


Mine comes from an average of 17-20 participation levels [hl] each week.