Maybe one day we will get a "premade-free" feature for an expansion/patch? would you guys like that?

I never have issues finding a non premade game. If you see a premade leave and requeue. Most of the time there will not be another.

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The simple solution is to ban all the people that have been abusing the exploit. It really doesn’t matter if they are “more” then the pugs. They are exploiting and cheating.

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I’d love that…I get rolled by so many premades. Last week in AB, the horde was a premade, capped ALL the bases, 5 randos rage quit

/leave bg.

Hop on alt

Queue puts you into the same bg you just left.

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Did you get your name from the character in The Walking Dead?

Premade communities quite enjoy playing each other in Epic BG premades…

Premades are a CANCER for this game, devs think they’re a bunch of friends playing together but in reality are just ppl in pvp communities (with zero interaction beyond this btw) farming honor on the suffering of random players.

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That must be why dodging is so prevelant.

Based on the state of your account i can see why you would enjoy premades.

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