Maybe one day we will get a "premade-free" feature for an expansion/patch? would you guys like that?

because you are, i can’t join in the fun?

I see you are just an immature troll. Good luck bud.

no, right now i’m a night elf. it literally says it beneath my name, but then again, you got me mixed up with TK :rofl:

Nope I didn’t. You are just trolling and deflecting because you got called out. Stay mad and bad bud.

and i called out your call out, and the result is that “You are just trolling and deflecting because you got called out”

You didn’t lol but it’s silly you think you did. Whatever man you can deflect all you want.

I agree with you here. This rarely happens though and if it does the other premade will drop que/leave not wanting to face others like DJL avoids you guys in BSG.

It is more likely to be 30 premade + 10 pugs vs 40 pugs (sprinkled with duo/trio maybe) in any given Epic

i’m okay with that as long as it is a situation where there wasn’t another premade to pair as an opponent. the raid grouping means groups don’t need to drop on a desync. with even ilvl and cross faction queues, games should start full on both sides and the non-premade side would have the best chance at facing that premade as ever.

on top of that, as pointed out above somewhere a low barrier to entry does allow for quick rerolling of FOTM toons. ironically, this may give pug groups a bit of a leg up as most premade groups i know tend to just let people roll whatever they want and a lot of them will stubbornly play their mains even when the class is balanced down.

what i don’t want is a situation where there is multiple raids in queue and they all end up in separate vs only pugs games.

This is what I feel like happens atm (overlooking the 5 man sync q pop clusterf). Multiple ‘raids’ queueing but not facing each other.

Anecdotal example but but faced a Torture premade (horde), so I left. Changed character and got against a Auggy premade (alliance). They should be facing each other almost always but weren’t of course.

Changed character again and got into a pug vs pug (finally) lucky I’m rewatching One Piece so I didn’t mind the re-q wait times

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part of the issue is that there was a major shift in faction from horde to alliance with the nerfing of the orc racial and rogue stun at the end of SL.

the result is that horde is the smaller faction now and two major horde epic communities actively dodge alliance premades.

then on top of that you have multiple alliance premades all trying to queue at the same time stepping on each others toes getting intermixxed pops, which they all drop.

all this dropping on both sides causes havoc on the queues and its why you end up with games where there is just one premade on one side. alliance premades don’t want to play together and 2 major horde premades don’t want to face alliance premades at all.

thats why raid queueing is a solution, even though we all know it comes with some drawbacks, it eliminates some current major problems. the positives though are that is allows you to increase afk penalties and more easily setup premade vs premade games by looking at who is queueing as a raid vs solo or only a party.

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So mixed faction queues is the answer.

I’m happy if raid queueing is brought back with the caveat that they can only queue against another raid.

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This just legitimizes premade raids in random bgs. When premade raids roflstomp random pugs, they’ll say this is intended.

Premade raids will continue to avoid each other.

I doubt they’ll agree to this. They still want to keep premade raids vs. random pugs.

Also, there’s a reason why Blizzard didn’t add rewards to war games. Premade raiders aren’t exactly known for respecting the spirit of fair play and playing the game as intended.

When players are able to choose their teams and matchups, they won’t be able to resist the temptation of abusing the system for fast/easy PvP rewards.

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Yeah Im aware they will not want to upset their win rates :smiley: they would lose their ability to roflstomp pugs

This is untrue and you know it. They avoid BSG becasue of past nonesense.

Horde premades face RR & BF among others all the time.

Again, Alliance communities avoiding BSG because of above referenced past nonesense.

There is a common denominator in there. Can you spot it?

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The fact that you even admit queue syncing is so bad it even effects other premade’s but you still think it’s not a problem is a testament to how much you actually don’t care at all about the game.

You glorious SOB…

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

I heard you were buying carries…for shame.

Why would I buy carries? Care to provide any evidence?

Inemia said so, what more evidence do you need?

I mean you accuse premades of doing stuff with zero evidence. So this is where we are now.

I can’t beleive you’re buying carries. Shameful.