Maybe one day we will get a "premade-free" feature for an expansion/patch? would you guys like that?

Here’s my take for unrated BGs:

  • Solos would be placed in a solo queue. Solos would also be able to toggle on (or off) an option to be placed in the group queue as well.

  • Groups would automatically be placed in the group queue. Groups would be matched vs. other groups and solos willing to fight with groups.

Even if the above were implemented I think some people would still complain about something. One guess is they’d complain about “solos syncing,” blaming that for their losses. They’d also still complain about games that are “too long,” which is a mentality that has degraded epic BGs much more than “premades” have.

So if people are saying, without actually saying it, that they also want to prevent players from solo syncing, what they really want is blizz to develop a genuinely solo queue (no duo queue) Blitz version of epic BGs - which would be a pure CROSS FACTION SOLO QUEUE.

Now go get blizz to develop it.


This already happens it’s just not designed to compensate for multiple groups syncing. They simply need to get rid of the sync queue people and rework most epics and give us a new one and bam, game better.

No one cares if it’s considered “cheating by most”.

Blizzard makes the rules, not the players.

Wasted effort. Blizzard doesn’t care.

Just ignore them and play brackets they can’t cheat in.


This is never going to happen. The best we can hope for is mixed faction unranked battlegrounds.

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I genuinely dont believe Blizzard has the capability to shut down countdown ques.

Anyone who remembers the days of Tinysmasher and Oqueue knows that the addon was busted bt Blizzard in an attempt to deter people from doing this.

Im not going to lie and say reporting them or discussing this in another sub forum might net better results.

I gotta clock in for work, but ill be around.

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Correct the TOS is very clear, yet you ignore that because it doesn’t fit your narrative.

Sweet…a new thread about premades.

Last one is over 800 posts.

I think you guys can top it. You just gotta complain harder.

We’re all rooting for you.

We just waiting for the usual actual complainers to come in and start posting nonsense and calling everyone else bad as they hide behind there sync premades and can’t even get 1800 in ranked lol

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if it was intended, blizz would add a 40man queue feature of some sort. Queue manipulation is the same crap that made SS (and will soon affect Blitz) unplayable for the first couple months because people would queue dodge to get into games with their friends for free rating but i think Blizz put a stop to this.

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People have been syncing queues since BGs first began, and here we are 20 years later and they haven’t done anything about it.

It used to be extremely rare and didn’t ruin the game for everyone else. Now it’s all day every day.

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Just let us multibox again and we’ll take care of it.

Bring 8x MM.

Maybe cause it’s so T o x I c.

That and what’s left of the PvP community isn’t doing itself any favors by running premades and being gatekeepy from anyone trying to join.

You need to change first and make it more appealing to PvP before asking blizzard to fix the mess the players helped create.

Step 1: run premades and stomp players trying to get into PvP until they quit pvping.

Step 2: wonder why the PvP community is shrinking

Step 3: Blizzard help us!!! Nooo!!!

Everything you do is the antithesis of trying to grow it.


if i was head of pvp development, the game would look something like this:

cross-faction mixed queues, premade raids allowed to queue as a raid in epics only.

everyone has the same ilvl. the ilvl shifts over the course of a season, gaining roughly 1 ilvl per week.

everyone can buy a standard set of versa pvp gear from a pvp vendor for 250g total. this gear has templated stats. you can use conquest to make gear with custom stats. honor as a currency is removed and only conquest is left.

conquest is account wide, and you lose conquest by afking matches. too much negative balance prevents you from queueing in any pvp. at the end of the season you are paid in gold for your conquest balance, ~10g per 1.

epic maps would get overhauled and new epic maps would be added, including adding flying.

i would probably also overhaul pvp leveling to be something like the original korraks where low level players are scaled up and placed in the main bracket with level capped toons and need to learn to play with the spells they have at their level.


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Thank goodness you aren’t in charge… game would be dead overnight.


by that you mean learn to play with the handicap of not having all your abilities while everyone at max has their whole tree. Huh?

Would make flavor rerolling en mass even quicker and easier than it already is

Which means premades could just que with 40 and have 0 pugs and pugs at best would be stuck backfilling into more then likely the losing premades team if they even got to backfill at all.


There may be no addons, but circumventing a system set in place, by definition is exploiting. And I’ll shoot you a quote here from the patch 3.3.3 notes when this was introduced:

  • The Random Battleground option will only allow a group size of 5 players to queue together.

The oQueue kids just found a new way to avoid followin’ dem rules Blizzard has set in place. They’ll fix it eventually, and some bored basement dweller will find another way to stomp some pugs.


oh, they use addons don’t let them lie to you.

yep, i leveled one of every class in korraks except mage and shaman, and the experience was deeply impactful in how well i was able to learn and pick up other classes. knowing the pvp situation but being stuck with an incomplete toolkit forces you to get very creative with what you do have. this translates very well into pvp knowledge when you get back on your main.

yep, but that is the price to pay with a low barrier to entry.

if premades get popular enough they can support a rated league that would be the ideal outcome, but the entire pvp community would need to be grown first.

if you can tag group IDs, then you can set the system up to try to match raid vs raid, but you may end up having to do something like limiting group size to 30.

the afk penalties should also help to reduce backfilling.