Maybe one day we will get a "premade-free" feature for an expansion/patch? would you guys like that?

My question is… would you guys like if EPIC BG had a little checkbox next to it that said

-CHECK this box to avoid premades- this would probably mean a bit longer Qs, but it would mean that there is no group premade of anyway/shape/form

just pure pugs vs pugs

me personally i would love this option even if it meant twice as long Qs, bc im sick of the premade taint


why not just queue for blitz?

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Absolutely. Premades don’t want to fight each other, it would kill them overnight. I could enjoy epics again.


Why not just queue with five people instead of using addon exploits to bypass that limit? Do you think this is healthy for the game?

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i do. we have solo options for rated content now. epics are for large team play, the more premade communities the better the game will be.

Epics are for large team play with a max limit of five per group. You use addons to bypass this limit. It is cheating. Is cheating more of what you want?


no i don’t.

That’s a lie.

For those that are unaware:

Epic Battlegrounds have a group limit of five people. This is to prevent raid groups from joining and making the game too one sided.

Premades use addons to bypass this limit and group with as many people as possible. It is an exploit and is considered cheating by most. This is what we want changed.


no we don’t. if you know of any addon that will allow us to bypass the 5 man limit on queueing, i would love to know, it would make premading easier.

extremely loud incorrect sounding buzzer

Premades que in groups of 5, they use the ingame feature called communitys to talk to eachother and que at the same time, this is called que syncing. If they get a que pop they say pop and take depending on how any groups pop (typically only leaders of group would communicate).

No exploits, no addons, no cheating, Its a ingame feature that is abuseable because of how blizzard has designed the game.

IMO its only a feature because blizzard has let the pvp community shrink and die. if participation was as high as M+ syncing would be completely impossible. it only works because it doesn’t take a lot of people to game the system when only a few hundred players are queueing all pvp content at any given time.

Oh, my bad friends. I have amended my statement. Let’s go again:

Premades use exploits to bypass this limit and group with as many people as possible. It is an exploit and is considered cheating by most. This is what we want changed.



its not an exploit, and blizzard officially doesn’t consider it cheating. you don’t count as “most”.

Oh damn let me try again:


Hope this clears it up for everyone!

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An exploit isnt a intended mechanic of the game like this is. Im personally against premades even though i find them very fun when going up premade vs premade, but its intended that you can do this.

“hey look over there its a dead horse what should we do?”

proceeds to beat the dead horse

disclaimer : no actual horses were ever in danger this is called an idiom.

wheres the 40v40 blitz

If it was intended for people to queue past five players then you would be able to do so with a raid group.


guyz dint u kno wen blzz disabulled raid q 4 randums they secretely wanted ppl 2 qsink in there raids insted workin as intended


I would gladly wait longer for better games.