Maybe one day we will get a "premade-free" feature for an expansion/patch? would you guys like that?

Ya punish the people that don’t want to fight cheaters… typical narcissist.

specifically the system is designed to punish people who win shop by hopping between alts and afking if the game doesn’t look like an easy win. the more you do it the worse it gets and the worst offenders recieve up to a week long timeout from all pvp together.

on the other hand, people who love to pvp and just queue up all day and stay in matches no matter what, will get rewarded at the end of the season by maintaining a healthy conquest balance which gets converted to a gold purse.

the flexibility of this also means people can casually afk that one game if they just really don’t want to play it or if they have to go because they are a volunteer firefighter or something.

the important part is that it allows players to self manage their own reward/penalty system.

Having people play without their talents is already a thing in low level PvP against party syncers with their whole tree and it’s the most broken thing imaginable.

If as a low level hunter you only have access to aim shot and another hunter has access to kill shot and rapid fire you will never win that no matter what you do.

Except premades play a big part in preventing that

Lmao epics are to broken on a fundamental level to ever be taken seriously as a competitive mode.

They would be even more unwatchable than arena is to an outside pov imagine going into the fight and just a epilepsy inducing light show happens where nobody’s plays are actually noticed cause there is to much going on to notice.


People aren’t “win shopping” they are avoiding cheaters like you. People like you simply need to be banned from the game and sent packing. You are doing nothing but thinking about yourself.

Yeah, I remember playing in an ally AV premade as far back as MoP prepatch, so it’s actually not a new thing indeed. The difference is really that the pool of pugs is much smaller these days you are much more likely to queue into a premade in an average evening.

And it’s hard for Blizzard to fix it. I’m 90% sure they don’t even want to fix it, because they like these social constructs. (And tbh PvP in WoW has started as a very unfair “who has more friends” endeavour by design). But at the same time it’s hard for them to make pug life easier/rewarding, because there is no way to do that without inviting tons of bots.

I think just about one thing they can do is some simple MMR. Premades would naturally bubble up and play each other, while pugs would fall to bottom and play each other there.

That or massively boost reward for a win so that you can score a heap of conquest when that one pug win finally comes. Or better yet add some sort of conquest bonus per each loss, but you are only able to cash it out if you win. It’s gonna invite some bots, but at least they going to have to win something to claim the prize. (I think this is actually a great incentivizer in general that would offset the loss streak fatigue. If you lost 10 in a row, well guess what, you now have +500% to conquest reward when you finally win. Twice as much if you won 10 in a row, but still something.)

i leveled a hunter, it wasn’t that bad. you just stay with the group until you start getting more tools and figuring out what to do.

the thing is, by the time you reach level cap, you know the class much better than someone just leveled in pve and then is jumping into pvp. because you are already playing on a map or maps you know against classes and situations you already know, you don’t have so much to deal with while also learning how to pvp on a new class.

this works even for classes you know, i also leveled all my dk alts in that event and when reanimation is your only pvp talent and you are facing glads, you learn every single possible use for that talent.

the point specifically is that limiting your options forces you to find every use for what options you do have.

this isn’t the only thing i would do for learning either, i was thinking wow also needs a pvp training simulator or something, imagine scenarios where you have to spin the flag at LM for 60 seconds while pvp bots try to take it, we need stuff like that.

there are youtube videos talking about historical battles which are longer in time format than the actual battle lasted.

the combination of a sense of community and team is what drives epic premades, people like the idea of being part of one group or another. it often feels like vanilla where your guild would be rivals with other guilds, today its just premade communities like that, everything else is esported out and people care about your IO score more than who you play for or what drama happened last week.

in bfa season 2 they tried out rewards for losing if you tried hard enough. it honestly worked, i don’t know why they stopped. some of the closest AVs ive had were that season, people fought tooth and nail to the bitter end. as soon as the rewards for a close loss stopped, so did the close games.


I mean I don’t think not getting caught up in petty drama is a bad thing for anyone.

Because they are usually shallow as individuals so they drown it out in groups that they think gives them purpose or something.

The classes really are not that complex to justify that.

The same 3 or 4 abilities you are spamming at 20 will be the same ones you are spamming at 70 only with more passive damage and modifiers tacked onto them usually.

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I personally would prefer the option to be able to Q with a premade and fight another premade. Stiff penalties for dodging. I am tired of playing with pugs, no objectives and inner fighting in chat. Played a game today and all I read was " your momma" no " your momma. Check box for avoiding a premade or check box to look for a premade is what I vote for.


Actually, this. I love being matched with a premade as a pugger, when I’m not bound by discord shenanigans, but I also follow the raid lead commands. It’s so fun if you score that kind of game. Solo vs solo epics can be such a drag without at least one another person in your team.


which do you think will be more effective(or realistic)?:

calling people shallow and hoping they are insecure yet mature enough to take what you said and change themselves for the better.


designing a system that takes negative human behaviors into account and getting them to choose to act in the way you like out of their own volition because you have made it advantageous for them to do so.

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You cheat in a video game, and you are acting like you’re not shallow? Yikes

You don’t want this because you will be gone.

if i were to cheat, you would hear about it on the news. the reality is that you call anything you don’t like or don’t understand “cheating”, as if your perspective on reality is the gold standard. it couldn’t possibly be that others understand the game at a much deeper level than you, no in your eyes they must be cheating.

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This lol.

The people defending this are the abusers only.


wtf… hahahaha exploiting is cheating, you are exploiting because you can’t win fair combat.

No, the reality is you are exploiting because you can’t win in fair combat. Accept that you are trash and maybe you can improve.

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exploiting the the TOS specifically is referring to the use of 3rd party hacking software. if you have ever used a game genie or gameshark, that kind of software is what they are talking about.

also, “degrading the gaming experience” has to do with framerate and lag, meaning you can’t DoS someone or use their addons against them to lag them out for example.

sync queueing up with friends and using an addon to automate role check is not and never has been cheating, and this has been stated officially by the blues i think multiple times now.

you can call it cheating till you are blue in the face, but blizzard doesn’t agree with you.

i’m not the one hiding on an alt.

I agree.

Blizzard should enable cross-faction teams, add a hidden MMR, and add a stacking, account-wide deserter debuff when players drop queue pops.

The cross-faction part is crucial because it allows the matchmaking system to balance more things on both teams (e.g. MMR, roles, specs, ilevel, etc.) without queue times skyrocketing. Before, Blizzard was trying to maintain separate factions as much as possible. Maybe they’re more willing these days to make this significant change.

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Ahh I see all that matter is how YOU feel… what a joke you are.


proposes gear overhaul that puts everyone on equal ground while allowing people to have custom stats and has practically no barrier to entry and proposes carrot/stick overhaul that directly rewards people the more they pvp.


you are selfish.


You are responsible for how you and your account are represented in the game world. Cheating in any fashion will result in immediate action. Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

Exploiting other players is an equally serious offense. Scamming, account sharing, win-trading, and anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.

In [video games], an exploit is the use of a bug or glitch, or use elements of a game system in a manner not intended by the game’s designers, in a way that gives a substantial unfair advantage to players using it.

The guy exploiting to give himself a huge advantage claiming to not be selfish is PEAK irony hahha

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